
   Performs a get latest operation.
   The cmdlet must be executed from within a local workspace to work.
   Performs a recurse get latest operation starting from the current location.

Function Get-TfsLatest() {
        [string[]]$Path = $PWD,
        [Switch]$Preview = $false,
        [Switch]$NotRecurse = $false,
        [Switch]$Force = $false
    IF (!(Test-Tf)) {
        Write-Warning "Get-TfsLatest not executed."
    $tf = "Tf.exe";
  $cmdlineArguments = @("get");

  Get-Item -Path $Path | % {$cmdlineArguments += "$($_.FullName)"};

  If ($Preview){$cmdlineArguments += "/preview"}
  If (!$NotRecurse){$cmdlineArguments += "/recursive"}
  If ($Force){$cmdlineArguments += "/force"}

    if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) {
        Write-Verbose("Commandline: $tf $cmdlineArguments");
    & $tf $cmdlineArguments;

Function Test-Tf() {
    $previousErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference;
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop';
    $tfAvailable = $false;
    try {
        Get-Command tf.exe;
        $tfAvailable = $true;
    catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] {
        Write-Warning "Tf.exe not found. Import VS Command Prompt first."
        return $false;
    finally {
        $ErrorActionPreference = $previousErrorActionPreference
    return $tfAvailable;

# Snapins can not be loaded from within a module
# see
Write-Verbose "Adding TFS PowerTools Cmdlets";

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.TeamFoundation.PowerShell