
Function Invoke-PSDepend {
        Invoke PSDepend

        Invoke PSDepend

        Searches for and runs *.depend.psd1 and requirements.psd1 files in the current and nested paths

        See Get-Help about_PSDepend for more information.

        Path to a specific depend.psd1 file, or to a folder that we recursively search for *.depend.psd1 files

        Defaults to the current path

    .PARAMETER Recurse
        If path is a folder, whether to recursively search for *.depend.psd1 and requirements.psd1 files under that folder

        Defaults to $True

    .PARAMETER InputObject
        If specified instead of Path, treat this hashtable as the contents of a dependency file.

        For example:

            -InputObject @{
                BuildHelpers = 'latest'
                PSDeploy = 'latest'
                InvokeBuild = 'latest'

        Only invoke dependencies that are tagged with all of the specified Tags (-and, not -or)

    .PARAMETER PSDependTypePath
        Specify a PSDependMap.psd1 file that maps DependencyTypes to their scripts.

        This defaults to the PSDependMap.psd1 in the PSDepend module folder

    .PARAMETER Force
        Force dependency, skipping prompts and confirmation

        Run tests for dependencies we find.
        Appends a 'DependencyExists' property indicating whether the dependency exists by default
        Specify Quiet to simply return $true or $false depending on whether all dependencies exist

    .PARAMETER Quiet
        If specified along with Test, we return $true, or $false depending on whether all dependencies were met

    .PARAMETER Install
        Run the install for a dependency

        Default behavior

    .PARAMETER Target
        If specified, override the target in the PSDependOptions or Dependency.

    .PARAMETER Import
        If the dependency supports it, import it


        # Search for and run *.deploy.psd1 and requirements.psd1 files under the current path

        Invoke-PSDepend -Path C:\Path\To\require.psd1

        # Install dependencies from require.psd1

        Invoke-PSDepend -Path C:\Requirements -Recurse $False

        # Find and run *.depend.psd1 and requirements.psd1 files under C\Requirements (but not subfolders)






    [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'installimport-file',
                    SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
                    ConfirmImpact='High' )]
        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'installimport-file',
                    Position = 0,
                    ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'test-file',
                    Position = 0,
                    ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [string[]]$Path = '.',

        [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'installimport-hashtable',
                    Position = 0,
                    ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [parameter( ParameterSetName = 'test-hashtable',
                    Position = 0,
                    ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [string]$PSDependTypePath = $(Join-Path $ModuleRoot PSDependMap.psd1),


        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'installimport-file')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'test-file')]
        [bool]$Recurse = $True,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'test-file')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'test-hashtable')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'test-file')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'test-hashtable')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'installimport-file')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'installimport-hashtable')]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'installimport-file')]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'installimport-hashtable')]


        # Build parameters
        $InvokeParams = @{
            PSDependAction = @()
            PSDependTypePath = $PSDependTypePath
        $DoInstall = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'installimport-*' -and $Install
        $DoImport = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'installimport-*' -and $Import
        $DoTest = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'test-*' -and $Test
        if($DoInstall){$InvokeParams.PSDependAction += 'Install'}
        if($DoImport){$InvokeParams.PSDependAction += 'Import'}
        if($DoTest){$InvokeParams.PSDependAction += 'Test'}
        if($InvokeParams.PSDependAction.count -like 0)
            $InvokeParams.PSDependAction += 'Install'
        Write-Verbose "Running Invoke-PSDepend with ParameterSetName '$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)', PSDependAction $($InvokeParams.PSDependAction), and params: $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"

        $DependencyFiles = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
        $PSDependTypes = Get-PSDependType -Path $PSDependTypePath -SkipHelp
        $GetPSDependParams = @{}

        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*-file')
            foreach( $PathItem in $Path )
                # Create a map for dependencies
                [void]$DependencyFiles.AddRange( @( Resolve-DependScripts -Path $PathItem -Recurse $Recurse ) )
                if ($DependencyFiles.count -gt 0)
                    Write-Verbose "Working with [$($DependencyFiles.Count)] dependency files from [$PathItem]:`n$($DependencyFiles | Out-String)"
                    Write-Warning "No *.depend.ps1 files found under [$PathItem]"
        elseif($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*-hashtable')

        # Parse

        # Handle Dependencies
        $Dependencies = Get-Dependency @GetPSDependParams
        $Unsupported = ( $PSDependTypes | Where-Object {-not $_.Supported} ).DependencyType
        $Dependencies = foreach($Dependency in $Dependencies)
            if($Unsupported -contains $Dependency.DependencyType)
                $Supports = $PSDependTypes | Where-Object {$_.DependencyType -eq $Dependency.DependencyType} | Select -ExpandProperty Supports
                Write-Warning "Skipping unsupported dependency:`n$( $Dependency | Out-String)`nSupported platforms:`n$($Supports | Out-String)"

        if($DoTest -and $Quiet)
            $TestResult = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

        #TODO: Add ShouldProcess here if install is specified...
        foreach($Dependency in $Dependencies)
                Write-Verbose "Overriding Dependency target [$($Dependency.Target)] with target parameter value [$Target]"
                $Dependency.Target = $Target

            if( ($Force -and -not $WhatIf) -or
                ($DoTest) -or
                $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Processed the dependency '$($Dependency.DependencyName -join ", ")'",
                                        "Process the dependency '$($Dependency.DependencyName -join ", ")'?",
                                        "Processing dependency" ))
                $PreScriptSuccess = $True #anti pattern! Best I could come up with to handle both prescript fail and dependencies
                if($DoInstall -and $Dependency.PreScripts.Count -gt 0)
                    $ExistingEA = $ErrorActionPreference
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
                    foreach($script in $Dependency.PreScripts)
                            Write-Verbose "Invoking pre script: [$script]"
                            . $script
                            $PreScriptSuccess = $False
                            "Skipping installation due to failed pre script: [$script]"
                            Write-Error $_
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $ExistingEA

                    if($DoTest -and $Quiet)
                        $null = $TestResult.Add( (Invoke-DependencyScript @InvokeParams -Dependency $Dependency -Quiet ) )
                        Invoke-DependencyScript @InvokeParams -Dependency $Dependency

                if($DoInstall -and $Dependency.PostScripts.Count -gt 0)
                    foreach($script in $Dependency.PostScripts)
                        Write-Verbose "Invoking post script: $($script)"
                        . $script
        if($DoTest -and $Quiet)
            if($TestResult -contains $false)