
function Get-PreReleaseString{
    Get the pre-release string from a release note file.
.PARAMETER ReleaseNotesPath
    The release note file path.

    $release_title = Get-Content $ReleaseNotesPath | Select-String -Pattern "^## " | Select-Object -First 1
    if ($release_title -match 'v([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)[\-]*(.*)'){
        $pre_release_string = $Matches[2]
        if ($pre_release_string -match 'beta[\d+]|stable'){
            $result = $pre_release_string.ToLower()
            if ($result -eq 'stable'){
                return '' # stable version should not have pre-release string
                return $result
            throw "[Invalid pre-release string] The pre-release string in $ReleaseNotesPath is $pre_release_string, but it should one be 'stable' or 'beta0', 'beta1' etc."
        return ''

function Assert-ReleaseVersionConsistency{
    Assert if the release version in the release note file is consistent with the given version.
    The version.
.PARAMETER ReleaseNotesPath
    The release note file path.


    $release_title = Get-Content $ReleaseNotesPath | Select-String -Pattern "^# " | Select-Object -First 1
    if ($release_title -match 'v([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+)'){
        $release_version = $Matches[1]
        if (!($release_version -ceq $Version)){
            throw "[Imcompatible version] The newest version in $ReleaseNotesPath is $release_version, but it should be $Version."
        throw "[Invalid release title] The release title in $ReleaseNotesPath is $release_title, but it should be like '# xxx v0.0.1'."

function Format-VersionTo4SegmentFormat{
    Format a version string like `vX.X.X...` to a fixed format that consists of 4 segments.
    If there are more than 4 segments, the extra segments will be truncated (the leftmost 4 segments will be retained while others will be droped).
    If there are less than 4 segments, the missing segments will be appended with `0`.
    The raw version string.

    param (
    if ($RawVersion -match "v(\d+(\.\d+)*)"){
        $version = $Matches[1]
        $version_segments = $version -split '\.'
        while ($version_segments.Count -lt 4) {
            $version_segments += "0"
        $normalized_version = $version_segments[0..3] -join "."
        return [system.version]::new($normalized_version)
        throw "Invalid version number: $RawVersion. It should be in the format like vX, vX.X, vX.X.X, vX.X.X.X...."