
function Get-MerakiAccessPolicy {

    Short function to provide details for an access policy configured on a specific network ID. Only valid for MS networks.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide details for an access policy configured on a specific network ID. Only valid for MS networks.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiNetworks -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere
    Only valid for MS networks.
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "number": 1,
            "name": "My access policy",
            "accessType": "8021.x",
            "guestVlan": 3700,
            "radiusServers": [
                "ip": "",
                "port": 1337
                "ip": "",
                "port": 1337
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]

    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "accessPolicies" = "$NetworkID/accessPolicies"

        $accessPolicies = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.accessPolicies -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $accessPolicies ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $accessPoliciesProperties = @{
                    number        = $Settings.number
                    name          = $
                    accessType    = $Settings.accessType
                    guestVlan     = $Settings.guestVlan
                    radiusServers = $Settings.radiusServers
            catch {
                $accessPoliciesProperties = @{
                    number        = $Settings.number
                    name          = $
                    accessType    = $Settings.accessType
                    guestVlan     = $Settings.guestVlan
                    radiusServers = $Settings.radiusServers
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $accessPoliciesProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }


function Get-MerakiAdminList {
    Short function to list organizations admin users which will be needed to use with other commands within this module.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to output your Meraki Organisation ID which you will need in order to use with other commands within this module.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Export your companies ID, Name and SAML Url's
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey $key
    This example will enable you to Export your companies ID, Name and SAML Url's by piping in your Api Key
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    $CompanyID = "YourCompanyIDGoesHere"
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey $key -OrganisationID $CompanyID
    Export your company information (ID, Name and SAML Url's) by piping in your Api Key and specifying the Comapny ID
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    $orgID = "515085"
    $Admins = .\MerakiModule\Get-MerakiAdminList.ps1 -ApiKey $key -OrganisationID $orgID
    $Admins | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object -Property * | Format-List
    Export alpabetised Admin User List from your Meraki by piping in your Api Key, Organisation ID
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    $CompanyID = "YourCompanyIDGoesHere"
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey $key -OrganisationID $CompanyID |
    Format-List -Property *
    Export your company information (ID, Name and SAML Url's) by piping in your Api Key and specifying the Comapny ID
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "name": "Miles Meraki",
            "email": "",
            "id": "646829496481123357",
            "networks": [],
            "tags": [
                    "tag": "Sandbox",
                    "access": "full"
            "orgAccess": "read-only"
            "name": "adminstrator123",
            "email": "",
            "id": "646829496481136255",
            "networks": [],
            "tags": [],
            "orgAccess": "read-only"
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]

    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "admins" = "$OrganisationID/admins"

        $admins = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.admins -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $admins ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *

            try {
                $adminProperties = @{
                    name      = $
                    email     = $
                    id        = $
                    networks  = $Settings.networks
                    tags      = $Settings.tags
                    orgAccess = $Settings.orgAccess
            catch {
                $adminProperties = @{
                    name      = $
                    email     = $
                    id        = $
                    networks  = $Settings.networks
                    tags      = $Settings.tags
                    orgAccess = $Settings.orgAccess
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $adminProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiAirMarshall {

      Short function to provide details for an access policy configured on a specific network ID.
      In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
      Short function to provide details for an access policy configured on a specific network ID
      This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
      commands within the module.
      API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
      In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
      organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
      After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
      You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
      Get-MerakiNetworks -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere
      Accepts Api Key as piped input.
      Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
      The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
          "ssid": "linksys",
          "bssids": [
              "bssid": "00:11:22:33:44:55",
              "contained": false,
              "detectedBy": [
                  "device": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
                  "rssi": 17
          "channels": [
          "firstSeen": 1518365681,
          "lastSeen": 1526087474,
          "wiredMacs": [
          "wiredVlans": [
          "wiredLastSeen": 1526087474
      You can then select the items that you want to display.
      Author: Luke Leigh

