
    Appends a Signature to a PKCS#10 Certificate Request
    .PARAMETER CertificateRequest
    Takes a BASE64 encoded PKCS#10 Certificate Request
    .PARAMETER SigningCert
    Takes a Signing Certificate in Form of an X509Certificate2 Object
    .PARAMETER RequesterName
    Optional Parameter to include a Requester Name in Form of DOMAIN\Username here
    This effectively makes it an Enroll on Behalf of (EOBO) Request
    BASE64-encoded PKCS#7 Certificate Request containing the signed PKCS#10 Certificate request

function New-SignedCertificateRequest {

    param (


        [ValidateScript({($_.HasPrivateKey) -and ($null -ne $_.PSParentPath)})]



    begin {
        # Signing a Certificate Request means wrapping the PKCS10 request inside a PKCS7 request
        $CertRequestPkcs10 = New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CX509CertificateRequestPkcs10'
        $CertRequestPkcs7 = New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CX509CertificateRequestPkcs7'

    process {

        # First we must load the given Certificate Request
        Try {
        Catch {
            Write-Error -Message $PSItem.Exception.Message
        # Build the PKCS#7 Message based on the PKCS#10 Certificate Request

        # Create a Signer Certificate Structure
        $SignerCertificate =  New-Object -ComObject 'X509Enrollment.CSignerCertificate'
            [int]($SigningCert.PSParentPath -match "Machine"),
            $X509PrivateKeyVerify.VerifyNone, # We did this already during Parameter Validation
        $CertRequestPkcs7.SignerCertificate = $SignerCertificate

        # Append the Requester Name in Form of DOMAIN\Username here
        If ($RequesterName) {
            $CertRequestPkcs7.RequesterName = $RequesterName
        # The request is encoded by using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) as defined by the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) standard.
        # The encoding process creates a byte array. You can retrieve the byte array by calling the RawData property.

        # Return the signed Certificate Signing Request
        "-----BEGIN PKCS #7 SIGNED DATA-----`n" + 
        $CertRequestPkcs7.RawData($RequestFlags.CR_OUT_BASE64) + 
        "-----END PKCS #7 SIGNED DATA-----"


    end {
