
function Start-CSRTRCommand {
        Function to execute a CrowdStrike Real Time Response Command via the "/real-time-response/entities/admin-command/v1 endpoint.
        This function provides a way execute a Real Time Response commands using Crowdstrike.
        PS C:\> Start-CSRTRCommand -RTRCommand mkdir -RTRCommandString 'mkdir C:\RTR' -RTRSessionID 7cdecb55-ab26-5526-a1ac-dd29ad71b7c0
        Executes the Real Time Response Command and Command String specified using the RTRCommand and RTRCommandString parameters inside session
        indicated in the RTRSessionID. Must have previously established a session with the host using the Start-CSRTRSession function
        The base command you wish to run such as cd,mkdir, runscript, etc
    .PARAMETER RTRCommandString
        The command string/argumnets for the command
        The Real Time Response session ID
        Response for RTR Commands containing the session_id and cloud_request_id
        Use this function to start execute RTR Commands with Crowdstrike.

    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
         $rtrEndpoint = "/real-time-response/entities/admin-command/v1"

    process {

        $body = [ordered]@{
            "base_command"   = "$($RTRCommand)"
            "command_string" = "$($RTRCommandString)"
            "session_id"     = "$($RTRSessionID)"
            "persist"        =  $true
        } | ConvertTo-Json

        (Invoke-CSRestMethod -Endpoint $rtrEndpoint -Method "Post" -Body $body).Resources

    end {
