
Function Get-CUClassMethod {
        This function returns all existing constructors of a specific powershell class.
        This function returns all existing constructors of a specific powershell class. You can pipe the result of get-cuclass. Or you can specify a file to get all the constructors present in this specified file.
    .PARAMETER ClassName
        Specify the name of the class.
    .PARAMETER MethodName
        Specify the name of a specific Method
        The path of a file containing PowerShell Classes. Accept values from the pipeline.
        The raw switch will display the raw content of the Class.
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        An object, or array of object of type CuClass
        PS C:\> Get-CUClassMethod
        Return all the methods of the classes loaded in the current PSSession.
        PS C:\> Get-CUClassMethod -ClassName woop
        ClassName Name Parameter
        --------- ---- ---------
        woop woop
        woop woop {String, Number}
        Return methods for the woop Class.
        PS C:\> Get-CUClassMethod -Path .\Woop.psm1
        ClassName Name Parameter
        --------- ---- ---------
        woop woop
        woop woop {String, Number}
        Return methods for the woop Class present in the woop.psm1 file.
        PS C:\PSClassUtils> Gci -recurse | Get-CUClassMethod -ClassName CuClass
        ClassName Name Parameter
        --------- ---- ---------
        CUClass CUClass {RawAST}
        CUClass CUClass {Name, Property, Constructor, Method}
        CUClass CUClass {Name, Property, Constructor, Method...}
        Return methods for the CUclass Class present somewhere in the c:\psclassutils folder.
        Author: Stéphane van Gulick
        Version: 0.7.1
        Report bugs or submit feature requests here:

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ValueFromPipeline=$False)]




    BEGIN {}


        Switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {

            ## CUClass as input
            Set1 {

                $ClassParams = @{}
                ## ClassName was specified
                If ( $null -ne $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
                    $ClassParams.ClassName = $PSBoundParameters['ClassName']

                Foreach ( $Class in $InputObject ) {
                    If ( $ClassParams.ClassName ) {
                        If ( $Class.Name -eq $ClassParams.ClassName ) {
                            If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                                ($Class.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName).Raw
                            } Else {
                                $Class.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName
                    } Else {
                        If ( $null -ne $Class.Method ) {
                            If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                                ($Class.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName).Raw
                            } Else {
                                $Class.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName

            ## as Input
            Set2 {

                $ClassParams = @{}
                If ( $null -ne $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
                    $ClassParams.ClassName = $PSBoundParameters['ClassName']

                Foreach ( $P in $Path ) {
                    If ( $P.extension -in ".ps1",".psm1" ) {

                        If ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
                            $ClassParams.Path = $P.FullName
                        } Else {
                            $ClassParams.Path = (Get-Item (Resolve-Path $P).Path).FullName
                        $x=Get-CuClass @ClassParams
                        If ( $null -ne $x.Method ) {
                            If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                                ($x.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName).Raw
                            } Else {
                                $x.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName

            ## or Path Not Specified
            Default {
                $ClassParams = @{}

                If ( $null -ne $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
                    $ClassParams.ClassName = $PSBoundParameters['ClassName']
                Foreach( $x in (Get-CuClass @ClassParams) ){
                    If ( $x.Method.count -ne 0 ) {
                        If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                            ($x.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName).Raw
                        } Else {
                            $x.GetCUClassMethod() | Where-Object Name -like $MethodName


    END {}
