
class AppVeyorId {
    AppVeyorId([string]$AuthorizationToken) {
        $this.AuthorizationToken = $AuthorizationToken;

class AppVeyorBuildId : AppVeyorId {

    AppVeyorBuildId([string]$AuthorizationToken,[string]$AccountName,[string]$ProjectSlug) : base($AuthorizationToken) {
        $this.AccountName = $AccountName;
        $this.ProjectSlug = $ProjectSlug;

function Get-AVProject {
    param (

    return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -Headers (Get-AVRestHeader $AppVeyorId.AuthorizationToken) -Method Get;

function Get-AVBuild {
    param (

    $url = "$($AppVeyorBuildId.AccountName)/$($AppVeyorBuildId.ProjectSlug)";
    Write-Verbose "Url:$url";

    $lastBuild = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers (Get-AVRestHeader $AppVeyorBuildId.AuthorizationToken) -Method Get;

    Write-Verbose (ConvertTo-Json $lastBuild);

    return $lastBuild;

function Get-AVRestHeader {
    param (
    return @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $AuthorizationToken";"Content-type" = "application/json"};

function Test-AVBuildToday {
    param (

    If(-not $ {
        return $false;
    $format = "yyyyMMdd";
    $today = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString($format);

    Write-Verbose "Last build finished at $($";
    $lastBuildFinished = [DateTime]::Parse($$format);

    $isLastBuildFromToday = $lastBuildFinished -eq $today;
    Write-Verbose "Last build is from today: '$isLastBuildFromToday' (based on comparing of last build data: '$lastBuildFinished' and today: '$today')."
    return $isLastBuildFromToday;

function Update-AVBuild {
    param (

    $url = "$($AppVeyorBuildId.AccountName)/$($AppVeyorBuildId.ProjectSlug)/settings/build-number";
    $requestBody = "{ nextBuildNumber: $NextBuildNumber }";

    Write-Verbose "Url:$url Request body: $requestBody";

    return Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $url -Body $requestBody -Headers (Get-AVRestHeader $AppVeyorBuildId.AuthorizationToken);

function Update-AVBuildRevision {
    param (
        [string]$AccountName = $env:APPVEYOR_ACCOUNT_NAME,
        [string]$ProjectSlug = $env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG

    $appVeyorId = [AppVeyorBuildId]::new($AuthorizationToken,$AccountName,$ProjectSlug);
    $anyBuildToday = Get-AVBuild $appVeyorId | Test-AVBuildToday;
    If(-not $anyBuildToday) {
        Write-Verbose "This is the first build today, setting revision to 1.";
        Update-AVBuild $appVeyorId 1;
        $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER = 1;
    } Else {
        Write-Verbose "The build revision will be not reset to 1, because this is not the first build today.";

function Update-AVBuildVersion {
    $version = Get-Date -Format "yyMM.dd";
    $currentVersion = $($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER).PadLeft(3,"0");
    $targetVersion = "1.0.$version$currentVersion";

    Write-Verbose "Updating build version to $targetVersion.";

    Update-AppveyorBuild -Version $targetVersion;

function Invoke-AVScriptAnalysis {
    param (
        [string]$Path = $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER,
        [string]$Severity = "Error"

    try {
        $scriptAnalyzerReport = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $Path -Recurse -Severity $Severity;

        If($scriptAnalyzerReport.Count -gt 0) {
            $scriptAnalyzerReport | % { Write-Host $_.Message -ForegroundColor Red  };
    } catch {
        Write-Output $_;

function Invoke-PSDTPreBuild {
    try {
        Import-Module PSDT.AppVeyor;
        if (-not (Test-PullRequest)) {
            Update-AVBuildRevision $env:AppVeyorAuthorizationToken;
        Update-AVBuildVersion -Verbose;
    catch {
        Write-Output $_;

function Invoke-PSDTPostBuild {
    param (

    try {
        if (Test-PullRequest) {
            Write-Host "Pull request available ('$($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)'), PSGallery publish will be skipped.";
        $version = Get-Date -Format "yyMM.dd";
        $currentVersion = ($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER).PadLeft(3,"0");
        $targetVersion = "1.0.$($version)$($currentVersion)";
        $moduleManifest = "$($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\$Module.psd1";
        Update-AppveyorBuild -Version $targetVersion;
        (Get-Content $moduleManifest) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '.*ModuleVersion.*$', " ModuleVersion = '$targetVersion'"} | Set-Content $moduleManifest -Force;
        Write-Host "$Module updated, $((Get-Content -Path $moduleManifest | Where-Object { $_ -match ".*ModuleVersion.*$" }).Trim())";
        if (Test-Path 'C:\Tools\NuGet3') { 
            $nugetDir = 'C:\Tools\NuGet3';
        } else { 
            $nugetDir = 'C:\Tools\NuGet';
        (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', "$nugetDir\NuGet.exe");
        Publish-Module -Path "$($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)" -NuGetApiKey $env:PSGalleryApiKey -Confirm:$false;
    } catch {
        Write-Output $_;

function Test-PullRequest {
    $isPullRequest = [bool]$env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER;
    return $isPullRequest;