
#Region '.\prefix.ps1' 0
# The content of this file will be prepended to the top of the psm1 module file. This is useful for custom module setup is needed on import.
#EndRegion '.\prefix.ps1' 2
#Region '.\Private\Assert-FolderExist.ps1' 0
function Assert-FolderExist
        Verify and create folder
        Verifies that a folder path exists, if not it will create it
        Defines the path to be validated
        'C:\Temp' | Assert-FolderExist
        This will verify that the path exists and if it does not the folder will be created

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

        $exists = Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container
        if (!$exists)
            $null = New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory
#EndRegion '.\Private\Assert-FolderExist.ps1' 31
#Region '.\Private\Invoke-GarbageCollect.ps1' 0
function Invoke-GarbageCollect
        Calls system.gc collect method. Purpose is mainly for readability.
        Calls system.gc collect method. Purpose is mainly for readability.

#EndRegion '.\Private\Invoke-GarbageCollect.ps1' 13
#Region '.\Private\pslog.ps1' 0
function pslog
        This is simple logging function that automatically log to file. Logging to console is maintained.
        This is simple logging function that automatically log to file. Logging to console is maintained.
    .PARAMETER Severity
        Defines the type of log, valid vales are, Success,Info,Warning,Error,Verbose,Debug
    .PARAMETER Message
        Defines the message for the log entry
    .PARAMETER Source
        Defines a source, this is useful to separate log entries in categories for different stages of a process or for each function, defaults to default
    .PARAMETER Throw
        Specifies that when using severity error pslog will throw. This is useful in catch statements so that the terminating error is propagated upwards in the stack.
    .PARAMETER LogDirectoryOverride
        Defines a hardcoded log directory to write the log file to. This defaults to %appdatalocal%\<modulename\logs.
    .PARAMETER DoNotLogToConsole
        Specifies that logs should only be written to the log file and not to the console.
        pslog Verbose 'Successfully wrote to logfile'
        Explanation of the function or its result. You can include multiple examples with additional .EXAMPLE lines

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '', Justification = 'Sole purpose of function is logging, including console')]
        [parameter(Position = 0)]
        [ValidateSet('Success', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Verbose', 'Debug')]

        [parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)]

        [parameter(position = 2)]
        $source = 'default',

        [parameter(Position = 3)]

        [parameter(Position = 4)]

        [parameter(Position = 5)]

        if (-not $LogDirectoryOverride)
            $localappdatapath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('localapplicationdata') # ie C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local
            $modulename = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module
            $logdir = "$localappdatapath\$modulename\logs"
            $logdir = $LogDirectoryOverride
        $logdir | Assert-FolderExist -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
        $timestamp = (Get-Date)
        $logfilename = ('{0}.log' -f $timestamp.ToString('yyy-MM-dd'))
        $timestampstring = $timestamp.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffzzz')

