########################################################### # # 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' logic module # ########################################################### data LocalizedData { # culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' CheckSumFileExists = File '{0}' already exists. Please specify -Force parameter to overwrite existing checksum files. CreateChecksumFile = Create checksum file '{0}' OverwriteChecksumFile = Overwrite checksum file '{0}' OutpathConflict = (ERROR) Cannot create directory '{0}'. A file exists with the same name. InvalidConfigPath = (ERROR) Invalid configuration path '{0}' specified. InvalidOutpath = (ERROR) Invalid OutPath '{0}' specified. InvalidConfigurationName = Invalid Configuration Name '{0}' is specified. Standard names may only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and underscore (_). The name may not be null or empty, and should start with a letter. InvalidResourceSpecification = Found more than one resource named '{0}'. Please use the module specification to be more specific. UnsupportedResourceImplementation = The resource '{0}' implemented as '{1}' is not supported by Invoke-DscResource. NoValidConfigFileFound = No valid config files (mof,zip) were found. InputFileNotExist=File {0} doesn't exist. FileReadError=Error Reading file {0}. MatchingFileNotFound=No matching file found. CertificateFileReadError=Error Reading certificate file {0}. CertificateStoreReadError=Error Reading certificate store for {0}. CannotCreateOutputPath=Invalid Configuration name and output path combination :{0}. Please make sure output parameter is a valid path segment. ConflictingDuplicateResource=A conflict was detected between resources '{0}' and '{1}' in node '{2}'. Resources have identical key properties but there are differences in the following non-key properties: '{3}'. Values '{4}' don't match values '{5}'. Please update these property values so that they are identical in both cases. ConfiguratonDataNeedAllNodes=ConfigurationData parameter need to have property AllNodes. ConfiguratonDataAllNodesNeedHashtable=ConfigurationData parameter property AllNodes needs to be a collection. AllNodeNeedToBeHashtable=all elements of AllNodes need to be hashtable and has a property 'NodeName'. DuplicatedNodeInConfigurationData=There are duplicated NodeNames '{0}' in the configurationData passed in. EncryptedToPlaintextNotAllowed=Converting and storing encrypted passwords as plain text is not recommended. For more information on securing credentials in MOF file, please refer to MSDN blog: DomainCredentialNotAllowed=It is not recommended to use domain credential for node '{0}'. In order to suppress the warning, you can add a property named 'PSDscAllowDomainUser' with a value of $true to your DSC configuration data for node '{0}'. NestedNodeNotAllowed=Defining node '{0}' inside the current node '{1}' is not allowed since node definitions cannot be nested. Please move the definition for node '{0}' to the top level of the configuration '{2}'. FailToProcessNode=An exception was raised while processing Node '{0}': {1} LocalHostNodeNotAllowed=Defining a 'localhost' node in the configuration '{0}' is not allowed since the configuration already contains one or more resource definitions that are not associated with any nodes. InvalidMOFDefinition=Invalid MOF definition for node '{0}': {1} RequiredResourceNotFound=Resource '{0}' required by '{1}' does not exist. Please ensure that the required resource exists and the name is properly formed. ReferencedManagerNotFound=Download Manager '{0}' referenced by '{1}' does not exist. Please ensure that the referenced download manager exists and the name is properly formed. ReferencedResourceSourceNotFound=Resource Repository '{0}' referenced by '{1}' does not exist. Please ensure that the referenced resource repository exists and the name is properly formed. DependsOnLinkTooDeep=DependsOn link exceeded max depth limitation '{0}'. DependsOnLoopDetected=Circular DependsOn exists '{0}'. Please make sure there are no circular reference. FailToProcessConfiguration=Errors occurred while processing configuration '{0}'. FailToProcessProperty={0} error processing property '{1}' OF TYPE '{2}': {3} NodeNameIsRequired=Node processing is skipped since the node name is empty. ConvertValueToPropertyFailed=Cannot convert '{0}' to type '{1}' for property '{2}' in resource '{3}'. ResourceNotFound=The term '{0}' is not recognized as the name of a {1}. GetDscResourceInputName=The Get-DscResource input '{0}' parameter value is '{1}'. ResourceNotMatched=Skipping resource '{0}' as it does not match the requested name. InitializingClassCache=Initializing class cache LoadingDefaultCimKeywords=Loading default CIM keywords GettingModuleList=Getting module list CreatingResourceList=Creating resource list CreatingResource=Creating resource '{0}'. SchemaFileForResource=Schema file name for resource {0} UnsupportedReservedKeyword=The '{0}' keyword is not supported in this version of the language. UnsupportedReservedProperty=The '{0}' property is not supported in this version of the language. MetaConfigurationHasMoreThanOneLocalConfigurationManager=The meta configuration for node '{0}' contain more than one definitions for LocalConfigurationManager which is not allowed. MetaConfigurationSettingsMissing=The settings definition for node '{0}' is missing. A default empty settings definition is added for the node. ConflictInExclusiveResources=The partial configuration '{0}' and '{1}' have coflicting exclusive resource declarations. ReferencedModuleNotExist=The referenced module '{0}' does not exist on the machine. Please use Get-DscResource to find out what exists on the machine. ReferencedResourceNotExist=The referenced resource '{0}' does not exist on the machine. Please use Get-DscResource to find out what exists on the machine. ReferencedModuleResourceNotExist=The referenced module\resource '{0}' does not exist on the machine. Please use Get-DscResource to find out what exists