
.VERSION 1.1.3
.GUID 98459c57-e214-4a9f-b523-efa2329a0340
.AUTHOR Pierre Smit
.TAGS powershell ps
Created [04/10/2021_19:05] Initital Script Creating
Updated [05/10/2021_08:30] Spit into more functions
Updated [08/10/2021_20:51] Getting ready to upload
Updated [14/10/2021_19:31] Added PSDrive Script

Add a command to the config file


#.ExternalHelp PSConfigFile-help.xml
Function Add-CommandToPSConfigFile {
Adds a command or script block to the config file, to be executed every time the invoke function is called.
Adds a command or script block to the config file, to be executed every time the invoke function is called.
Path to the the config file ($PSConfigfile is a default variable created with the config file)
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The commands to be executed
.PARAMETER ScriptBlockName
Name for the scriptblock
.PARAMETER RemoteCredentials
Enable function to run remotely, if the CItrix cmdlets are not available
PS C:\> Add-CommandToPSConfigFile -ConfigFile C:\Temp\jdh\PSCustomConfig.json -ScriptBlockName DriveC -ScriptBlock "get-childitem c:\"

                [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Extension -eq '.json') })]

    try {
        $confile = Get-Item $ConfigFile
        Test-Path -Path $confile.FullName
    } catch { throw 'Incorect file' }

    ## TODO Allow user to modify the order
    $Json = Get-Content $confile.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
        $Update = @()
        $Execute = @{}
        if ($Json.Execute.Default -eq 'Default') {
            $Execute += @{
                "[0]-$ScriptBlockName" = $($ScriptBlock.ToString())
        } else {
            $Index = $Json.Execute | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Sort-Object -Property Name | Select-Object -Last 1
            [int]$NewTaskIndex = [int]($Index | ForEach-Object {$"-")[0].replace("[","").replace("]","")}) +1
            $NewScriptBlockName = "[" + $($NewTaskIndex.ToString()) + "]-" + $ScriptBlockName
            $members = $Json.Execute | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Sort-Object -Property Name
            foreach ($mem in $members) {
                $Execute += @{
                    $mem.Name = $json.Execute.$($mem.Name)
            $Execute += @{
                $NewScriptBlockName = $($ScriptBlock.ToString())
        $Update = [psobject]@{
            Userdata    = $Json.Userdata
            PSDrive     = $Json.PSDrive
            SetLocation = $Json.SetLocation
            SetVariable = $Json.SetVariable
            Execute     = $Execute
        $Update | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Set-Content -Path $ConfigFile -Verbose -Force

} #end Function