        switch ($Severity)
                "$timestampstring`t$psitem`t$source`t$message" | Add-Content -Path "$logdir\$logfilename" -Encoding utf8 -WhatIf:$false
                if (-not $DoNotLogToConsole)
                    Write-Host -Object "SUCCESS: $timestampstring`t$source`t$message" -ForegroundColor Green
                "$timestampstring`t$psitem`t$source`t$message" | Add-Content -Path "$logdir\$logfilename" -Encoding utf8 -WhatIf:$false
                if (-not $DoNotLogToConsole)
                    Write-Information -MessageData "$timestampstring`t$source`t$message"
                "$timestampstring`t$psitem`t$source`t$message" | Add-Content -Path "$logdir\$logfilename" -Encoding utf8 -WhatIf:$false
                if (-not $DoNotLogToConsole)
                    Write-Warning -Message "$timestampstring`t$source`t$message"
                "$timestampstring`t$psitem`t$source`t$message" | Add-Content -Path "$logdir\$logfilename" -Encoding utf8 -WhatIf:$false
                if (-not $DoNotLogToConsole)
                    Write-Error -Message "$timestampstring`t$source`t$message"
                if ($throw)
                if ($VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue')
                    "$timestampstring`t$psitem`t$source`t$message" | Add-Content -Path "$logdir\$logfilename" -Encoding utf8 -WhatIf:$false
                if (-not $DoNotLogToConsole)
                    Write-Verbose -Message "$timestampstring`t$source`t$message"
                if ($DebugPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue')
                    "$timestampstring`t$psitem`t$source`t$message" | Add-Content -Path "$logdir\$logfilename" -Encoding utf8 -WhatIf:$false
                if (-not $DoNotLogToConsole)
                    Write-Debug -Message "$timestampstring`t$source`t$message"
#EndRegion '.\Private\pslog.ps1' 137
#Region '.\Private\Write-PSProgress.ps1' 0
function Write-PSProgress
        Wrapper for PSProgress
        This function will automatically calculate items/sec, eta, time remaining
        as well as set the update frequency in case the there are a lot of items processing fast.
    .PARAMETER Activity
        Defines the activity name for the progressbar
        Defines a unique ID for this progressbar, this is used when nesting progressbars
    .PARAMETER Target
        Defines a arbitrary text for the currently processed item
    .PARAMETER ParentId
        Defines the ID of a parent progress bar
    .PARAMETER Completed
        Explicitly tells powershell to set the progress bar as completed removing
        it from view. In some cases the progress bar will linger if this is not done.
    .PARAMETER Counter
        The currently processed items counter
    .PARAMETER Total
        The total number of items to process
    .PARAMETER StartTime
        Sets the start datetime for the progressbar, this is required to calculate items/sec, eta and time remaining
    .PARAMETER DisableDynamicUpdateFrquency
        Disables the dynamic update frequency function and every item will update the status of the progressbar
    .PARAMETER NoTimeStats
        Disables calculation of items/sec, eta and time remaining
        1..10000 | foreach-object -begin {$StartTime = Get-Date} -process {
            Write-PSProgress -Activity 'Looping' -Target $PSItem -Counter $PSItem -Total 10000 -StartTime $StartTime
        Explanation of the function or its result. You can include multiple examples with additional .EXAMPLE lines

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Completed')]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Completed')]
        [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)]

        [Parameter(Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]

        [Parameter(Position = 3, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]
        [Parameter(Position = 3, ParameterSetName = 'Completed')]
        [ValidateRange(-1, 2147483647)]

        [Parameter(Position = 4, ParameterSetname = 'Completed')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 6, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]

        [Parameter(Position = 7, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]

        [Parameter(Position = 8, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]

        [Parameter(Position = 9, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')]

    # Define current timestamp
    $TimeStamp = (Get-Date)

    # Define a dynamic variable name for the global starttime variable
    $StartTimeVariableName = ('ProgressStartTime_{0}' -f $Activity.Replace(' ', ''))

    # Manage global start time variable
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Completed') -and (Get-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        # Remove the global starttime variable if the Completed switch parameter is users
            Remove-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -ErrorAction Stop -Scope Global
            throw $_
    elseif (-not (Get-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        # Global variable do not exist, create global variable
        if ($null -eq $StartTime)
            # No start time defined with parameter, use current timestamp as starttime
            Set-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Value $TimeStamp -Scope Global
            $StartTime = $TimeStamp
            # Start time defined with parameter, use that value as starttime
            Set-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Value $StartTime -Scope Global
        # Global start time variable is defined, collect and use it
        $StartTime = Get-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop -ValueOnly

    # Define frequency threshold
    $Frequency = [Math]::Ceiling($Total / 100)
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            # Only update progress is any of the following is true
            # - DynamicUpdateFrequency is disabled
            # - Counter matches a mod of defined frequecy
            # - Counter is 0
            # - Counter is equal to Total (completed)
            if (($DisableDynamicUpdateFrquency) -or ($Counter % $Frequency -eq 0) -or ($Counter -eq 1) -or ($Counter -eq $Total))

                # Calculations for both timestats and without
                $Percent = [Math]::Round(($Counter / $Total * 100), 0)

                # Define count progress string status
                $CountProgress = ('{0}/{1}' -f $Counter, $Total)

                # If percent would turn out to be more than 100 due to incorrect total assignment revert back to 100% to avoid that write-progress throws
                if ($Percent -gt 100)
                    $Percent = 100

                # Define write-progress splat hash
                $WriteProgressSplat = @{
                    Activity         = $Activity
                    PercentComplete  = $Percent
                    CurrentOperation = $Target

