
        PSDT.App is a collection of PowerShell cmdlets, which improves developer productivity.

        Thinking in applications, when using PowerShell helps us to separate work into multiple PowerShell windows.
        The PSDT.App module is responsible to display the context of the currently used PSDT module to the user.
        The module can be used standalone, however it is intended to deliver lower level functions to other PSDT modules.
        The following functionality is supported:
        - The PowerShell window title displays PSDT | PowerShell Developer Tools as soon as you import the module,
        - Searching for
                - directories,
                - files,
                - any child item,
          by using multiple path segment filters.
        - Tab completion, for the above mentioned search cmdlets.

        For more information check the cmdlets help.

        PSDT.App is open source on GitHub:
        As you use the module and find what you believe to be are bugs,
        please submit them to:
        Better yet, fix the bug and submit a pull request.