
    PowerShell Config and Credential Manager
    Stores configuration and/or credentials for re-use with other PowerShell modules or scripts
    Stores configuration and/or credentials for re-use with other PowerShell modules or scripts

function New-Creds {
        Securely stores a password in a local file
        Securely stores a password cached in a local file. This file can only be decrypted on
        the same machine where this command was run.
        .PARAMETER Name
        The name of the file/service.
        .PARAMETER Path
        The path for the directory where the file will be stored. This should be specified
        without a trailing backslash.
        New-Creds -Name SMTP-Service -Path "C:\Scripts\Credentials"

    param (


    # If no path is specified then it stores the credential file in the user's %APPDATA%
    if (!$Path) {
        [string] $Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine(
    else {
        $Path = "$Path\$Name"

    $null = New-Item -Path $Path -Force
    $Message = 'Please provide your key/password/token in the password field.'
    $Credential = Get-Credential -Message $Message
    $Credential | Export-CliXml -Path $Path
    Write-Output "Creating credential file in $Path..."


function Read-Creds {
        Read in the credentials stored in a file.
        Read in the credentials stored in a file.
        .PARAMETER Name
        The name of the file/service.
        .PARAMETER Path
        The folder where the credentials file is stored.
        Read-Creds -Path "C:\Scripts\Credentials\SMTP-Service.creds"

    param (



    if (!$Path) {
        [string] $Path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine(
    else {
        $Path = "$Path\$Name"

    $Credential = Import-CliXml -Path $Path
    return $Credential