
In order for PSChiaPlotter to provide the smoothest replotting experience, some restrictions had to be implemented.
    1. The KSize your are plotting must be the same as the KSize as the plot files you wish to replot
    2. You new plots' final destination directory cannot be the same as any of the folders that you are replotting
    3. The plot files you wish to replot must be on the same drive as the drive your final plots will end up
    4. The total plots you wish to plot cannot exceed the total plots you are able to replot
    5. All final volumes added must have their own replot directory
You should be able to stumble through the GUI to get replotting setup, but here it is explained further.
    1. You must have "Enable Replot" checkbox checked on the New Job Window
    2. Click a volume from the datagrid above, this will enable the rest of the replot window's controls
    3. Enter in the directory you want to replot and hit "Add"
    4. If it meets all requirements then the directory will be added to the volume
    5. You must do this for each final volume you have added (every final volume must have a replot directory)
    6. Click Confirm Changes
Additional Notes: The old plot file will be deleted when the plot that will replace it reaches 75% in phase 3 or beyond
of the plotting process.