
function Get-CUClass {
        This function returns all classes, loaded in memory or present in a ps1 or psm1 file.
        By default, the function will return all loaded classes in the current PSSession.
        You can specify a file path to explore the classes present in a ps1 or psm1 file.
    .PARAMETER ClassName
        Specify the name of the class.
        The path of a file containing PowerShell Classes. Accept values from the pipeline.
        The raw switch will display the raw content of the Class.
        PS C:\> Get-CUClass
        Return all classes alreay loaded in current PSSession.
        PS C:\> Get-CUClass -ClassName CUClass
        Return the particuluar CUCLass.
        PS C:\> Get-CUClass -Path .\test.psm1,.\test2.psm1
        Return all classes present in the test.psm1 and test2.psm1 file.
        PS C:\> Get-CUClass -Path .\test.psm1 -ClassName test
        Return test class present in the test.psm1 file.
        PS C:\PSClassUtils> Get-ChildItem -recurse | Get-CUClass
        Return all classes, recursively, present in the C:\PSClassUtils Folder.
        Accepts type [System.IO.FileInfo]
        Return type [CuClass]
        Author: Tobias Weltner
        Version: ??
        Source -->
        Participate & contribute -->

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipeline = $False)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
        [Switch]$Raw = $False

    BEGIN {

        If ( ($Null -eq $PSBoundParameters['Path']) -And ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core' ) ) {
            Throw 'This feature is not supported on PSCore, due to missing DotNet libraries. Please use -Path instead...'

        $ClassParams = @{}

        If ( $Null -ne $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
            $ClassParams.ClassName = $PSBoundParameters['ClassName']

        If ( $Null -ne $PSBoundParameters['Path'] ) {

            Foreach ( $Path in $PSBoundParameters['Path'] ) {

                If ( $Path.Extension -in '.ps1', '.psm1') {
                    If ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
                        $ClassParams.Path = $Path.FullName
                    } Else {
                        $ClassParams.Path = (Get-Item (Resolve-Path $Path).Path).FullName
                    $Ast = Get-CUAst -Path $ClassParams.Path
                    Foreach ( $x in $Ast ) {
                        If ( $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
                            If ( $ -eq $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
                                If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                                } Else {
                        } Else {
                            If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                            } Else {


        } Else {
            Foreach ( $x in (Get-CULoadedClass @ClassParams ) ) {

                If ( $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
                    If ( $ -eq $PSBoundParameters['ClassName'] ) {
                        If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                        } Else {
                } Else {
                    If ( $PSBoundParameters['Raw'] ) {
                    } Else {

    END {}  