
Function Invoke-PSDeploy {
        Invoke PSDeploy

        Invoke PSDeploy

        Searches for .PSDeploy.ps1 files in the current and nested paths, and invokes their deployment

        See Get-Help about_PSDeploy for more information.

        Path to a specific PSDeploy.ps1 file, or to a folder that we recursively search for *.PSDeploy.ps1 files

        Defaults to the current path

    .PARAMETER Recurse
        If path is a folder, whether to recursively search for *.psdeploy.ps1 files under that folder

        Defaults to $True

        Only invoke deployments that are tagged with all of the specified Tags (-and, not -or)

    .PARAMETER DeploymentRoot
        Root path used to determing relative paths. Defaults to the Path parameter.

    .PARAMETER PSDeployTypePath
        Specify a PSDeploy.yml file that maps DeploymentTypes to their scripts.

        This defaults to the PSDeploy.yml in the PSDeploy module folder

    .PARAMETER Force
        Force deployment, skipping prompts and confirmation


        # Run deployments from any file named *.psdeploy.ps1 found under the current folder or any nested folders.
        # Prompts to confirm

        Invoke-PSDeploy -Path C:\Git\Module1\deployments\mymodule.psdeploy.ps1 -force

        # Run deployments from mymodule.psdeploy.ps1.
        # Don't prompt to confirm.

        Invoke-PSDeploy -Path C:\Git\Module1\deployments\mymodule.psdeploy.ps1 -DeploymentRoot C:\Git\Module1 -Tags Prod

        # Run deployments from mymodule.psdeploy.ps1.
        # Use C:\Git\Module1 to build any relative paths.
        # Only run deployments tagged 'Prod'















    [cmdletbinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
                    ConfirmImpact='High' )]
        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [string[]]$Path = '.',


        # Add later. Pass on to Invoke-PSDeployment.
        [validatescript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction Stop})]
        [string]$PSDeployTypePath = $(Join-Path $ModulePath PSDeploy.yml),


        [bool]$Recurse = $True,

        # This script reads a deployment YML, deploys files or folders as defined
        Write-Verbose "Running Invoke-PSDeploy with ParameterSetName '$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)' and params: $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"

        $RejectAll = $false
        $ConfirmAll = $false

        $DeploymentFiles = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

        $InvokePSDeploymentParams = @{}
        foreach( $PathItem in $Path )
            if( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DeploymentRoot') )
                    $Item = Get-Item $PathItem -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Error "Could not determine whether path '$PathItem' is a container or file"
                    Throw $_
                    $DeploymentRoot = $PathItem
                    $DeploymentRoot = $Item.DirectoryName
            # Create a map for deployments
                # Debating whether to make this a terminating error.
                # Stop all deployments because one is misconfigured?
                # I'm going with Copy-Item precedent.
                # Not terminating, so try catch is superfluous. Feel free to make this strict...
                [void]$DeploymentFiles.AddRange( @( Resolve-DeployScripts -Path $PathItem -Recurse $Recurse ) )
                if ($DeploymentFiles.count -gt 0)
                    Write-Verbose "Working with $($DeploymentFiles.Count) deployment files:`n$($DeploymentFiles | Out-String)"
                    Write-Warning "No *.PSDeploy.ps1 files found under '$PathItem'"
                Throw "Error retrieving deployments from '$PathItem':`n$_"

        # Parse
        $GetPSDeployParams = @{Path = $DeploymentFiles}
        #Resolve relative paths... Thanks Oisin!
            $DeploymentRoot = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DeploymentRoot)
            $GetPSDeployParams.Add('DeploymentRoot', $DeploymentRoot)

        $DeploymentScripts = Get-PSDeploymentScript

        # Handle Dependencies
        $ToDeploy = Get-PSDeployment @GetPSDeployParams
        $ReservedOptions = [string[]]'SourceIsAbsolute'
        foreach($Deployment in $ToDeploy)
            $Type = $Deployment.DeploymentType

            $TheseParams = @{'DeploymentParameters' = @{}}
            if($Deployment.DeploymentOptions.Keys.Count -gt 0 -and -not ($Type -eq 'Task' -and $Type.Source -is [scriptblock]))
                # Shoehorn Deployment Options into DeploymentParameters
                # Needed if we support both yml and ps1 definitions...

                # First, get the script, parse out parameters, restrict splatting to valid params
                $DeploymentScript = $DeploymentScripts.$Type
                $ValidParameters = Get-ParameterName -Command $DeploymentScript

                $FilteredOptions = @{}
                foreach($key in $Deployment.DeploymentOptions.Keys)
                    if($ReservedOptions -contains $key)
                    elseif($ValidParameters -contains $key)
                        $FilteredOptions.Add($key, $Deployment.DeploymentOptions.$key)
                        Write-Warning "WithOption '$Key' is not a valid parameter for '$Type'"
                $hash = @{$Type = $FilteredOptions}
                $TheseParams.DeploymentParameters = $hash

            $Deploy = $True #anti pattern! Best I could come up with to handle both prescript fail and dependencies

                Write-Verbose "Checking dependency:`n$($Deployment.Dependencies.ScriptBlock)"
                if( -not $( . $Deployment.Dependencies.ScriptBlock ) )
                    $Deploy = $False
                    Write-Warning "Skipping Deployment '$($Deployment.DeploymentName)', did not pass scriptblock`n$($Deployment.Dependencies.ScriptBlock | Out-String)"

            if($Deployment.PreScript.Count -gt 0)
                $ExistingEA = $ErrorActionPreference
                foreach($script in $Deployment.Prescript)
                            Write-Verbose "Invoking pre script: $($Script.ScriptBlock)"
                            $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
                            . $Script.ScriptBlock
                            $Deploy = $False
                            Write-Error $_
                        . $Script.ScriptBlock
                $ErrorActionPreference = $ExistingEA

                $Deployment | Invoke-PSDeployment @TheseParams @InvokePSDeploymentParams

            if($Deployment.PostScript.Count -gt 0)
                foreach($script in $Deployment.PostScript)
                    Write-Verbose "Invoking post script: $($Script.ScriptBlock)"
                    . $Script.ScriptBlock