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your time span in seconds (e.g. 3600). Must be a maximum of one month in seconds.")]
    BEGIN { }
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
        $Uri = @{
            "timespan" = "$NetworkID/airMarshal?timespan=$TimeSpan"
        $timespaned = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.timespan -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'
        foreach ( $item in $timespaned ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $timespanProperties = @{
                    ssid          = $Settings.ssid
                    bssids        = $Settings.bssids
                    channels      = $Settings.channels
                    firstSeen     = $Settings.firstSeen
                    lastSeen      = $Settings.lastSeen
                    wiredMacs     = $Settings.wiredMacs
                    wiredVlans    = $Settings.wiredVlans
                    wiredLastSeen = $Settings.wiredLastSeen
            catch {
                $timespanProperties = @{
                    ssid          = $Settings.ssid
                    bssids        = $Settings.bssids
                    channels      = $Settings.channels
                    firstSeen     = $Settings.firstSeen
                    lastSeen      = $Settings.lastSeen
                    wiredMacs     = $Settings.wiredMacs
                    wiredVlans    = $Settings.wiredVlans
                    wiredLastSeen = $Settings.wiredLastSeen
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $timespanProperties
                Write-Output $obj
    END { }

function Get-MerakiBluetooth {

    Short function to provide details for Bluetooth settings configured on the Meraki Devices.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide details for Bluetooth settings configured on the Meraki Devices.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiBluetooth -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere
    This command connects to the Meraki API and performs a Get
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "scanningEnabled": true,
        "advertisingEnabled": true,
        "uuid": "95bba6e5-c32d-446b-fake-aebd4c62888d",
        "majorMinorAssignmentMode": "Non-unique",
        "major": 0,
        "minor": 0
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "bluetoothSettings" = "$NetworkID/bluetoothSettings"

        $bluetoothSettings = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.bluetoothSettings -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $bluetoothSettings ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $bluetoothSettingsProperties = @{
                    scanningEnabled          = $Settings.scanningEnabled
                    advertisingEnabled       = $Settings.advertisingEnabled
                    uuid                     = $Settings.uuid
                    majorMinorAssignmentMode = $Settings.majorMinorAssignmentMode
                    major                    = $Settings.major
                    minor                    = $Settings.minor
                    type                     = $Settings.type
            catch {
                $bluetoothSettingsProperties = @{
                    scanningEnabled          = $Settings.scanningEnabled
                    advertisingEnabled       = $Settings.advertisingEnabled
                    uuid                     = $Settings.uuid
                    majorMinorAssignmentMode = $Settings.majorMinorAssignmentMode
                    major                    = $Settings.major
                    minor                    = $Settings.minor
                    type                     = $Settings.type
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $bluetoothSettingsProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiDeviceInventory {

    Short function to provide an inventory of all Meraki Devices.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide an inventory of all Meraki Devices.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "mac": "00:18:0a:4e:78:0c",
            "serial": "Q2JN-QP7J-VW8J",
            "networkId": "L_694117292568478178",
            "model": "MX100",
            "claimedAt": "1476691740.28085",
            "publicIp": ""
            "mac": "00:18:0a:6f:70:eb",
            "serial": "Q2GD-6M6C-QBMK",
            "networkId": "L_694117292568478178",
            "model": "MR18",
            "claimedAt": "1457009523.49881",
            "publicIp": ""
            "mac": "0c:8d:db:5e:34:42",
            "serial": "Q2QD-PDZR-X93A",
            "networkId": "L_694117292568478178",
            "model": "MR74",
            "claimedAt": "1496310866.85687",
            "publicIp": ""
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "inventory" = "$OrganisationID/inventory"

        $inventory = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.inventory -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $inventory ) {
            $Device = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $DeviceProperties = @{
                    mac       = $Device.mac
                    serial    = $Device.serial
                    networkId = $Device.networkId
                    model     = $Device.model
                    claimedAt = $Device.claimedAt
                    publicIp  = $Device.publicIp
            catch {
                $DeviceProperties = @{
                    mac       = $Device.mac
                    serial    = $Device.serial
                    networkId = $Device.networkId
                    model     = $Device.model
                    claimedAt = $Device.claimedAt
                    publicIp  = $Device.publicIp
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DeviceProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiDeviceStatus {

