
$commandname = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name.Replace(".Tests.ps1", "")
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\build\appveyor-constants.ps1"

Describe "$commandname Unit Tests" {

    BeforeAll {
        # get the databases
        $databases = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost | Select-Object Name

        # Create database if it doesn't exist
        if ($databases.Name -notcontains 'DB1') {
            # Create the database
            Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance localhost -Database master -Query "CREATE DATABASE [DB1]"

    Context "Create image with defaults and a new backup" {
        $image = New-PSDCImage -SourceSqlInstance localhost -DestinationSqlInstance localhost -ImageNetworkPath "\\localhost\C$\projects\" -Database DB1 -CreateFullBackup -CopyOnlyBackup -EnableException

        It "Image object cannot be null" {
            $image | Should Not Be $null

        It "Image Path Should exist" {
            Test-Path -Path $image.ImageLocation | Should Be $true

        $null = Remove-Item -Path $image.ImageLocation -Force

    Context "Create image with defaults and an existing backup" {
        # Create the backup
        Backup-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance localhost -Database DB1

        # Create the image with the last backup
        $image = New-PSDCImage -SourceSqlInstance localhost -DestinationSqlInstance localhost -ImageNetworkPath "\\localhost\C$\projects\" -Database DB1 -UseLastFullBackup

        It "Image object cannot be null" {
            $image | Should Not Be $null

        It "Image Path Should exist" {
            Test-Path -Path $image.ImageLocation | Should Be $true

        $null = Remove-Item -Path $image.ImageLocation -Force
