
        Clone a git repository

        Clone a git repository

        Note: We require git.exe in your path

        Relevant Dependency metadata:
            DependencyName (Key): Git URL
                You can override this with the 'Name'.
                If you specify only an Account/Repository, we assume GitHub is the source
            Name: Optional override for the Git URL, same rules as DependencyName (key)
            Version: Used with git checkout. Specify a branch name, commit hash, or tags/<tag name>, for example. Defaults to master
            Target: Path to clone this repository. e.g C:\Temp would result in C:\Temp\RepoName. Defaults to nothing (current path/repo name)
            AddToPath: Prepend the Target to ENV:PATH and ENV:PSModulePath

    .PARAMETER Force
        If specified and target does not exist, create directory tree up to the target folder

    .PARAMETER PSDependAction
        Test, Install, or Import the module. Defaults to Install

        Test: Return true or false on whether the dependency is in place (Note: Currently only checks if path exists)
        Install: Install the dependency
        Import: Import the dependency 'Target'. Override with ImportPath

    .PARAMETER ImportPath
        If specified with PSDependAction Import, we import this path, instead of Target, the default

            'buildhelpers' = @{
                Name = ''
                Version = 'd32a9495c39046c851ceccfb7b1a85b17d5be051'
                Target = 'C:\git'

        # Full syntax
          # DependencyName (key) uses (unique) name 'buildhelpers'
          # Override DependencyName as URL the name
          # Specify a commit to checkout (version)
          # Clone in C:\git


            '' = 'master'
            'https://internal.gitlab.fqdn/jdoe/BuildHelpers.git' = 'd32a9495c39046c851ceccfb7b1a85b17d5be051'

        # Simple syntax
          # First example shows cloning PSDeploy from ramblingcookiemonster's GitHub repo
          # Second example shows clonging BuildHelpers from jdoe's internal GitLab account and checking out a specific commit
          # Both are cloned to the current path (e.g. .\<repo name>)
          # This syntax assumes git as a source. The right hand side is the version (branch, commit, tags/<tag name>, etc.)



    [ValidateSet('Test', 'Install')]
    [string[]]$PSDependAction = @('Install'),

    [bool]$ExtractProject = $False

# Extract data from Dependency
$DependencyName = $Dependency.DependencyName
$Name = $Dependency.Name
if(-not $Name)
    $Name = $DependencyName

#Name is in account/repo format, default to GitHub as source
#This likely needs work, and will need to change if GitHub changes valid characters for usernames
if($Name -match "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$")
    $Name = "$Name.git"
$GitName = $Name.trimend('/').split('/')[-1] -replace "\.git$", ''
if($Dependency.Target -and ($Target = (Get-Item $Dependency.Target -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName))
    Write-Debug "Target resolved to $Target"
    $Target = $PWD.Path
    Write-Debug "Target defaulted to current dir: $Target"
$RepoPath = Join-Path $Target $GitName
$GottaInstall = $True

if(-not (Test-Path $Target) -and $PSDependAction -contains 'Install')
    Write-Verbose "Creating folder [$Target] for git dependency [$Name]"
    $null = New-Item $Target -ItemType Directory -Force

if(-not (Test-Path $RepoPath))
    # Nothing found, return test output
    if( $PSDependAction -contains 'Test' -and $PSDependAction.count -eq 1)
        return $False
else # Target exists
    $GottaTest = $True

if(-not (Get-Command git.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
    Write-Error "Git dependency type requires git.exe. Ensure this is in your path, or explicitly specified in $ModuleRoot\PSDepend.Config's GitPath. Skipping [$DependencyName]"

$Version = $Dependency.Version
if(-not $Version)
    $Version = 'master'

    Set-Location $RepoPath
    $Branch = Invoke-ExternalCommand git -Arguments (Write-Output rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) -Passthru
    $Commit = Invoke-ExternalCommand git -Arguments (Write-Output rev-parse HEAD) -Passthru
    if($Version -eq $Branch -or $Version -eq $Commit)
        Write-Verbose "[$RepoPath] exists and is already at version [$Version]"
        if($PSDependAction -contains 'Test' -and $PSDependAction.count -eq 1)
            return $true
        $GottaInstall = $False
    elseif($PSDependAction -contains 'Test' -and $PSDependAction.count -eq 1)
        Write-Verbose "[$RepoPath] exists and is at branch [$Branch], commit [$Commit].`nWe don't currently support moving to the requested version [$Version]"
        return $false
        Write-Verbose "[$RepoPath] exists and is at branch [$Branch], commit [$Commit].`nWe don't currently support moving to the requested version [$Version]"
        $GottaInstall = $False

if($PSDependAction -notcontains 'Install')

if($GottaInstall -and !$ExtractProject)
    Set-Location $Target
    Write-Verbose -Message "Cloning dependency [$Name] with git from [$($Target)]"
    Invoke-ExternalCommand git 'clone', $Name

    #TODO: Should we do a fetch, once existing repo is found?
    Set-Location $RepoPath
    Write-Verbose -Message "Checking out [$Version] of [$Name] from [$RepoPath]"
    Invoke-ExternalCommand git 'checkout', $Version
elseif($GottaInstall -and $ExtractProject) {
    $OutPath = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([guid]::NewGuid().guid)
    $RepoFolder = Join-Path -Path $OutPath -ChildPath $GitName

    $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutPath -Force
    Push-Location $OutPath
    Write-Verbose -Message "Cloning dependency [$GitName] with git from [$($Target)]"
    Invoke-ExternalCommand git 'clone', $Name

    Push-Location $GitName
    Write-Verbose -Message "Checking out [$Version] of [$GitName] from [$RepoFolder]"
    Invoke-ExternalCommand git 'checkout', $Version

    $ProjectDetails = Get-ProjectDetail -Path $RepoFolder
    [string[]]$ToCopy = $ProjectDetails.Path

    #TODO: Implement test and import PSDependActions.
    if(-not (Test-Path $Target))
        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Target -Force
    foreach($Item in $ToCopy)
        Write-Verbose "Copy From: $ToCopy To: $Target"
        Copy-Item -Path $Item -Destination $Target -Force -Confirm:$False -Recurse
    Remove-Item $OutPath -Force -Recurse

    Write-Verbose "Setting PSModulePath to`n$($Target, $env:PSModulePath -join ';' | Out-String)"
    Add-ToItemCollection -Reference Env:\PSModulePath -Item (Get-Item $Target).FullName
    Write-Verbose "Setting PATH to`n$($RepoPath, $env:PATH -join ';' | Out-String)"
    Add-ToItemCollection -Reference Env:\Path -Item (Get-Item $Target).FullName

$ToImport = $Target
    $ToImport = $ImportPath
Import-PSDependModule $ToImport