
function New-CommanderToolbarIcon {
    Creates a notification tray toolbar icon.
    Creates a notification tray toolbar icon.
    Text to display when the icon is hovered.
    .PARAMETER MenuItem
    Menu items to display when the icon is right clicked.
    .PARAMETER LoadMenuItems
    A script block to call to dynamically load menu items.
    .PARAMETER HideExit
    Hides the exit menu item.
    .PARAMETER HideConfig
    Hides the config menu item.
    Path to an icon file to display in the toolbar.
    New-CommanderToolbarIcon -MenuItem @(
        New-CommanderMenuItem -Text 'Notepad' -Action {
            Start-Process notepad
        } -MenuItem @(
            New-CommanderMenuItem -Text 'Subnotepad' -Action {
                Start-Process notepad
        ) -LoadMenuItems {
            New-CommanderMenuItem -Text 'Dynamic SubNotepad' -Action {
                Start-Process notepad
    ) -LoadMenuItems {
        New-CommanderMenuItem -Text 'Dynamic Notepad' -Action {
            Start-Process notepad
    Creates a tool bar icon with several menu items.


    Process {
        $ToolbarIcon = [pscommander.ToolbarIcon]::new()
        $ToolbarIcon.Text = $Text 
        $ToolbarIcon.MenuItems = $MenuItem
        $ToolbarIcon.LoadItems = $LoadMenuItems
        $ToolbarIcon.HideExit = $HideExit
        $ToolbarIcon.HideConfig = $HideConfig
        $ToolbarIcon.Icon = $Icon

function New-CommanderMenuItem {
    Creates a new menu item to use within a toolbar notification icon.
    Creates a new menu item to use within a toolbar notification icon.
    The text to display for this menu item.
    .PARAMETER Action
    A script block to invoke when the menu item is clicked.
    .PARAMETER MenuItem
    Child menu items to display.
    .PARAMETER LoadMenuItems
    Child menu items to load dynamically.
    .PARAMETER ArgumentList
    Arguments passed to the action.

        [object[]]$ArgumentList = @()

    Process {
        $mi = [pscommander.MenuItem]::new()
        $mi.Text = $Text 
        $mi.Action = $Action
        $mi.Children = $MenuItem
        $mi.LoadChildren = $LoadMenuItems
        $mi.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList

function New-CommanderHotKey {
    Creates a new global hot key binding.
    Creates a new global hot key binding.
    .PARAMETER ModifierKey
    One or modifier keys to use for this hot key.
    The main key to use for this hot key.
    .PARAMETER Action
    The action to invoke for this hot key.
    New-CommanderHotKey -Key 'T' -ModifierKey 'Ctrl' -Action {
        Start-Process notepad
    Starts notepad when Ctrl+T is pressed.


    $HotKey = [pscommander.HotKey]::new()
    $HotKey.Id = Get-Random
    $HotKey.ModifierKeys = $ModifierKey
    $HotKey.Keys = $Key
    $HotKey.Action = $Action


function New-CommanderSchedule {
    Creates a scheduled action based on a CRON expression.
    Creates a scheduled action based on a CRON expression.
    .PARAMETER Action
    The action to execute on the schedule.
    .PARAMETER CronExpression
    The CRON expression that defines when to run the action.
    New-CommanderSchedule -CronExpression "* * * * *" -Action {
        Start-Process Notepad
    Starts notepad every minute.


    $Schedule = [pscommander.Schedule]::new()
    $Schedule.Action = $Action 
    $Schedule.Cron = $CronExpression

function New-CommanderContextMenu {
    Creates a context menu item that executes PowerShell.
    Creates a context menu item that executes PowerShell.
    .PARAMETER Action
    The script block action to execute. $Args[0] will include the path the was right clicked.
    The text to display.
    .PARAMETER Location
    The location to display this context menu item. File will display this action when right clicking on the associated file extension. FolderLeftPane will display when right clicking on a folder in the left pane of the explorer window. FolderRightPane will display when right clicking on the folder in the right pane of the explorer window or the desktop.
    .PARAMETER Extension
    The extension to associate this context menu item to. This requires that Location is set to File.
    .PARAMETER DisplayOnShiftClick
    Displays this option only when shift is help down during the right click.
    .PARAMETER Position
    The location to position this context menu item. You can select Top, Bottom and None. None is the default.
    An icon to display for this context menu item.
    .PARAMETER IconIndex
    The index within the icon file to use.
    New-CommanderContextMenu -Text 'Click me' -Action {
        Start-Process code -ArgumentList $args[0]
    Starts VS Code and opens the file that was right clicked.

