
Function New-FailedTestsInfo {
    Creates one or more custom objects of the type : 'PSCodeHealth.Overall.FailedTestsInfo'.
    Creates one or more custom objects of the type : 'PSCodeHealth.Overall.FailedTestsInfo'.
    This outputs an object containing key information about each failed test. This information is used in the overall health report.
.PARAMETER TestsResult
    To specify the Pester tests result object.
    PS C:\> New-FailedTestsInfo -TestsResult $TestsResult
    Returns a new custom object of the type 'PSCodeHealth.Overall.FailedTestsInfo' for each failed test in the input $TestsResult.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory)]
    $FailedTests = $TestsResult.TestResult.Where({ -not $_.Passed })

    Foreach ( $FailedTest in $FailedTests ) {

        $SplitStackTrace = $FailedTest.StackTrace -split ':\s'
        $File = ($SplitStackTrace[0] -split '\\')[-1]
        $Line = ((($SplitStackTrace[1] -split '\n') | Where-Object { $_ -match 'line' }) -split '\s')[-1]

        $ObjectProperties = [ordered]@{
            'File'         = $File
            'Line'         = $Line
            'Describe'     = $FailedTest.Describe
            'TestName'     = $FailedTest.Name
            'ErrorMessage' = $FailedTest.FailureMessage

        $CustomObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ObjectProperties
        $CustomObject.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'PSCodeHealth.Overall.FailedTestsInfo')