
    Imports Visual Studio command prompt variables to the current session.
    Check the $env:PSDT_VSCommandPromptVariable variable to see, which version of Visual Studio tools was used by the import.

Function Import-VSCommandPrompt() {
    # Calls Import-VSCommandPrompt because module will be loaded.

$env:PSDT_VSCommandPromptVariable = $null;

Function VSCommandPrompt {
    $vsDevCmd = Get-ChildItem VsDevCmd.bat -Path "C:\*\Microsoft Visual Studio*\Common7\Tools" -Recurse | Select-Object -Last 1;
    $env:PSDT_VSCommandPromptVariable = $($vsDevCmd.FullName);

    Push-Location $vsDevCmd.DirectoryName;
    $activity = "Loading developer command prompt environment: {0}..." -f $($vsDevCmd.FullName);
    Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "Looking for variables...";
    cmd /c "$($vsDevCmd.Name)&Set" | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_ -match "=") {
            $v = $_.split("=");
            Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "ENV:\$($v[0]) = $($v[1])";
            Set-Item -Force -Path "ENV:\$($v[0])" -Value "$($v[1])";

    Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed;


$SolutionCache = @{};

if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) {
    Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion PreGetVSSolutionTabExpansion

Function global:TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
    switch -regex ($line) {
        "^(Get-VSSolution|gvss) .*" {
            $solutionFilter = ($line -split " " | Select-Object -Skip 1) -join "*";
            Get-VSSolution $solutionFilter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
        default {
            if (Test-Path Function:\PreGetVSSolutionTabExpansion) {
                PreGetVSSolutionTabExpansion $line $lastWord

    Gets the Visual Studio solutions, which match the filter parameters in the current or in any child directories.
    The cmdlet default alias is: gvss
    Uses cache object in script scope.
    The example gets all solutions files on the drive R, which have a matching FullName for the pattern *common*full*.
    PS R:\Get-VSSolution common full
        Directory: R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a---- 1/9/2017 8:03 AM 21870 FullBuild.sln
    The example gets all solution files under the R:\Source, which have a matching FullName for the pattern *cool*ject*host*.
    PS R:\Source\Get-VSSolution cool ject host
        Directory: R:\Source\cool-project\master\accounts\Sources\Deployment\ServiceHost
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a---- 1/23/2017 12:56 PM 17492 ServiceHost.sln
        Directory: R:\Source\cool-project\master\orders\Sources\Deployment\ServiceHost
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a---- 3/3/2017 3:13 PM 55670 ServiceHost.sln
    The example shows all matching projects using tab completion.
    Type the command below and press the TAB.
        PS R:\Get-VSSolution common full
    Pressing the tab will replace the last word with the first matching solution.
        PS R:\Get-VSSolution common R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild.sln
    The example shows all matching projects in a completion list.
    After typeing the following line:
        PS R:\Get-VSSolution common f
    Pressing the CTRL+SPACE will replace the last word with the first matching solution's full name, and will list each other matches.
        PS R:\Get-VSSolution common R:\Source\cool-project\master\common\Sources\Builds\FullBuild.sln

Function Get-VSSolution {
    $filter = $args -join "*";
    $filter = "*{0}*" -f $filter;
    $key = (Get-Location).Path;
    If(-not $SolutionCache.ContainsKey($key)) { 
        $searchProgressActivity = "Searching for solutions...";
        $solutions = Get-ChildItem .\ -Recurse -Filter *.sln -File | ForEach-Object { Write-Progress -Activity $searchProgressActivity -Status $_.FullName; $_ };
        Write-Progress -Activity $searchProgressActivity -Completed;
        $SolutionCache.Add($key, $solutions);    

    If(Test-Path $args[$args.Length - 1]) {
        return Get-Item $args[$args.Length - 1];

    return $SolutionCache[$key] | Where-Object { ($_.FullName -like $filter) };

Set-Alias gvss Get-VSSolution;