    Short function to list Device Status.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to list Device Status.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "name": null,
            "serial": "Q2QN-WVV9-W4KK",
            "mac": "e0:55:3d:17:c6:87",
            "publicIp": "",
            "networkId": "L_646829496481095933",
            "status": "offline",
            "usingCellularFailover": false,
            "wan1Ip": "",
            "wan2Ip": null
            "name": "S23",
            "serial": "Q2HP-AJ22-UG72",
            "mac": "88:15:44:df:76:d1",
            "publicIp": "",
            "networkId": "L_646829496481095933",
            "status": "offline",
            "lanIp": ""
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "deviceStatuses" = "$OrganisationID/deviceStatuses"

        $deviceStatuses = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.deviceStatuses -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $device in $deviceStatuses ) {
            $item = $device | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $DeviceProperties = @{
                    lanIp     = $item.lanIp
                    mac       = $item.mac
                    name      = $
                    networkId = $item.networkId
                    publicIp  = $item.publicIp
                    serial    = $item.serial
                    status    = $item.status
            catch {
                $DeviceProperties = @{
                    lanIp     = $item.lanIp
                    mac       = $item.mac
                    name      = $
                    networkId = $item.networkId
                    publicIp  = $item.publicIp
                    serial    = $item.serial
                    status    = $item.status
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DeviceProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiDeviceUplink {

    Short function to list Uplinks.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    The code for this function was supplied by Darrell Porter.
    Short function to list Device Status.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Network ID as piped input.
    Accepts Device Serial Number as piped input.
    (All inputs are mandatory).
    The output from the API is received as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "interface": "WAN 1",
            "status": "Active",
            "ip": "",
            "gateway": "",
            "publicIp": "",
            "dns": ",",
            "usingStaticIp": true
            "interface": "WAN 2",
            "status": "Ready",
            "ip": "",
            "gateway": "",
            "publicIp": "",
            "dns": ",",
            "usingStaticIp": true
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Darrell Porter (documentation Luke Leigh)


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter the device serial number.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "inventory" = "$netid/devices/$serialNo/uplink"

        $inventory = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.inventory -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $inventory ) {
            $Device = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $DeviceProperties = @{
                    networkID     = $NetID
                    serial        = $serialNo
                    interface     = $Device.interface
                    status        = $Device.status
                    ip            = $Device.ip
                    gateway       = $Device.gateway
                    publicIp      = $Device.publicIp
                    dns           = $Device.dns
                    usingStaticIP = $Device.usingStaticIP
            catch {
                $DeviceProperties = @{
                    networkID     = $NetID
                    serial        = $serialNo
                    interface     = $Device.interface
                    status        = $Device.status
                    ip            = $Device.ip
                    gateway       = $Device.gateway
                    publicIp      = $Device.publicIp
                    dns           = $Device.dns
                    usingStaticIP = $Device.usingStaticIP
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $DeviceProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiLicenceState {

    Short function to list organizations licences.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to list organizations licences.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "status": "OK",
        "expirationDate": "Feb 3, 2018 UTC",
        "licensedDeviceCounts": {
            "MS220-8P": 30,
            "MX65W": 2,
            "SM": 100,
            "wireless": 95,
            "MX64W": 2,
            "MX65": 6,
            "MC": 7,
            "Z1": 1,
            "MX64": 1,
            "MV": 4
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "endPoint"     = ''
            "licenseState" = "$OrganisationID/licenseState"

        $licenseStates = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.licenseState -Headers @{
            'OrganisationID'         = "$OrganizationId"
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $licenseState in $licenseStates ) {
            $Lic = $licenseState | Select-Object -Property *

            try {
                $LicProperties = @{
                    status               = $Lic.status
                    expirationDate       = $Lic.expirationDate
                    licensedDeviceCounts = $Lic.licensedDeviceCounts
            catch {
                $LicProperties = @{
                    status               = $Lic.status
                    expirationDate       = $Lic.expirationDate
                    licensedDeviceCounts = $Lic.licensedDeviceCounts
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $LicProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiNetwork {

