
function Get-Dependency {
        Read a dependency psd1 file

        Read a dependency psd1 file

        The resulting object contains these properties
            DependencyFile : Path to psd1 file this dependency is defined in
            DependencyName : Unique dependency name (the key in the psd1 file). We reserve PSDependOptions for global options.
            DependencyType : Type of dependency. See Get-PSDependType
            Name : Name for the dependency
            Version : Version for the dependency
            Parameters : Hash table of parameters to pass to dependency script
            Source : Source for the dependency
            Target : Target for the dependency
            AddToPath : If specified and dependency type supports it, add dependency to path (e.g. a module is added to PSModulePath)
            Tags : One or more tags to categorize or filter dependencies
            DependsOn : Dependency that must be installed before this
            PreScripts : One or more paths to PowerShell scripts to run before the dependency
            PostScripts : One or more paths to PowerShell scripts to run after the dependency
            PSDependOptions: Hash table of global PSDepend options
            Raw : Raw output for this dependency from the PSD1. May include data outside of standard items above.

        These are parsed from dependency PSD1 files as follows:

        Simple syntax:
                DependencyName = 'Version'

            With the simple syntax:
               * The DependencyName (key) is used as the Name
               * We default to Git as the DependencyType if we see a '/', otherwise we default to PSGalleryModule
               * The Version (value) is a string, and is used as the Version
               * Other properties are set to $null

        Advanced syntax:
                DependencyName = @{
                    DependencyType = 'TypeOfDependency'. # See Get-PSDependType
                    Name = 'NameForThisDependency'
                    Version = '0.1.0'
                    Parameters = @{ Example = 'Value' } # Optional parameters for the dependency script.
                    Source = 'Some source' # Usually optional
                    Target = 'Some target' # Usually optional
                    AddToPath = $True # Whether to add new dependency to path, if dependency type supports it.
                    Tags = 'prod', 'local' # One or more tags to categorize or filter dependencies
                    DependsOn = 'Some_Other_DependencyName' # DependencyName that must run before this
                    PreScripts = 'C:\script.ps1' # Script(s) to run before this dependency
                    PostScripts = 'C:\script2.ps1' # Script(s) to run after this dependency

        Global options:
               PSDependOptions = @{
                   Target = 'C:\temp'
               # Supported for:
               # Parameters
               # Source
               # Target
               # AddToPath
               # Tags
               # DependsOn
               # PreScripts
               # PostScripts

               # Dependencies use these values as a default, unless you specify them explicitly for a dependency

        Note that you can mix these syntax together in the same psd1.

        Path to project root or dependency file.

        If a folder is specified, we search for and process *.depend.psd1 and requirements.psd1 files.

        Limit results to one or more tags defined in the Dependencies

    .PARAMETER Recurse
        If specified and path is a container, search for *.depend.psd1 and requirements.psd1 files recursively under $Path








        [string[]]$Path = $PWD.Path,

    # Helper to pick from global psdependoptions, or return a default
    function Get-GlobalOption {
            $Options = $PSDependOptions,
            $Default = $Null
        # Check for preferred value, otherwise try to get value from key, otherwise use default....
        $Output = $Default
            $Output = $Prefer
                $Output = $Options[$Name]
                $Output = $Default
        # Inject variables
        if( $Name -eq 'Target' -or $Name -eq 'Source')
            $Output = Inject-Variable $Output

    function Inject-Variable {
        param( $Value )
        $Output = $Value
            {$_ -match '^\.$|^\.\\|^\./'}{
                $Output = $Output -replace '^\.', $PWD.Path

            {$_ -Match '\$PWD'} {
                $Output = $Output -replace '\$PWD', $PWD.Path

            {$_ -Match '\$DependencyFolder|\$DependencyPath'} {
                $DependencyFolder = Split-Path $DependencyFile -Parent
                $Output = $Output -replace '\$DependencyFolder|\$DependencyPath', $DependencyFolder

    foreach($DependencyPath in $Path)
        #Resolve relative paths... Thanks Oisin!
        $DependencyPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DependencyPath)

        if(Test-Path $DependencyPath -PathType Container)
            $DependencyFiles = @( Resolve-DependScripts -Path $DependencyPath -Recurse $Recurse )
            $DependencyFiles = @( $DependencyPath )
        $DependencyFiles = $DependencyFiles | Select-Object -Unique

