
if (-not (Test-Path PreEnterLocationTabExpansion) -and (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion)) {
  Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion PreEnterLocationTabExpansion

Function global:TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
  $cmdletStartIndex = ([string]$line).LastIndexOf('|') + 1;
  $cmdlet = ([string]$line).Substring($cmdletStartIndex).TrimStart();
  $filter = ($cmdlet -split " " | Select-Object -Skip 1) -join ".*";
  switch -regex ($cmdlet) {
    "^(Enter-Location|el) .*" {
      Get-KnownPath $filter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
    default {
      if (Test-Path Function:\PreEnterLocationTabExpansion) {
        PreEnterLocationTabExpansion $line $lastWord

function Get-KnownPath {
  $filter = ".*{0}.*" -f ($args -join ".*");
  return Get-ChildItem .\ -Recurse -Directory | Where-Object { $_.FullName -match $filter; };

  Looks for matchin child items based on the parameters and sets the current location to the first matching location.
  The cmdlet supports tab completion to show every matching child item.
  The cmdlet uses the Pop-Location cmdlet to enter the selected location.
  Consider the following child item structure:

    Directory: R:\PSDT.Location

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 3/15/2018 8:43 AM en-US
-a---- 3/4/2018 2:15 PM 2780 appveyor.yml
-a---- 2/21/2018 4:42 PM 1092 LICENSE

  The following command looks for the child items using the *en* filter and calls the Push-Location cmdlet with the first match:

  PS :\> Enter-Location en
  PS :\en-US>

  Consider the following child item structure:

    Directory: R:\PSDT.Location

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 3/15/2018 8:43 AM en-US
-a---- 3/4/2018 2:15 PM 2780 appveyor.yml
-a---- 2/21/2018 4:42 PM 1092 LICENSE

  Pressing the TAB key after the following command:
    PS :\> Enter-Location en

  will replace the last parameter with the first matching location, like this:
    PS :\> Enter-Location R:\PSDT.Location\en-US

  By pressing the enter, the location will be pushed:
    PS R:\PSDT.Location\en-US>


function Enter-Location {
  Set-Location -StackName $null;

  if (Test-Path $args[$args.Length - 1]) {
    Push-Location $args[$args.Length - 1];
  else {
    $knownPath = Get-KnownPath @args | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName;
    # Push-Location cannot add a location to the unnamed default stack unless it is the current location stack.
    Push-Location $knownPath -StackName "PSDT";
Set-Alias el Enter-Location;