        [ValidateSet("FolderLeftPanel", "FolderRightPanel", "File")]
        [string]$Location = "File", 
        [string]$Extension = "*",
        [ValidateSet("Top", "Bottom", "None")]
        [string]$Position = 'None',

    $ContextMenu = [pscommander.ExplorerContextMenu]::new()
    $ContextMenu.Id = Get-Random
    $ContextMenu.Action = $Action 
    $ContextMenu.Text = $Text 
    $ContextMenu.Location = $Location 
    $ContextMenu.Extension = $Extension 
    $ContextMenu.Extended = $DisplayOnShiftClick
    $ContextMenu.Position = $Position
    $ContextMenu.Icon = $Icon 
    $ContextMenu.IconIndex = $IconIndex

function New-CommanderFileAssociation {
    Creates a file association that will invoke the action when it's opened.
    Creates a file association that will invoke the action when it's opened.
    .PARAMETER Extension
    The extension to associate with the action.
    .PARAMETER Action
    The action to execute when the file type is opened. $Args[0] will be the full file name of the file opened.
    New-CommanderFileAssociation -Extension ".ps2" -Action {
        Start-Process code -ArgumentList $Args[0]
    Starts VS Code and opens the opened PS2 file.


    if (-not $Extension.StartsWith('.')) {
        throw "Extension needs to start with '.'"

    $FileAssociation = [pscommander.FileAssociation]::new()
    $FileAssociation.Id = Get-Random
    $FileAssociation.Extension = $Extension
    $FileAssociation.Action = $Action

function New-CommanderCustomProtocol {
    Creates a custom protocol handler.
    Creates a custom protocol handler.
    .PARAMETER Protocol
    The protcol scheme to use.
    .PARAMETER Action
    The action to execute when the file type is opened. $Args[0] will be the full file name of the file opened.
    New-CommanderCustomProtocol -Protocol "Commander" -Action {
        Start-Process code -ArgumentList $Args[0]
    Starts code when the Commander protocol is used. Commander://test.txt


    $CustomProtocol = [pscommander.CustomProtocol]::new()
    $CustomProtocol.Protocol = $Protocol
    $CustomProtocol.Action = $Action

function New-CommanderShortcut {
    Creates a new desktop shortcut that will run the action.
    Creates a new desktop shortcut that will run the action.
    The text to display on the desktop.
    .PARAMETER Description
    The description shown when hovering the shortcut.
    The icon to display.
    .PARAMETER Action
    The action to execute when the shortcut is clicked.
    New-CommanderShortcut -Text 'Click Me' -Description 'Nice' -Action {
        Start-Process notepad
    Creates a shortcut that will start notepad when clicked.


    $Shortcut = [pscommander.Shortcut]::new()
    $Shortcut.Id = Get-Random
    $Shortcut.Text = $Text
    $Shortcut.Description = $Description
    $Shortcut.Icon = $Icon
    $Shortcut.Action = $Action

function Start-Commander {
    Starts PSCommander.
    Starts PSCommander
    Starts PSCommander


    if (-not $ConfigPath) {
        $Documents = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')
        $ConfigPath = [IO.Path]::Combine($Documents, 'PSCommander', 'config.ps1')

    if (-not (Test-Path $ConfigPath)) {
        Write-Warning "Configuration file for PSCommander not found. Creating config file..."
        New-Item -Path (Join-Path $Documents 'PSCommander') -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
        "New-CommanderToolbarIcon -MenuItem @(
    New-CommanderMenuItem -Text 'Documentation' -Action {
        Start-Process ''
 | Out-File $ConfigPath 
        Start-Process -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\psscriptpad.exe" -ArgumentList @("-c `"$ConfigPath`"")

    Start-Process (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "PSCommander.exe") -ArgumentList "--configFilePath '$ConfigPath'"

function Install-Commander {
    Sets commander to run on logon.
    Sets commander to run on logon.
    Sets commander to run on logon.

    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name 'PSCommander' -Value (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "pscommander.exe") -Force | Out-Null 

function Uninstall-Commander {
    Stops commander from running on logon.
    Stops commander from running on logon.
    Stops commander from running on logon.

    Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name 'PSCommander'

function Register-CommanderEvent {
    Registers a handler to invoke when an event takes place.
    Registers a handler to invoke when an event takes place.
    .PARAMETER OnCommander
    Specifies event handlers for events within commander.
    .PARAMETER OnWindows
    Specifies event handlers for events within Windows.
    .PARAMETER WmiEventType
    Specifies the WMI event type to query when using -OnWindows WmiEvent
    .PARAMETER WmiEventFilter
    Specifies the WMI event filter to query when using -OnWindows WmiEvent
    .PARAMETER Action
    The action to invoke when an event takes place.
    Register-CommanderEvent -OnCommander Start -Action {
        Start-Process notepad
    Starts notepad when commander starts.