        $DependencyMap = foreach($DependencyFile in $DependencyFiles)
            # Read the file
            $Base = Split-Path $DependencyFile -Parent
            $File = Split-Path $DependencyFile -Leaf
            $Dependencies = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $Base -FileName $File

            # Global settings....
            $PSDependOptions = $null
                $PSDependOptions = $Dependencies.PSDependOptions

            foreach($Dependency in $Dependencies.keys)
                $DependencyHash = $Dependencies.$Dependency

                #Parse simple key=name, value=version format
                # It doesn't look like a git repo, and simple syntax: PSGalleryModule
                if( $DependencyHash -is [string] -and $Dependency -notmatch '/')
                        PSTypeName = 'PSDepend.Dependency'
                        DependencyFile = $DependencyFile
                        DependencyName = $Dependency
                        DependencyType = 'PSGalleryModule'
                        Name = $Dependency
                        Version = $DependencyHash
                        Parameters = Get-GlobalOption -Name Parameters
                        Source = Get-GlobalOption -Name Source
                        Target = Get-GlobalOption -Name Target
                        AddToPath = Get-GlobalOption -Name AddToPath
                        Tags = Get-GlobalOption -Name Tags
                        DependsOn = Get-GlobalOption -Name DependsOn
                        PreScripts =  Get-GlobalOption -Name PreScripts
                        PostScripts =  Get-GlobalOption -Name PostScripts
                        PSDependOptions = $PSDependOptions
                        Raw = $null
                # It looks like a git repo, and simple syntax: Git
                elseif($DependencyHash -is [string] -and $Dependency -match '/')
                        PSTypeName = 'PSDepend.Dependency'
                        DependencyFile = $DependencyFile
                        DependencyName = $Dependency
                        DependencyType = 'Git'
                        Name = $Dependency
                        Version = $DependencyHash
                        Parameters = Get-GlobalOption -Name Parameters
                        Source = Get-GlobalOption -Name Source
                        Target = Get-GlobalOption -Name Target
                        AddToPath = Get-GlobalOption -Name AddToPath
                        Tags = Get-GlobalOption -Name Tags
                        DependsOn = Get-GlobalOption -Name DependsOn
                        PreScripts = Get-GlobalOption -Name PreScripts
                        PostScripts = Get-GlobalOption -Name PostScripts
                        PSDependOptions = $PSDependOptions
                        Raw = $null
                    # Parse dependency hash format
                    # Default type is module, unless it's in a git-style format
                    if(-not $DependencyHash.ContainsKey('DependencyType'))
                        # Look for git format:
                            ($Dependency -match '/' -and -not $Dependency.Name) -or
                            $DependencyHash.Name -match '/'
                            $DependencyHash.add('DependencyType', 'Git')
                            $DependencyHash.add('DependencyType', 'PSGalleryModule')

                        PSTypeName = 'PSDepend.Dependency'
                        DependencyFile = $DependencyFile
                        DependencyName = $Dependency
                        DependencyType = $DependencyHash.DependencyType
                        Name = $DependencyHash.Name
                        Version = $DependencyHash.Version
                        Parameters = Get-GlobalOption -Name Parameters -Prefer $DependencyHash.Parameters
                        Source = Get-GlobalOption -Name Source -Prefer $DependencyHash.Source
                        Target = Get-GlobalOption -Name Target -Prefer $DependencyHash.Target
                        AddToPath = Get-GlobalOption -Name AddToPath -Prefer $DependencyHash.AddToPath
                        Tags = Get-GlobalOption -Name Tags -Prefer $DependencyHash.Tags
                        DependsOn = Get-GlobalOption -Name DependsOn -Prefer $DependencyHash.DependsOn
                        PreScripts = Get-GlobalOption -Name PreScripts -Prefer $DependencyHash.PreScripts
                        PostScripts = Get-GlobalOption -Name PostScripts -Prefer $DependencyHash.PostScripts
                        PSDependOptions = $PSDependOptions
                        Raw = $DependencyHash

            $DependencyMap = Get-TaggedDependency -Dependency $DependencyMap -Tags $Tags
            if(-not $DependencyMap)
                Write-Warning "No dependencies found with tags '$tags'"
        Sort-PSDependency -Dependencies $DependencyMap