
    Encodes a String in DER

Function Convert-StringToDER {

    param (


    process {

        # Length of hex fqdn, in hex
        $LengthOctets = Get-Asn1LengthOctets -strLen $($ContentOctets.Length)

        # Constructed, definite-length method
        # This method applies to simple string types, structured types, types derived simple
        # string types and structured types by implicit tagging, and types derived from
        # anything by explicit tagging. It requires that the length of the value be known in advance.
        # The parts of the BER encoding are as follows:

        # Identifier octets.
        # These identify the class and tag number of the ASN.1 value, and indicate whether the
        # method is primitive or constructed.

        # Length octets.
        # For the definite-length methods, these give the number of contents octets.

        # Contents octets.
        # For the primitive, definite-length method, these give a concrete representation of the value.

        # Assembling the node
        return "${IdentifierOctets}${LengthOctets}${ContentOctets}"