    Short function to provide details for an individual network configured on the Meraki Devices.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide details for an individual network configured on the Meraki Devices.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiNetworks -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "id": "L_646829496481092083",
        "organizationId": "549236",
        "name": "Sandbox 3 - Kampala Uganda",
        "timeZone": "US/Mountain",
        "tags": " LearningLab Sandbox ",
        "type": "combined"
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "networks" = "$NetworkID"

        $networks = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.networks -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $networks ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $networksProperties = @{
                    disableMyMerakiCom = $Settings.disableMyMerakiCom
                    id                 = $
                    name               = $
                    organizationId     = $Settings.organizationId
                    tags               = $Settings.tags
                    timeZone           = $Settings.timeZone
                    type               = $Settings.type
            catch {
                $networksProperties = @{
                    disableMyMerakiCom = $Settings.disableMyMerakiCom
                    id                 = $
                    name               = $
                    organizationId     = $Settings.organizationId
                    tags               = $Settings.tags
                    timeZone           = $Settings.timeZone
                    type               = $Settings.type
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $networksProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiNetworkList {

    Short function to provide a list of networks configured on the Meraki Devices.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide a list of networks configured on the Meraki Devices.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiNetworks -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -OrganisationID OrgIDGoesHere
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "id": "L_646829496481092083",
            "organizationId": "549236",
            "name": "Sandbox 3 - Kampala Uganda",
            "timeZone": "US/Mountain",
            "tags": " LearningLab Sandbox ",
            "type": "combined"
            "id": "L_646829496481095584",
            "organizationId": "549236",
            "name": "Sandbox 1 - Galway Ireland",
            "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
            "tags": " Global Sandbox ",
            "type": "combined"
            "id": "L_646829496481095933",
            "organizationId": "549236",
            "name": "Sandbox 2 - Las Vegas USA",
            "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
            "tags": " Sandbox ",
            "type": "combined"
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "networks" = "$OrganisationID/networks"

        $networks = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.networks -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $networks ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $networksProperties = @{
                    id             = $
                    organizationId = $Settings.organizationId
                    name           = $
                    timeZone       = $Settings.timeZone
                    tags           = $Settings.tags
                    type           = $Settings.type
            catch {
                $networksProperties = @{
                    id             = $
                    organizationId = $Settings.organizationId
                    name           = $
                    timeZone       = $Settings.timeZone
                    tags           = $Settings.tags
                    type           = $Settings.type
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $networksProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiOrganisation {

    Short function to list organizations the user has access to which will be needed to use with other commands within this module.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to output your Meraki Organisation ID which you will need in order to use with other commands within this module.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Export your companies ID, Name and SAML Url's
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    Export your companies ID, Name and SAML Url's by piping in your Api Key
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey $key
    Export your company information (ID, Name and SAML Url's) by piping in your Api Key and specifying the Comapny ID
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    $CompanyID = "YourCompanyIDGoesHere"
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey $key -OrganisationID $CompanyID
    Export selected items from your Meraki by piping in your Api Key
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey $key |
    Format-List -Property Name,ID
    Export your company information (ID, Name and SAML Url's) by piping in your Api Key and specifying the Comapny ID
    $key = "YourApiKeyGoesHere"
    $CompanyID = "YourCompanyIDGoesHere"
    Get-MerakiOrganisation.ps1 -ApiKey $key -OrganisationID $CompanyID |
    Format-List -Property *
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "id": 549236,
        "name": "Meraki Live Sandbox",
        "samlConsumerUrl": "",
        "samlConsumerUrls": [""]
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]

    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "organisation" = ''

        $Organisations = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.organisation -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $Organisation in $Organisations ) {
            $Org = $Organisation | Select-Object -Property *

            try {
                $OrgProperties = @{
                    ID       = $
                    Name     = $
                    SAMLUrl  = $Org.samlConsumerUrl
                    SAMLUrls = $Org.samlConsumerUrls
            catch {
                $OrgProperties = @{
                    ID       = $
                    Name     = $
                    SAMLUrl  = $Org.samlConsumerUrl
                    SAMLUrls = $Org.samlConsumerUrls
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $OrgProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiSitetoSite {

    Short function to provide details for site to site Vpn's configured on the Meraki Devices.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide details for site to site Vpn's configured on the Meraki Devices.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiSitetoSite -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "mode": "spoke",
        "hubs": [
                "hubId": "N_4901849",
                "useDefaultRoute": true
                "hubId": "N_1892489",
                "useDefaultRoute": false
        "subnets": [
                "localSubnet": "",
                "useVpn": true
                "localSubnet": "",
                "useVpn": true
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "siteToSiteVpn" = "$NetworkID/siteToSiteVpn"

        $siteToSiteVpn = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.siteToSiteVpn -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $siteToSiteVpn ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $siteToSiteVpnProperties = @{
                    mode    = $Settings.mode
                    hubs    = $Settings.hubs
                    subnets = $Settings.subnets
            catch {
                $siteToSiteVpnProperties = @{
                    mode    = $Settings.mode
                    hubs    = $Settings.hubs
                    subnets = $Settings.subnets
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $siteToSiteVpnProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiSNMP {

    Short function to provide SNMP Details.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide SNMP Details.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "v2cEnabled": true,
        "v3Enabled": false,
        "v3AuthMode": null,
        "v3PrivMode": null,
        "peerIps": null,
        "v2CommunityString": "o/-t35Mb",
        "hostname": "",
        "port": 16100
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "snmp" = "$OrganisationID/snmp"

        $SNMP = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.snmp -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $SNMP ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $SNMPProperties = @{
                    v2cEnabled = $Settings.v2cEnabled
                    v3Enabled  = $Settings.v3Enabled
                    v3AuthMode = $Settings.v3AuthMode
                    v3PrivMode = $Settings.v3PrivMode
                    peerIps    = $Settings.peerIps
                    hostname   = $Settings.hostname
                    port       = $Settings.port
            catch {
                $SNMPProperties = @{
                    v2cEnabled = $Settings.v2cEnabled
                    v3Enabled  = $Settings.v3Enabled
                    v3AuthMode = $Settings.v3AuthMode
                    v3PrivMode = $Settings.v3PrivMode
                    peerIps    = $Settings.peerIps
                    hostname   = $Settings.hostname
                    port       = $Settings.port
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $SNMPProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiTraffic {

    Short function to provide details for site to site Vpn's configured on the Meraki Devices.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide details for site to site Vpn's configured on the Meraki Devices.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiSitetoSite -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "application": "Miscellaneous web",
            "destination": "",
            "protocol": "TCP",
            "port": 80,
            "recv": 375,
            "sent": 12,
            "flows": 2,
            "activeTime": 60,
            "numClients": 1
            "application": "Miscellaneous web",
            "destination": "",
            "protocol": "TCP",
            "port": 80,
            "recv": 4218,
            "sent": 144,
            "flows": 9,
            "activeTime": 240,
            "numClients": 1
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your TimeSpan (duration in seconds between two hours and one month).")]

    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "traffic" = "$NetworkID/traffic?timespan=$TimeSpan"

        $traffic = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.traffic -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $traffic ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $trafficProperties = @{
                    application = $Settings.application
                    destination = $Settings.destination
                    protocol    = $Settings.protocol
                    port        = $Settings.port
                    sent        = $Settings.sent
                    recv        = $Settings.recv
                    numClients  = $Settings.numClients
                    activeTime  = $Settings.activeTime
                    flows       = $Settings.flows
            catch {
                $trafficProperties = @{
                    application = $Settings.application
                    destination = $Settings.destination
                    protocol    = $Settings.protocol
                    port        = $Settings.port
                    sent        = $Settings.sent
                    recv        = $Settings.recv
                    numClients  = $Settings.numClients
                    activeTime  = $Settings.activeTime
                    flows       = $Settings.flows
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $trafficProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiVLAN {

