
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PSDT | PowerShell Developer Tools";

if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) {
    Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion PreGetVSSolutionTabExpansion

Function global:TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
    $filter = ($line -split " " | Select-Object -Skip 1) -join ".*";
  switch -regex ($line) {
        "^(Get-VSSolution|gvss) .*" {
      Get-VSSolution $filter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        "^(Get-File|f) .*" {
      Get-File $filter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        "^(Get-Directory|d) .*" {
      Get-Directory $filter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        default {
            if (Test-Path Function:\PreGetVSSolutionTabExpansion) {
                PreGetVSSolutionTabExpansion $line $lastWord

$global:PSDTChildItemCache = @{};
$global:PSDTChildItemCacheFiltered = @{};

Function Find-ChildItem {
  Param (
    [string]$Filter = "*.*",

  $fullNameFilter = $args -join ".*";
  $fullNameFilter = ".*{0}.*" -f $fullNameFilter;
  $itemCache = $global:PSDTChildItemCache;
  $itemCacheFilterd = $global:PSDTChildItemCacheFiltered;

  $key = "$((Get-Location).Path)-File:$File-Directory:$Directory-Filter:$Filter";
  $keyOfFilteredItems = "$key-$fullNameFilter";
  If(-not $itemCache.ContainsKey($key)) { 
      $searchProgressActivity = "Find child items...";
      Write-Progress -Activity $searchProgressActivity -Status $fullNameFilter;
      $childItems = (Get-ChildItem .\ -Recurse -Filter $Filter -File:$File -Directory:$Directory);
      Write-Progress -Activity $searchProgressActivity -Completed;
      $itemCache.Add($key, $childItems); 

  If($args.Length -gt 0 -and [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($args[$args.Length - 1])) {
      return Get-Item $args[$args.Length - 1];
  If(-not $itemCacheFilterd.ContainsKey($keyOfFilteredItems)) {
      $filteredItems = $itemCache[$key] | Where-Object { ($_.FullName -match $fullNameFilter) };
      $itemCacheFilterd.Add($keyOfFilteredItems, $filteredItems);

  return $itemCacheFilterd[$keyOfFilteredItems];

Set-Alias fci Find-ChildItem;

    Gets all files under the current path, which match the filter parameters.
    The cmdlet's default alias is: f
    The cmdlet is using an internal cache, which is stored in the script scope.
    The example gets all files on the drive R, where the FullName matches the pattern *common*full*.sln*.
    PS R:\Get-File common full .sln
        Directory: R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild

    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a---- 1/9/2017 8:03 AM 21870 FullBuild.sln

    The example shows all matching files using tab completion.

    Type the command below and press the TAB.
        PS R:\Get-File common full .sln

    Pressing the tab will replace the last word with the first matching file.
        PS R:\Get-File common full R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild.sln

    The example shows all matching files in a completion list.

    After typing the following line:
        PS R:\Get-File common f .sln

    Pressing the CTRL+SPACE will replace the last word with the first matching file's full name, and will list each other matches.
        PS R:\Get-File common R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild.sln


Function Get-File {
  return Find-ChildItem -Filter "*.*" -File @args;

Set-Alias f Get-File;

    Gets all directories under the current path, which match the filter parameters.
    The cmdlet's default alias is: d
    The cmdlet is using an internal cache, which is stored in the script scope.
    The example gets all directories on the drive R, where the FullName matches the pattern *common*full*.sln*.
    PS R:\Get-Directory common full
        Directory: R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds

    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    d----- 1/9/2017 8:03 AM 21870 FullBuild

    The example shows all matching directories using tab completion.

    Type the command below and press the TAB.
        PS R:\Get-Directory common full

    Pressing the tab will replace the last word with the first matching directory.
        PS R:\Get-Directory common full R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild

    The example shows all matching directories in a completion list.

    After typing the following line:
        PS R:\Get-Directory common f

    Pressing the CTRL+SPACE will replace the last word with the first matching directory's full name, and will list each other matches.
        PS R:\Get-Directory common R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild


Function Get-Directory {
  return Find-ChildItem -Filter "*.*" -Directory @args;

Set-Alias d Get-Directory;