                # Add ID if specified
                if ($Id)
                    $WriteProgressSplat.Id = $Id

                # Add ParentID if specified
                if ($ParentId)
                    $WriteProgressSplat.ParentId = $ParentId

                # Calculations for either timestats and without
                if ($NoTimeStats)
                    $WriteProgressSplat.Status = ('{0} - {1}%' -f $CountProgress, $Percent)
                    # Total seconds elapsed since start
                    $TotalSeconds = ($TimeStamp - $StartTime).TotalSeconds

                    # Calculate items per sec processed (IpS)
                    $ItemsPerSecond = ([Math]::Round(($Counter / $TotalSeconds), 2))

                    # Calculate seconds spent per processed item (for ETA)
                    $SecondsPerItem = if ($Counter -eq 0)
 ($TotalSeconds / $Counter)

                    # Calculate seconds remainging
                    $SecondsRemaing = ($Total - $Counter) * $SecondsPerItem
                    $WriteProgressSplat.SecondsRemaining = $SecondsRemaing

                    # Calculate ETA
                    $ETA = $(($Timestamp).AddSeconds($SecondsRemaing).ToShortTimeString())

                    # Add findings to write-progress splat hash
                    $WriteProgressSplat.Status = ('{0} - {1}% - ETA: {2} - IpS {3}' -f $CountProgress, $Percent, $ETA, $ItemsPerSecond)

                # Call writeprogress
                Write-Progress @WriteProgressSplat
            Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Id $Id -Completed
#EndRegion '.\Private\Write-PSProgress.ps1' 214
#Region '.\Public\Add-DataSetRelation.ps1' 0
function Add-DataSetRelation
            Creates a relationship between to DataTable columns
        .PARAMETER DataSet
            Provide the DataSet object
        .PARAMETER ParentDataTableColumn
            Provide the DataTable parent column object
        .PARAMETER ChildDataTableColumn
            Provide the DataTable child column object
        .PARAMETER RelationName
            Provide a name for the relation object
        .PARAMETER Passtrough
            If the passthrough parameter is specified this function will return the created relation object
            $CustOrderRel = Add-DataSetRelation -DataSet $DataSet -ParentDataTableColumn $CustomerTable.Columns['CustomerID'] -ChildDataTableColumn $OrderTable.Columns['OrderID'] -RelationName "Rel_CustomerID_OrderID" -PassThrough
            This command will define a relationship between the customerID column of table customertable and the orderID column of table ordertable

    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support





            # Support for constrains is currently missing there for it is default disabled.
            $null = $DataSet.Relations.Add($RelationName, $ParentDataTableColumn, $ChildDataTableColumn, $false)
            if ($Passtrough)
            Write-Error -Message 'Failed to create data relation' -ErrorRecord $_
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-DataSetRelation.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Public\Add-DataSetTable.ps1' 0
function Add-DataSetTable
            Add DataTable to a DataSet
        .PARAMETER DataSet
            Define the dataset object that the table should be added to
        .PARAMETER DataTable
            Supply the datatable that should be added to the dataset
            Add-DataSetTable -DataSet $DataSet -DataTable $DataTable
            This example shows how to add a datatable object to a dataset

    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support


#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-DataSetTable.ps1' 32
#Region '.\Public\Add-DataTableColumn.ps1' 0
function Add-DataTableColumn
            Add columns to data tables. Columns can be added before or after rows have been added.
            The command operates in two modes, single column or multiple columns mode.
            Multiple mode
            In multiple mode it is possible to provide a string array
            of column names. This is a fast and simple way to quickly
            populate a table with empty columns.
            Single mode
            In single mode each call adds a single column to the table.
            The difference is that when single mode is used it is
            possible to add caption, defaultvalue and expressions.
        .PARAMETER DataTable
            Defined the DataTable that columns should be added to
        .PARAMETER Names
            Defines the names of the columns. This is used to reference the column in the datatable.
        .PARAMETER Caption
            Sets the caption of the column. This is used when creating table views.
        .PARAMETER DefaultValue
            Sets the default value of a column. When set the cell of each row will get initialized with this default value.
        .PARAMETER Expression
            Sets a expression to calculate the cell value.
            For more information about expression variables and syntax see microsoft docs
        .PARAMETER AllowDBNull
            Defaults to true, if set to false column will not allow null values
            Add-DataTableColumn -DataTable $DataTable -Names 'Firstname','Lastname','Address','Email'
            This example demostrates the use of multiple mode to create four columns in the DataTable object.
            Add-DataTableColumn -DataTable $DataTable -Names 'PreferredColor' -Caption 'Preferred color' -DefaultValue 'Blue'
            This example demostrates the use of single mode to create one column with a caption and a default value.
            Add-DataTableColumn -DataTable $DataTable -Names 'Fee' -Expression '[Price] * [Amount]'
            This example demostrates the use of single mode to create one column with an expression

