
. "$PSScriptRoot\_functionReference.ps1";

    Starts scanning the Azure context of specified credentials based on user parameters. If any parameters are not specified the module will default to processing everthing.
    Scans Azure service like Key Vault, Active Directory, App Services and Virtual Machines for keys, secrets and certificates and outputs it's associated expiry dates.
    Actual values of these items are not scanned.
.PARAMETER tenants
    Specifies an array of tenant ID Guids to scan. If tenants are specified, only the specified tenants will be processed.
    If parameter is not specified all tenants available to the provided credentials will be processed
.PARAMETER subscriptions
    Specifies an array of either subscription names or subscription ID Guids to scan. If subscriptions are specified, only the specified subscriptions are scanned if they are available in the specified tenants.
    If parameter is not specified all subscriptions available within a scanned tenant will be processed
.PARAMETER sections
    Specifies and array of the sections of Azure to scan. If sections are specified, only the specified sections will be scanned.
    If no sections are specified all sections will be processed by default. Please call function 'Get-ValidSection' to see a list of valid sections
.PARAMETER outputs
    Specified the output types for all the scanned data, if output types are specified, only the specified output types will be used. Otherwise it will default to CSV files.
    To see a list of suuported output types use function 'Get-ValidOutput'
.PARAMETER outputDirectory
    Directory for all output files. If this parameter is not set, data will be saved in the current user's 'Documents' folder. Ensure the Powershell environment in use has write permissions to specified directory.
    Can be used in a non-interactive environment and if specified, will not require user to confirm any actions. All warnings will simply be suppressed and the module will continue running.
    Run everything
    Scan 2 specific subscriptions inside a single tenant. Then output the results as excel sheets
    Start-CloudScan -tenants 1556b4b4-fg06-4r7e-865t-125133421e6e -subscriptions 4g6bfas4-3832-41ae-8f91-dg761027ff64, 9e4rfca4-1265-43gj-8m81-fd832023330p -outputs excel
    Output scanned data to the "AzureData" directory in D drive, scan only Active directory and Key Vault and make the script non interactive.
    Start-CloudScan -outputPath "D:\AzureData" -sections ad,kv -force
    Run script in Administrator mode.

function Start-CloudScan {
        [string[]] $tenants,
        [string[]] $subscriptions,
        [string[]] $sections,
        [string[]] $outputs,
        [string] $outputDirectory,
        [switch] $force

    Write-Host "**************************************"
    Write-Host "Azure Cloud Scanner v1.0"
    Write-Host " [,,[, "
    Write-Host "\\ [,' ]/ "
    Write-Host " \\ ,' ,--. ], \"
    Write-Host " \|{D, { \ ] / \"
    Write-Host " I,,' / / /||\\"
    Write-Host " ~]]; / ,] ,-//. ,---. /"
    Write-Host " \;' / ,' / _ \ / _ \ /'/"
    Write-Host " \ `' / \ `' / \ `/' /"
    Write-Host " `._-,' `._-,' `._-,'"
    Write-Host "**************************************"

    #pre-scan setup

    #clear errors
    #user login
        $accountDetails = Add-AzureRmAccount -ErrorAction Stop;
        $loggedInUser = $accountDetails.Context.Account.Id;
        Write-Host "Logged in as: $loggedInUser" -ForegroundColor magenta
        Out-Error $Global:Error[0];
        Write-Host "Failed to authenticate. Exiting application..." -ForegroundColor magenta

    #start scan

function Get-ValidSection {
    $validSections = [PSCustomObject]@{"Active Directory" = "ad"; 
                                        "Key Vault" = "kv"; 
                                        "App Services" = "as"}
    return $validSections;

function Get-ValidOutput{
    $validOutputs =  [PSCustomObject]@{"MS Excel Files" = "excel";
                                        "CSV Files" = "csv"}
    return $validOutputs;