
Function Invoke-DependencyScript {
        Invoke a dependency script

        Invoke a dependency script

        See Get-Help about_PSDepend for more information.

    .PARAMETER Dependency
        Dependency object from Get-Dependency.

    .PARAMETER PSDependTypePath
        Specify a PSDependMap.psd1 file that maps DependencyTypes to their scripts.

        This defaults to the PSDependMap.psd1 in the PSDepend module folder

        Only test dependencies that are tagged with all of the specified Tags (-and, not -or)

    .PARAMETER PSDependAction

        Get-Dependency -Path C:\requirements.psd1 | Import-Dependency

        Get dependencies from C:\requirements.psd1 and import them







        [parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    Mandatory = $True)]

        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [string]$PSDependTypePath = $(Join-Path $ModuleRoot PSDependMap.psd1),


        # This script reads a depend.psd1, installs dependencies as defined
        Write-Verbose "Running Invoke-DependencyScript with ParameterSetName '$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)' and params: $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"
        Write-Verbose "Dependencies:`n$($Dependency | Out-String)"

        #Get definitions, and dependencies in this particular psd1
        $DependencyDefs = Get-PSDependScript
        $TheseDependencyTypes = @( $Dependency.DependencyType | Sort-Object -Unique )

        #Build up hash, we call each dependencytype script for applicable dependencies
        foreach($DependencyType in $TheseDependencyTypes)
            $DependencyScript = $DependencyDefs.$DependencyType
            if(-not $DependencyScript)
                Write-Error "DependencyType $DependencyType is not defined in PSDependMap.psd1"
            $TheseDependencies = @( $Dependency | Where-Object {$_.DependencyType -eq $DependencyType})

            #Define params for the script
            #Each dependency type can have a hashtable to splat.
            $RawParameters = Get-Parameter -Command $DependencyScript
            $ValidParamNames = $RawParameters.Name
            if($ValidParamNames -notcontains 'PSDependAction')
                Write-Error "No PSDependAction found on PSDependScript [$DependencyScript]. Skipping [$($Dependency.DependencyName)]"
            [string[]]$ValidPSDependActions = $RawParameters | Where {$_.Name -like 'PSDependAction'} | Select -ExpandProperty ValidateSetValues -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            [string[]]$PSDependActions = foreach($Action in $PSDependAction)
                if($ValidPSDependActions -contains $Action) {$Action}
                    Write-Error "Skipping PSDependAction [$Action] for dependency [$($Dependency.DependencyName)]. Valid actions: [$ValidPSDependActions]"

            if($PSDependActions -contains 'Test' -and ( $PSDependActions -contains 'Import' -or $PSDependActions -contains 'Install'))
                Write-Error "Removing [Test] from PSDependActions. The Test action must run on its own."
                $PSDependActions = $PSDependActions | Where {$_ -ne 'Test'}

            foreach($ThisDependency in $TheseDependencies)
                #Parameters for dependency types. Only accept valid params...
                if($ThisDependency.Parameters.keys.count -gt 0)
                    $splat = @{}
                    foreach($key in $ThisDependency.Parameters.keys)
                        if($ValidParamNames -contains $key)
                            $splat.Add($key, $ThisDependency.Parameters.$key)
                            Write-Warning "Parameter [$Key] with value [$($ThisDependency.Parameters.$Key)] is not a valid parameter for [$DependencyType], ignoring. Valid params:`n[$ValidParamNames]"
                        $Splat['PSDependAction'] = $PSDependActions
                        $Splat.add('PSDependAction', $PSDependActions)
                    $splat = @{PSDependAction = $PSDependActions}

                #Define params for the script
                $splat.add('Dependency', $ThisDependency)

                # PITA, but tasks can run two ways, each different than typical dependency scripts
                if($PSDependActions -contains 'Install' -and $DependencyType -eq 'Task')
                    foreach($TaskScript in $ThisDependency.Target)
                        if( Test-Path $TaskScript -PathType Leaf)
                            . $TaskScript @splat
                            Write-Error "Could not process task [$TaskScript].`nAre connectivity, privileges, and other needs met to access it?"
                    . $DependencyScript @splat