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Multiple')] # Enabled advanced function support

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Single')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Multiple')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Single')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Single')]
        $DefaultValue = '',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Single')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Single')]
        $AllowDBNull = $true

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
                $DataColumn = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn -ArgumentList @($Names)[0]
                $DataColumn.Caption = $Caption
                $DataColumn.DefaultValue = $DefaultValue
                $DataColumn.DataType = [Object]
                if ($Expression)
                    $DataColumn.Expression = $Expression
                $DataColumn.AllowDBNull = $AllowDBNull

                foreach ($Name in $Names)
                    $DataColumn = New-Object System.Data.DataColumn -ArgumentList $Name
                    $DataColumn.DataType = [Object]
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-DataTableColumn.ps1' 111
#Region '.\Public\Add-DataTableRow.ps1' 0
function Add-DataTableRow
            This function adds a row to a table
        .PARAMETER DataTable
            Pass the data table object to add rows to
        .PARAMETER InputObject
            Provides an object array with objects thats
            has properties corresponding to the table columns.
            Note that the object can contain more properties
            than columns, they will simply be ignored during
            matching. On the other side, if the object is missing
            properties for all columns, the addition will fail.
            Get-Service | Add-DataTableRow -DataTable $DataTable
            This example demonstrates how a preexisting object array
            can be passed to add rows.
            $Object = [pscustomobject]@{
                Property1 = 'Value'
                Property2 = 'Value'
                Property3 = 'Value'
            Add-DataTableRow -DataTable $DateTable -InputObject $Object
            This example demonstrates how a single object can be passed to add a new row.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = 'False positive.')]
    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support


        $InputObject | ForEach-Object {
            $CurrentObject = $PSItem
            $NewRow = $DataTable.NewRow()
            $CurrentObject.PSObject.Properties.GetEnumerator().ForEach( { $NewRow.($PSItem.Name) = $PSItem.Value })
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-DataTableRow.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Get-DataTableRow.ps1' 0
function Get-DataTableRow
            Retreive rows from DataTable
        .PARAMETER DataTable
            Pass the data table object to get rows from
        .PARAMETER Query
            Define a query.
            -like : like
            -gt : >
            -lt : <
            -eq : =
            Values should be enclosed with single qoutation marks
            Columns should not be enclosed with quotation marks
            Get-DataTableRow -DataTable $DataTable -Query '[OrderID] = 123456789'
            This example demonstrates how to retreive rows from data table.


            Throw $_
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-DataTableRow.ps1' 45
#Region '.\Public\New-DataSet.ps1' 0
function New-DataSet
            This function creates a new dataset
            $DataSet = New-DataSet
            This example demonstrates how to initialize a new data set object.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'No need to confirm creation of creation of in-memory empty data structure')]
    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support

            New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataSet -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Created DataSet'
            throw $_
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-DataSet.ps1' 29
#Region '.\Public\New-DataTable.ps1' 0
function New-DataTable
            Creating a DataTable object
        .PARAMETER TableName
            Defines the data table name. This property is used when referencing the table in a dataset for instance.
            $OrderTable = New-DataTable -TableName 'Orders'
            This example will create a datatable and return the datatable object.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'No need to confirm creation of creation of in-memory empty data structure')]
    [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support

        $DataTable = New-Object System.Data.Datatable
        $DataTable.TableName = $TableName

        # As the type DataTable is not enumerable, use the unary operator to return the DataTable as an one element array which is enumerable.
        return , $DataTable
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-DataTable.ps1' 31
#Region '.\suffix.ps1' 0
# The content of this file will be appended to the top of the psm1 module file. This is useful for custom procesedures after all module functions are loaded.
#EndRegion '.\suffix.ps1' 2