
# . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Common.psm1"
# . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Bricks.ps1"
# . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Falling.ps1"
# . "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Flipping.ps1"

$players = @{
    Falling  = [Falling]
    Flipping = [Flipping]
    Bricks   = [Bricks]

Function Clear-HostRaindrop {
        Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation.
        Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation.
        Type of Animation to use; If not set, the animation type will be randomly selected.
        Possible Modes are `Falling`, `Flipping`, or `Bricks`.
    .PARAMETER Speed
        The playback speed of the raindrop animation.
    .PARAMETER Framerate
        The framerate of the raindrop animation.
    .PARAMETER DebugSkipRender
        Skips rendering the animation to the host.
        Clear-HostRaindrop -Mode 'Flipping' -Speed 0.5

        Clears the host and displays a Flipping raindrop animation with a playback speed of 0.5x.

        Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation.
        Clear-HostRaindrop -Speed 1.5 -Framerate 60

        Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation with a speed of 1.5 and a framerate of 60.
        Clear-HostRaindrop -DebugSkipRender

        Clears the host and displays a raindrop animation, but skips rendering the animation to the host.

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Falling', 'Flipping', 'Bricks')]
        [String]$Mode = ($players.Keys | Get-Random),

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [ValidateRange(0.1, 10)]
        [Double]$Speed = 1.0,


    Begin {
        # $dt = 1.0 / $Framerate
        $vsyncTimer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch
        $dtTimer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch


    Process {

        if ($null -eq $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize) {
            # RawUI is not available (e.g. Windows PowerShell ISE).
            throw 'RawUI is not available (e.g. Windows PowerShell ISE).'

        if ($DebugSkipRender) {

        Play $players[$Mode] $Speed

        # $windowSize = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize
        # $windowPosition = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowPosition
        # $windowWidth = $windowSize.Width
        # $windowHeight = $windowSize.Height


    End {

        [Console]::CursorVisible = $prevCursorVisible


New-Alias -Name clear -Value Clear-HostRaindrop -Option AllScope -Force
New-Alias -Name cls -Value Clear-HostRaindrop -Option AllScope -Force

# $player = $playerClass::New($windowRect, $speed)
# $player.Init()
# $vsyncTimer.Start()
# $dtTimer.Start()
# while (-not $player.IsDone())
# {
# $dtTimer.Stop()
# $dt = $dtTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
# $dtTimer.Reset()