
.VERSION 1.1.4
.GUID ec11b3b9-d13e-43c9-8a6d-d42a65016554
.AUTHOR Pierre Smit
.TAGS ps
Created [25/09/2021_02:52] Initial Script Creating
Updated [05/10/2021_08:30] Spit into more functions
Updated [08/10/2021_20:51] Getting ready to upload
Updated [14/10/2021_19:32] Added PSDrive Script
Updated [13/11/2021_16:30] Added Alias Script

To store your settings

Creates a new config file
Creates a new config file. If a config file already exists in that folder, it will be renamed.
It will also create a log file in the same directory. Log file will be used on every execution.
Directory to create config file
 New-PSConfigFile -ConfigDir C:\Temp\jdh

Function New-PSConfigFile {
    [Cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        [ValidateScript( { (Test-Path $_) -and ((Get-Item $_).Attributes -eq 'Directory') })]

    # TODO Add rotation of the logs
    function DafaultSettings {
        $Userdata = @()
        $SetLocation = @()
        $SetVariable = @()
        $Execute = @()
        $PSAlias = @()

        $OSDetails = Get-ComputerInfo
        $Userdata = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Computer                       = $env:COMPUTERNAME
            WindowsProductName             = $OSDetails.WindowsProductName
            WindowsEditionId               = $OSDetails.WindowsEditionId
            WindowsInstallationType        = $OSDetails.WindowsInstallationType
            WindowsInstallDateFromRegistry = $OSDetails.WindowsInstallDateFromRegistry
            OsArchitecture                 = $OSDetails.OsArchitecture
            OsProductType                  = $OSDetails.OsProductType
            OsStatus                       = $OSDetails.OsStatus
            DomainName                     = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN
            Userid                         = $env:USERNAME
            CreatedOn                      = (Get-Date -Format yyyy/MM/dd_HH:MM)
        $SetLocation = New-Object PSObject -Property @{}
        $SetVariable = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Default = 'Default'
        $Execute = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Default = 'Default'
        $PSDrive = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Default = 'Default'
        $PSAlias = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Default = 'Default'
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Userdata    = $Userdata
            PSDrive     = $PSDrive
            PSAlias     = $PSAlias
            SetLocation = $SetLocation
            SetVariable = $SetVariable
            Execute     = $Execute


    $Fullpath = Get-Item $ConfigDir
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('Target', 'Operation')) {
        $check = Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSCustomConfig.json) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if (-not($check)) {
            Write-Output 'Config File does not exit, creating default settings.'

            $data = DafaultSettings
            $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSCustomConfig.json) -Verbose -Force
        else {

            Write-Warning 'File exists, renaming file now'
            Rename-Item (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSCustomConfig.json) -NewName "PSCustomConfig_$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy_HHmm).json"

            $data = DafaultSettings
            $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File (Join-Path $Fullpath -ChildPath \PSCustomConfig.json) -Verbose -Force