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Commander")]
        [ValidateSet('start', 'stop', 'error')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Windows")]
        [ValidateSet('ProcessStarted', 'WmiEvent')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Windows")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Windows")]

    $CommanderEvent = [pscommander.CommanderEvent]::new()
    $CommanderEvent.Id = Get-Random
    $CommanderEvent.Category = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName

    if ($OnCommander) {
        $CommanderEvent.Event = $OnCommander
    if ($OnWindows) {
        $CommanderEvent.Event = $OnWindows
        if ($OnWindows -eq 'ProcessStarted') {
            $CommanderEvent.Properties['WmiEventType'] = "__InstanceCreationEvent"
            $CommanderEvent.Properties['WmiEventFilter'] = 'TargetInstance isa "Win32_Process"'

        if ($OnWindows -eq 'WmiEvent') {
            $CommanderEvent.Properties['WmiEventType'] = $WmiEventType
            $CommanderEvent.Properties['WmiEventFilter'] = $WmiEventFilter

    $CommanderEvent.Action = $Action

function Stop-Commander {
    Stops commander
    Stops commander

    Get-Process PSCommander | Stop-Process

function Set-CommanderSetting {
    Set commander settings.
    Set commander settings.
    .PARAMETER DisableUpdateCheck
    Does not check for updates when starting commander. Find-Module is used to check for updates.
    Set-CommanderSetting -DisableUpdateCheck


    $Settings = [pscommander.Settings]::new()
    $Settings.DisableUpdateCheck = $DisableUpdateCheck

function New-CommanderDesktop {

    $Desktop = [pscommander.Desktop]::new();
    $Desktop.Widgets = $Widget 

function Set-CommanderDesktop {
    Sets the commander desktop widgets.
    Sets the commander desktop widgets. This cmdlet must be run within PSCommander.
    .PARAMETER Widget
    Widgets to display on the desktop.


    if ($DesktopService -eq $null) {
        throw 'This cmdlet only works when running with PSCommander'

    $Desktop = [pscommander.Desktop]::new();
    $Desktop.Widgets = $Widget 

function Clear-CommanderDesktop {
    Clears the commander desktop.
    Clears the commander desktop. This cmdlet must be run within PSCommander.

    if ($DesktopService -eq $null) {
        throw 'This cmdlet only works when running with PSCommander'


function New-CommanderDesktopWidget {
    Creates a desktop widget.
    Creates a desktop widget. Desktop widgets display data. They appear on top of the wall paper but under icons. They are not interactive.
    The top location of the widget.
    The left location of the widget.
    .PARAMETER Height
    The height of the widget.
    .PARAMETER Width
    The width of the widget.
    .PARAMETER MeasurementHistory
    The number of measurements to keep in the graph.
    .PARAMETER MeasurementFrequency
    How frequently to record a new measurements in seconds.
    .PARAMETER LoadMeasurement
    A script block that records a measurement. Expected to return a number.
    .PARAMETER MeasurementTitle
    The title of the measurement.
    .PARAMETER MeasurementSubtitle
    The subtitle of the measurement.
    .PARAMETER MeasurementDescription
    The description of the measurement.
    .PARAMETER MeasurementUnit
    The unit to display for the measurement.
    .PARAMETER MeasurementTheme
    The theme to use for the measurement.
    .PARAMETER LoadWidget
    Loads a custom WPF widget. You will need to return a Window. The window will not be interactive.
    Displays the webpage specified by the URL.
    .PARAMETER Image
    An image to display.
    Text to display.
    A font to use with the text.
    .PARAMETER BackgroundColor
    A background color for the text. If absent, the wall paper will be used.
    .PARAMETER FontColor
    The font color to use for the text.
    .PARAMETER FontSize
    The font size to use for the text.
    .PARAMETER DataSource
    The data source to load data from.
    New-CommanderDesktopWidget -Text 'Hello, world!' -Height 200 -Width 1000 -FontSize 100 -Top 500 -Left 500
    Displays text on the desktop.
    New-CommanderDesktopWidget -Image 'C:\src\blog\content\images\news.png' -Height 200 -Width 200 -Top 200
    Displays an image on the desktop.
    New-CommanderDesktopWidget -Url '' -Height 500 -Width 500 -Top 400
    Displays a webpage on the desktop.
    New-CommanderDesktopWidget -LoadWidget {
       [xml]$Form = "<Window xmlns=`"`"><Grid><Label Content=`"Hello, World`" Height=`"30`" Width=`"110`"/></Grid></Window>"
        $XMLReader = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $Form)
   } -Height 200 -Width 200 -Top 200 -Left 200
   Displays a custom WPF window on the desktop.
   New-CommanderDesktopWidget -LoadMeasurement {Get-Random} -MeasurementTitle 'Test' -MeasurementSubtitle 'Tester' -MeasurementUnit '%' -Height 300 -Width 500 -Left 600 -Top 200 -MeasurementFrequency 1 -MeasurementDescription "Nice" -MeasurementTheme 'DarkBlue'
   Displays a measurement graph on the desktop.
    General notes

