
function New-StackOperationArguments
        Create an argument hash of parameters needed by New-CFNStack and Update-CFNStack

    .PARAMETER StackName
        Name of stack to create/update

    .PARAMETER TemplateLocation
        May be one of
        - Local file. File is read and used to build a -TemplateBody argument
        - S3 URI (which is converted to HTTPS URI for the current region) and builds -TemplateURL argument
          Note that this only works if a default region is set in the shell and
          you don't try to point to a different region with -Region
        - https URL. URL is used as-is to build -TemplateURL argument

    .PARAMETER Capabilities
        IAM Capability for -Capability argument

    .PARAMETER StackParameters
        Array of template parameters for -Parameter argument

        [hashtable] Argument hash to splat New-CFNStack/Update-CFNStack

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    $stackArgs = @{

        'StackName' = $StackName

    $template = $(
        if ($TemplateLocation)    
            New-TemplateResolver -TemplateLocation $TemplateLocation
            New-TemplateResolver -StackName $StackName
    if ($template.Type -ieq 'File')
        $stackArgs.Add('TemplateBody', $template.ReadTemplate())
    elseif ($template.Type -ieq 'UsePreviousTemplate')
        $stackArgs.Add('UsePreviousTemplate', $true)
        $stackArgs.Add('TemplateURL', $template.Url)

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Capabilities))
        $stackArgs.Add('Capabilities', @($Capabilities))

    if (($stackParameters | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)
        $stackArgs.Add('Parameter', $stackParameters)
