
    Returns BASE64 Encoded DER Object for the AIA Extension

Function New-AiaExtension {

    param (

    process {

        $Output = ''
        # Building the Nodes
        ForEach ($Entry in $Url) {

            $AiaNode = ''

            # see
            # OIDs have special Encoding, but as it's always the same data in this case,
            # thus we wont write some fancy encoding routine for now

            # This is kind of a dirty Hack but Microsoft OCSP will always have this in the Url
            If ($Entry -match "/ocsp") {

                # On-line Certificate Status Protocol, OID, Code 06, Length 08
                $AiaNode += "06082B06010505073001"

            Else {

                # Certification Authority Issuer, OID, Code 06, Length 08
                $AiaNode += "06082B06010505073002"


            # uniformResourceIdentifier
            $AiaNode += Convert-StringToDER `
                -IdentifierOctets "86" `
                -ContentOctets $(Convert-StringtoHex -String $Entry)

            # Inner Sequence
            $AiaNode = Convert-StringToDER `
                -IdentifierOctets "30" `
                -ContentOctets $AiaNode

            $Output += $AiaNode


        # Outer Sequence
        $Output = Convert-StringToDER `
            -IdentifierOctets "30" `
            -ContentOctets $Output

        Convert-DERToBASE64 -String $Output
