
Function WithPreScript {
        Specify a script to run before the deployment in a By block

        Specify a script to run before the deployment in a By block

        Keep in mind:
          * This runs in the current scope using dot sourcing
          * A FromSource with multiple sources will generate multiple deployments. In that scenario, this script will run for each of those deployments.
          * This is not implemented for yaml deployments

        This is not intended to be used anywhere but in a *.PSDeploy.ps1 file. It is included here for intellisense support

    .PARAMETER ScriptBlock
        One or more scriptblocks to execute before the deployment

        One or more script files to execute before the deployment

    .PARAMETER SkipOnError
        If specified and this script generates an error, skip the deployment in question


        # This is a complete PSDeploy.ps1 example including a By function

        Deploy DeployMyModule {
            By FileSystem {
                FromSource 'MyModule'
                To 'C:\sc\MyModule'
                Tagged Prod, Module
                WithPreScript {
                    "Set up a thing"
                    "Do another thing"

            By FileSystem Tasks {
                FromSource 'Tasks'
                To 'C:\sc\Tasks'
                Tagged Prod
                WithPostScript {
                    "Tear down a thing"

        # This illustrates using two of the same DeploymentTypes, with different options and details.
        # We specify a name to ensure uniqueness of the resulting DeploymentName: DeployMyModule and DeployMyModule-Tasks
        # This would deploy the folder 'MyModule' to C:\sc\MyModule. It would mirror (i.e. remove items that are not in the source)
        # This would deploy the folder Tasks to C:\sc\Tasks, without mirroring.
        # This will run a setup script for the MyModule deployment. You can include arbitrary PowerShell in this scriptblock
        # THis will run a teardown script for the Tasks deployment.













        [parameter( Position = 0,
                    ValueFromPipeline = $True,
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

        [parameter( Position = 1 )]
        [validatescript({Test-Path $_})]

        $ScriptsToProcess = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            foreach($dir in $Path)
                $sb = [scriptblock]::Create( $(Get-Content $ScriptFile -Raw) )
            $Pair = [pscustomobject]@{
                ScriptBlock = $sb
                SkipOnError = $SkipOnError
        foreach($sb in $ScriptBlock)
            $Pair = [pscustomobject]@{
                ScriptBlock = $sb
                SkipOnError = $SkipOnError
        $Script:ThisBy.PreScript = @( $ScriptsToProcess )