
Function Out-CUPSGraph {
        Generates the graph output. It requires input from Get-CUAST (input of type ASTDOcument)
        This function is based on psgraph, which wih is a module to generate diagrams using GraphViz. If psgraph is not present, it will throw.
        Pipeline input from a ASTDocument Object
        Output (if any)
    .PARAMETER InputObject
    This parameter expects an array of ASTDocument. (Can be generated using Get-CUAST).
    .PARAMETER IgnoreCase
    If there is a difference in the casesensitivity of the a parent class, and it's child class, drawing the inheritence might not work as expected.
    Forcing the case sensitivy to be everywhere the same when creating the objects in PSGraph resolves this issue (See issue here -> )
    Using -IgnoreCase will force all class names to be set to 'TitleCase', reglardless of the case sensitivity they had before.
        version: 1.1

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]


    begin {
        Write-Verbose "Out-CUPSGraph -> BEGIN BLOCK..."
        $AllGraphs = @()
        if(!(Get-Module -Name PSGraph)){
            #Module is not loaded
            if(!(get-module -listavailable -name psgraph )){
                #Module is not present
                throw "The module PSGraph is a prerequisite for this function to work. Please Install PSGraph first (You can use Install-CUDiagramPrerequisites to install them.)"
                Import-Module psgraph -Force
    process {
        Write-Verbose "Out-CUPSGraph -> PROCESS BLOCK..."
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AllClasses = @()
        #$Graph = Graph -Attributes @{splines='ortho'} -ScriptBlock {
        $Graph = Graph -ScriptBlock {
            foreach($obj in $inputObject){
                $CurrName = split-Path -leaf $obj.Name
                subgraph -Attributes @{label=($CurrName)} -ScriptBlock {
                        Foreach( $Class in $obj.Group ) {

                                $RecordName = ConvertTo-TitleCase -String $Class.Name

                                $RecordName = $Class.Name
                            #Adding className for futur use to identify composition

                            $null = $AllClasses.Add($RecordName) # It needs to set to null to avoid to have 'numbers' as random points in the graph
                            $Constructors = $Class.Constructor
                            $Methods = $Class.Method
                            $Properties = $Class.Property
                            Record -Name $RecordName {
                                If ($Properties) {
                                    Foreach ($pro in $Properties) {
                                        if ($pro.Visibility -eq "Hidden") {
                                            $visibility = "-"
                                        } Else {
                                            $visibility = "+"
                                        $n = "$($visibility) [$($pro.Type)] `$$($pro.Name)"
                                        if ($n) {
                                            write-verbose "[Property][Row]Label:$($n) - Name: Row_$($pro.Name)"
                                            Row -label "$($n)"  -Name "Row_$($pro.Name)"
                                        else {
                                Row "-----Constructors-----"  -Name "Row_Separator_Constructors"
                                If ( $Constructors ) {
                                    foreach ($con in $Constructors) {
                                        $RowName = "$($con.Name)"
                                        If ( $con.Parameter ) {
                                            foreach ($c in $con.Parameter) {
                                                $Parstr = $Parstr + $C.Type + '$' + $c.Name + ","
                                            $Parstr = $Parstr.trim(",")
                                        If ($Parstr) {
                                            $RowName = $RowName + "(" + $Parstr + ")"
                                        } Else {
                                            $RowName = $RowName + "()"
                                        Row $RowName -Name "Row_$($con.Name)"
                                } Else {
                                #Methods Raw
                                Row "-----Methods-----"  -Name "Row_Separator_Methods"
                                If ( $Methods ) {
                                    #Write-Host $Methods.Count
                                    Foreach ($mem in $Methods) {
                                        $visibility = "+"
                                        $Parstr = ""
                                        If ( $mem.Parameter ) {
                                            ForEach ( $p in $mem.Parameter ) {
                                                $Parstr = $Parstr +  $p.Type + '$' + $p.Name + ","
                                            $Parstr = $Parstr.trim(",")
                                        $RowName = "$($mem.Name)"
                                        If ( $Parstr ) {
                                            $RowName = $RowName + "(" + $Parstr + ")"
                                        } Else {
                                            $RowName = $RowName + "()"
                                        If ( $mem.IsHidden ) {
                                            $visibility = "-"
                                        $RowName = $visibility + $RowName
                                        #write-host $i + ' - ' + $RowName
                                        Row $RowName -Name "Row_$($mem.Name)"

                            }#End Record
                        }#end foreach Class
                    }#End SubGraph
                ## InHeritance
                Foreach ($class in ($Obj.Group | where-Object IsInherited)){
                        $Parent = ConvertTo-TitleCase -String $Class.ParentClassName
                        $Child = ConvertTo-TitleCase -String $Class.Name

                        $Parent = $Class.ParentClassName
                        $Child = $Class.Name
                    edge -From $Parent -To $Child -Attributes @{arrowhead="empty"}


                    Write-Verbose "Out-CUPSGraph -> ShowCoposition"
                    #foreach class.Property.Type if in list of customClasses, then it is composition
                    ## replace brackets when property type is an array of type
                    Foreach($ClassProperty in ${
                        #if( $AllClasses -contains $ClassProperty.type ){
                        if( $AllClasses -contains ($ClassProperty.type -replace '\[\]','') ){    
                            write-verbose "Out-CUPSGraph -> Composition relationship found:"
                            Write-Verbose "Out-CUPSGraph -> Composition: $($ClassProperty.Name):Row_$($ClassProperty.Name) to $($ClassProperty.Type)"
                            edge -From ($ClassProperty.type -replace '\[\]','') -To "$($ClassProperty.className):Row_$($ClassProperty.Name -replace '\[\]','')" -Attributes @{arrowhead='diamond'}

        $AlLGraphs += $Graph
    end {
        Write-Verbose "Out-CUPSGraph -> END BLOCK..."
        Write-Verbose "Out-CUPSGraph -> END BLOCK: return graphs..."
        Return $AlLGraphs