   Builds the specified solution.
   The cmdlet default alias is: ivsb
   Uses msbuild to build visual studio solution files.
   Invoke-VSBuild -Solution Build.sln
   The example uses default values to build the explicitly passed solution.
   Get-VSSolution Build.sln | Invoke-VSBuild
   The example uses default values to build the solution passed using pipes.
   Invoke-VSBuild Build.sln -Target "Clean"
   The example uses the Target parameter to clean invoke the Clean msbuild target.
   Invoke-VSBuild Build.sln -MaxCpuCount 8
   The sample uses the max cpu count property to build in parallel using 8 msbuild processes.
   Invoke-VSBuild Build.sln -Properties "/p:SkipMerge=True" -Verbosity normal
   The samples passes a customer msbuild property using the Properties parameter and set msbuild verbosity to normal.
   Invoke-VSBuild Build.sln -Properties "/p:Platform=x86"
   The sample uses the platform property to build e.g. a universal windows app for x86 platform.

Function Invoke-VSBuild {
        # The solution to be build.

        # The msbuild configuration. Default is "Debug".
        [string]$Configuration = "Debug",

        # The msbuild target to be build. Default is "Build".
        [string[]]$Target = "Build",

        # The msbuild verbosity. Default is minimal.
        [string]$Verbosity = "minimal",

        # Additional msbuild properties like "/p:Platform=x86". The string can contain multiple properties. Use a semicolon or a comma to separate multiple properties.

        # Specifies how many cpu to use for executing msbuild. Default is 4.

        # Specifiy the build output directory.
    Process {  
        $sw = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::startNew();
        $SolutionFileInfo = Get-Item $Solution;

        $targets = $Target -join ";";
        $msbuild = "MSBuild.exe";
        $cmdlineArguments = @("$($SolutionFileInfo.FullName)", "/v:$Verbosity", "/p:Configuration=$Configuration", "/t:$targets", "/m:$MaxCpuCount");
        If ($Properties){$cmdlineArguments += "$Properties"}
        If ($OutDir){$cmdlineArguments += "/p:OutDir=$OutDir"}
        Write-Verbose("Commandline: $msbuild $cmdlineArguments");
        & $msbuild $cmdlineArguments; 
        Write-Host $(("Finished in {0:0.00} seconds." -f $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) -ForegroundColor Cyan

Set-Alias ivsb Invoke-VSBuild;

   Executes the tests for the specified solution
   The cmdlet default alias is: ivst
   Uses VSTest.Console.exe to excute tests
   Assemblies containing tests are identified by default using a match on the file names. See the FileMatch parameter for default settings.
   Invoke-VSTest -TestCaseFilter "TestCategory!=LongRunningTests"
   The example executes the tests and ignores tests marked with TestCategoryAttribute "LongRunningTests".
   Invoke-VSTest -Parallel
   The example executes the tests in parallel.
   Invoke-VSTest -Settings local.runsettings
   The example executes the tests using local.runsettings file.

Function Invoke-VSTest {
        # Pattern to match test files.
        # Default is set to "*tests.dll".
        [string]$FileMatch = "*tests.dll",

        # Pattern to match test file path.
        # Default is set to ".*\\bin\\debug\\".
        [string]$PathMatch = ".*\\bin\\debug\\",

        # Filter for tests. Default is set to "TestCategory!=Integrated&TestCategory!=Integration&TestCategory!=Evaluation".
        [string]$TestCaseFilter = "TestCategory!=Integrated&TestCategory!=Integration&TestCategory!=Evaluation",

        # Path to a runsettings file.

        # Switch to specifiy whether the tests should be excuted in parallel.
    $sw = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::startNew();

    Write-Host "Searching for test files: Path:$PathMatch File:$FileMatch";
    $testAssemblies = Get-ChildItem -Filter $FileMatch -File -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.FullName -match $PathMatch};
    Write-Host "$($testAssemblies.Length) test files found.";

    $mstest = "VSTest.Console.exe";

    $cmdlineArguments = @($testAssemblies.FullName) + @("/TestCaseFilter:`"$TestCaseFilter`"");
    If ($Parallel){$cmdlineArguments += "/Parallel"}

    If ($Settings){$cmdlineArguments += "/Settings:$Settings"}
    Write-Verbose("Commandline: $mstest $cmdlineArguments");
    & $mstest $cmdlineArguments; 

    Write-Host $(("Finished in {0:0.00} seconds." -f $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)) -ForegroundColor Cyan

Set-Alias ivst Invoke-VSTest;
