
    Allows for un-archiving a previously archived Certificate.
    .PARAMETER Thumbprint
    The SHA-1 Thumbprint of the Certificate to be unarchived.
    .PARAMETER CertStoreLocation
    The Certificate Store Location of the Certificate to be unarchived.

Function Undo-CertificateArchival {



    begin {}

    process {

        # Ensuring we work with Elevation when messing with the Computer Certificate Store
        If ($CertStoreLocation.Name -match "LocalMachine") {
            If (-not (
                [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
                ).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
                Write-Error -Message "This must be run with Elevation (Run as Administrator) when using the Machine Context!" 

        $CertificateStore = Get-Item -Path $CertStoreLocation.Name


        $CertificateStore.Certificates | Where-Object { ($_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumbprint) } | ForEach-Object -Process {

            Write-Verbose -Message "Unarchiving Certificate with Thumbprint $Thumbprint"

            Try {
                $_.Archived = $False
            Catch {
                Write-Error -Message $PSItem.Exception.Message




    end {}