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Custom")]
        [int]$Height = 12,
        [int]$Width = 100,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [int]$MeasurementHistory = 100,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [int]$MeasurementFrequency = 30,
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Measurement")]
        [ValidateSet("LightRed", 'LightGreen', 'LightBlue', "DarkRed", 'DarkGreen', 'DarkBlue')]
        [string]$MeasurementTheme = "LightRed",
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Custom")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "DataSource")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Url")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Image")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = "Text")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")]
        [string]$FontColor = '#fff',
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Text")]
        [int]$FontSize = 12,
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DataSource")]

    $Widget = $null 
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Text') {
        $Widget = [pscommander.TextDesktopWidget]::new()
        $Widget.Text = $Text
        $Widget.Font = $Font 
        $Widget.BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor 
        $Widget.FontColor = $FontColor 
        $Widget.FontSize = $FontSize

    if ($PScmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Image') {
        $Widget = [pscommander.ImageDesktopWidget]::new() 
        $Widget.Image = $Image

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Url') {
        $Widget = [pscommander.WebpageDesktopWidget]::new()
        $Widget.Url = $Url

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Custom') {
        $Widget = [pscommander.CustomDesktopWidget]::new()
        $Widget.LoadWidget = $LoadWidget

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'DataSource') {
        $Widget = [pscommander.DataDesktopWidget]::new()
        $Widget.LoadWidget = $LoadWidget
        $Widget.DataSource = $DataSource

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Measurement') {
        $Widget = [pscommander.MeasurementDesktopWidget]::new()
        $Widget.LoadMeasurement = $LoadMeasurement
        $Widget.Title = $MeasurementTitle
        $Widget.Subtitle = $MeasurementSubtitle
        $Widget.Unit = $MeasurementUnit
        $Widget.Frequency = $MeasurementFrequency
        $Widget.History = $MeasurementHistory
        $Widget.Description = $MeasurementDescription
        $Widget.Theme = $MeasurementTheme

    $Widget.Top = $Top
    $Widget.Left = $Left
    $Widget.Height = $Height
    $Widget.Width = $Width
    $Widget.Transparent = -not $DisableTransparency.IsPresent

function Register-CommanderDataSource {
    Registers a custom data source script block to run on an interval.
    Registers a custom data source script block to run on an interval. Data sources can be used with desktop widgets.
    The name of the data source.
    .PARAMETER LoadData
    The data to load.
    .PARAMETER RefreshInterval
    The refresh interval in seconds.
    .PARAMETER HistoryLimit
    The amount of history to retain.
    Register-CommanderDataSource -Name 'ComputerInfo' -LoadData {
        $Stats = Get-NetAdapterStatistics
        $NetworkDown = 0
        $Stats.ReceivedBytes | Foreach-Object { $NetworkDown += $_ }
        $NetworkUp = 0
        $Stats.SentBytes | Foreach-Object { $NetworkUp += $_ }
            CPU = Get-CimInstance Win32_Processor | Measure-Object -Property LoadPercentage -Average | Select-Object -Expand Average
            Memory = (Get-Counter '\Memory\Available MBytes').CounterSamples.CookedValue
            NetworkUp = $NetworkUp / 1KB
            NetworkDown = $NetworkDown / 1KB
    } -RefreshInterval 5
    Gathers computer information and stores it as a data source.

        [int]$RefreshInterval = 60,
        [int]$HistoryLimit = 10 ,
        [object[]]$ArgumentList = @()

    $DataSource = [pscommander.DataSource]::new()
    $DataSource.Name = $Name 
    $DataSource.LoadData = $LoadData 
    $DataSource.RefreshInterval = $RefreshInterval
    $DataSource.HistoryLimit = $HistoryLimit
    $DataSource.ArgumentList = $ArgumentList

function New-CommanderBlink {

    $Blink = [pscommander.Blink]::new()
    $Blink.Path = $Path