
Function Test-Dependency {
        Test a specific dependency

        Test a specific dependency. Validates whether a dependency exists

        Takes output from Get-Dependency

          * Runs dependency scripts depending on each dependencies type.
          * Appends a 'DependencyExists' property indicating whether the dependency exists; alternatively
          * Returns $True or $False if the -Quiet switch is used

        See Get-Help about_PSDepend for more information.

    .PARAMETER Dependency
        Dependency object from Get-Dependency.

    .PARAMETER PSDependTypePath
        Specify a PSDependMap.psd1 file that maps DependencyTypes to their scripts.

        This defaults to the PSDependMap.psd1 in the PSDepend module folder

        Only test dependencies that are tagged with all of the specified Tags (-and, not -or)

    .PARAMETER Quiet
        Return $true or $false based on whether a dependency exists

        Get-Dependency -Path C:\requirements.psd1 | Test-Dependency

        Get dependencies from C:\requirements.psd1 and test whether they exist







        [parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    Mandatory = $True)]

        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [string]$PSDependTypePath = $(Join-Path $ModuleRoot PSDependMap.psd1),


        Invoke-DependencyScript @PSBoundParameters -PSDependAction Test