
function Start-CSRTRSession {
        Function to start a CrowdStrike Real Time Response Session via the "/real-time-response/entities/sessions/v1 and
        /devices/queries/devices-scroll/v1 endpoints.
        This function provides a way start a Real Time Response session using Crowdstrike.
        PS C:\> Start-CSRTRSession -HostName "Desktop-XYZ"
        Starts a Real Time Response Session with the supplied HostName.
    .PARAMETER HostName
        The HostName you wish you to establish a session with
        Response containing the Session ID used for further interactions
        Use this function to start a RTR session with Crowdstrike.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        $DeviceEndpoint = "/devices/queries/devices-scroll/v1?limit=5000&filter=hostname%3A%27$hostname%27"
        $RTREndpoint = "/real-time-response/entities/sessions/v1"


    process {
        $AgentID = (Invoke-CSRestMethod -Endpoint $DeviceEndpoint -Method "GET").Resources
        $body = @{"device_id" = "$($AgentID)"} | ConvertTo-Json

        (Invoke-CSRestMethod -Endpoint $RTREndpoint -Method "POST" -Body $Body).Resources


    end {