    Short function to provide details for VLANs configured on a specific network ID.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide details for VLANs configured on a specific network ID.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiNetworks -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere -vlanID VlanIDGoesHere
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "id": "1234",
        "networkId": "N_24329156",
        "name": "My VLAN",
        "applianceIp": "",
        "subnet": "",
        "fixedIpAssignments": "{}",
        "reservedIpRanges": "",
        "dnsNameservers": "google_dns"
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your VLAN ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "vlans" = "$NetworkID/vlans/$vlanID"

        $vlans = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.vlans -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $vlans ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $vlansProperties = @{
                    id                 = $
                    networkId          = $Settings.networkId
                    name               = $
                    applianceIp        = $Settings.applianceIp
                    subnet             = $Settings.subnet
                    fixedIpAssignments = $Settings.fixedIpAssignments
                    reservedIpRanges   = $Settings.reservedIpRanges
                    dnsNameservers     = $Settings.dnsNameservers
            catch {
                $vlansProperties = @{
                    id                 = $
                    networkId          = $Settings.networkId
                    name               = $
                    applianceIp        = $Settings.applianceIp
                    subnet             = $Settings.subnet
                    fixedIpAssignments = $Settings.fixedIpAssignments
                    reservedIpRanges   = $Settings.reservedIpRanges
                    dnsNameservers     = $Settings.dnsNameservers
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $vlansProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiVLANList {

    Short function to provide details for VLANs configured on a specific network ID.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide details for VLANs configured on a specific network ID.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Get-MerakiNetworks -ApiKey APIKeyGoesHere -NetworkID NetIDGoesHere
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
        "id": "10",
        "networkId": "N_1234",
        "name": "VOIP",
        "applianceIp": "",
        "subnet": ""
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Network ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "vlans" = "$NetworkID/vlans"

        $vlans = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.vlans -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $vlans ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $vlansProperties = @{
                    id          = $
                    networkId   = $Settings.networkId
                    name        = $
                    applianceIp = $Settings.applianceIp
                    subnet      = $Settings.subnet
            catch {
                $vlansProperties = @{
                    id          = $
                    networkId   = $Settings.networkId
                    name        = $
                    applianceIp = $Settings.applianceIp
                    subnet      = $Settings.subnet
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $vlansProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

function Get-MerakiVPNPeers {

    Short function to provide third Party VPN Peer Details.
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard.
    Short function to provide third Party VPN Peer Details.
    This function queries the Cisco Meraki API service and will be needed for use with additional
    commands within the module.
    API Access is free but Rate Controlled and is limited to 5 calls per second (per organisation).
    In order to use this Module you will need an API Key from your Dashboard. For access to the API, first enable the API for your
    organisation under Organiation > Settings > Dashboard API access.
    After enabling the API, go to the my profile page to generate an API key. The API key is associated with a Dashboard administrator account.
    You can generate, revoke, and regenerate your API key on your profile.
    Accepts Api Key as piped input.
    Accepts Organisation ID as piped input.
    The output from the API is sent as JSON and captured in a custom object.
            "name":"Your peer",
    You can then select the items that you want to display.
    Author: Luke Leigh


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your API Key.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipeline = $True,
            HelpMessage = "Enter your Organisation ID.")]


    BEGIN { }

        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        $Uri = @{
            "thirdPartyVPNPeers" = "$OrganisationID/thirdPartyVPNPeers"

        $thirdPartyVPNPeers = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $Uri.thirdPartyVPNPeers -Headers @{
            'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key' = "$ApiKey"
            'Content-Type'           = 'application/json'

        foreach ( $item in $thirdPartyVPNPeers ) {
            $Settings = $item | Select-Object -Property *
            try {
                $thirdPartyVPNPeersProperties = @{
                    name           = $
                    publicIp       = $Settings.publicIp
                    privateSubnets = $Settings.privateSubnets
                    secret         = $Settings.secret
            catch {
                $thirdPartyVPNPeersProperties = @{
                    name           = $
                    publicIp       = $Settings.publicIp
                    privateSubnets = $Settings.privateSubnets
                    secret         = $Settings.secret
            finally {
                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $thirdPartyVPNPeersProperties
                Write-Output $obj

    END { }

Export-ModuleMember -Function '*' -Alias '*' -Cmdlet '*'