
function Get-CSAgentIDDetail {
        Function to retrieve host info using Agent ID from Crowdstrike via /devices/entities/devices/v1 endpoint.
        This function provides a way to retrieve host information from Crowdstrike.
        PS C:\> Get-CSAgentIDDetail -AgentID "123455432151"
        Retrieves host information (OS, OU, Domain, etc) for AgentID 123455432151 from Crowdstrike API.
        The AgentID you would like to use to query.
        Use this function to retrieve host information from Crowdstrike.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    process {
        (Invoke-CSRestMethod -Endpoint ("/devices/entities/devices/v1?ids=$AgentID") -Method "GET").Resources
