
function Set-CPCUserSettingsPolicyAssignment {
    Assign a Cloud PC User Settings Policy to a group
    Assign a Cloud PC User Settings Policy to a group
    Name of the Cloud PC User Settings Policy
    .PARAMETER GroupName
    Name of the group to assign the policy to
    Set-CPCUserSettingsPolicyAssignment -Name "MyUserSettingsPolicy" -GroupName "MyGroup"
    Set-CPCUserSettingsPolicyAssignment -Name "MyUserSettingsPolicy" -GroupName "MyGroup" -Force (Removes existing assignments)

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')]
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
        [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$GroupName,
        [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$Force
        # TODO: Add SupportsShouldProcess

    begin {

        Get-AzureADGroupID -GroupName $GroupName

        If ($null -eq $script:GroupID) {
            Throw "No group found with name $GroupName"

        $Policy = Get-CPCUserSettingsPolicy -name $Name

        If ($null -eq $Policy) {
            Throw "No User Settings Policy found with name $Name"

        $url = "$script:MSGraphVersion/deviceManagement/virtualEndpoint/userSettings/$($"

        Write-Verbose "Assignment url: $($url)"


    Process {

        If ($Force) {
            Write-Verbose "Force parameter is set. Not adding existing assignments to body, using GroupID $($script:GroupID)"
            $GroupID = $script:GroupID
        Else {

            Write-Verbose "Force parameter is not set. Adding existing, if present, assignments to body"

            $assignmenturl = "$script:MSGraphVersion/deviceManagement/virtualEndpoint/userSettings/$($`$expand=assignments"
            Write-Verbose "Current Assignments url: $($assignmenturl)"

            $assignments = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $assignmenturl -Headers $script:Authheader -Method GET

            $currentassignments = $

            Write-verbose "Current Assignments: $($currentassignments)"

            If ($null -eq $currentassignments) {
                Write-Verbose "No assignments found"
                $GroupID = $script:GroupID
                Write-Verbose "GroupID Value: $($GroupID)"

            Else {
                Write-Verbose "Assignments found"
                $GroupID = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
                $currentassignments | ForEach-Object {
                Write-Verbose "GroupID Value: $($GroupID)"



        # Initialize the $params variable
        $params = @{
            Assignments = @()

        # Iterate over the group IDs and add an element to the Assignments array for each group ID
        $GroupID | ForEach-Object {
            $params.Assignments += @{
                Target = @{
                    GroupId = $_  

        $body = $params | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100

        try {
            Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $script:Authheader -Uri $url -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $body
        catch {
            Throw $_.Exception.Message