on the machine. DuplicatedResourceInModules=The referenced resource '{0}' exists in module {1} and module {2} on the machine. Please make sure it exists in only one module. CannotConvertStringToBool=Cannot convert value "System.String" to type "System.Boolean". Boolean parameters accept only Boolean values and numbers, such as $True, $False, 1 or 0. NoModulesPresent=There are no modules present in the system with the given module specification. ImportDscResourceWarningForInbuiltResource=The configuration '{0}' is loading one or more built-in resources without explicitly importing associated modules. Add Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' to your configuration to avoid this message. PasswordTooLong=An error occurred during encryption of a password in node '{0}'. Most likely the password entered is too long to be encrypted using the selected certificate. Please either use a shorter password or select a certificate with a larger key. PsDscRunAsCredentialNotSupport=The 'PsDscRunAsCredential' property is not currently support when using Invoke-DscResource. '@ } Set-StrictMode -Off # In case localized resource is not available we revert back to English as defined in LocalizedData section so ignore the error instead of showing it to user. Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable LocalizedData -FileName PSDesiredStateConfiguration.Resource.psd1 -ErrorAction Ignore Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/helpers/DscResourceInfo.psm1 # Set DSC HOME environment variable. $env:DSC_HOME = "$PSScriptRoot/Configuration" $script:V1MetaConfigPropertyList = @('ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins', 'RebootNodeIfNeeded', 'ConfigurationMode', 'ActionAfterReboot', 'RefreshMode', 'CertificateID', 'ConfigurationID', 'DownloadManagerName', 'DownloadManagerCustomData', 'RefreshFrequencyMins', 'AllowModuleOverwrite', 'DebugMode', 'Credential') $script:DirectAccessMetaConfigPropertyList = @('AllowModuleOverWrite', 'CertificateID', 'ConfigurationDownloadManagers', 'ResourceModuleManagers', 'DebugMode', 'RebootNodeIfNeeded', 'RefreshMode', 'ConfigurationAgent') ################################################################# # Code to determin what version related info is needed # and fixup the configuration document is it is already generated ################################################################# function Generate-VersionInfo { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $KeywordData, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Hashtable] $Value ) $SystemProperties = @('ResourceID', 'SourceInfo', 'ModuleName', 'ModuleVersion') $HasAdditionalProperty = $false foreach ($key in $KeywordData.Keys) { if (($Value.Contains($key)) -and ($script:V1MetaConfigPropertyList -notcontains $key) -and ($SystemProperties -notcontains $key)) { $HasAdditionalProperty = $true break } } if($HasAdditionalProperty) { Set-PSMetaConfigVersionInfoV2 } else { $script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['MinimumCompatibleVersion'] = ($script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['MinimumCompatibleVersion'], "1.0.0" | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum } $script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties'] = @('MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration:StatusRetentionTimeInDays') $script:PSMetaConfigurationProcessed = $true } # indicate whether meta configuration is processed before document instance function Set-PSMetaConfigDocInsProcessedBeforeMeta { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] param() $Script:PSMetaConfigDocInsProcessedBeforeMeta = $true } function Get-PSMetaConfigurationProcessed { return $script:PSMetaConfigurationProcessed } function Get-PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo { return $script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo } function Set-PSMetaConfigVersionInfoV2 { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] param() $script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['MinimumCompatibleVersion'] = '2.0.0' if($Script:PSMetaConfigDocInsProcessedBeforeMeta) #fixup configuration document instance version info { [string]$data = Get-MofInstanceText '$OMI_ConfigurationDocument1ref' $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases['$OMI_ConfigurationDocument1ref'] = $data -replace 'MinimumCompatibleVersion = "1.0.0"', 'MinimumCompatibleVersion = "2.0.0"' Set-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases['$OMI_ConfigurationDocument1ref'] } } function Get-CompatibleVersionAddtionaPropertiesStr { '{' if($script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties']) { $len = @($script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties']).Length foreach ($e in @($script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties'])) { "`"$e`"" + $(if (--$len -gt 0) { ', ' } else { '' } ) } } '}' } ########################################################### # The MOF generation code ########################################################### # # This scriptblock takes a type name and a list of properties and produces # the MOF source text to define an instance of that type # function ConvertTo-MOFInstance { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [hashtable] $Properties ) # remove ModuleVersion, this will be handled during final validation. if($properties.ContainsKey('ModuleName') -and $properties['ModuleName'] -ieq 'PsDesiredStateConfiguration') { $script:PsDscModuleVersion = $properties['ModuleVersion'] $properties.Remove('ModuleVersion') } if($properties.ContainsKey('PsDscRunAsCredential')) { $script:PsDscCompatibleVersion = "2.0.0" } # Look up the property definitions for this keyword. $PropertyTypes = [System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeyword]::GetKeyword($Type).Properties # and the CIM type name to use since the keyword might be an alias. $ResourceName = [System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeyword]::GetKeyword($Type).ResourceName if($script:IsMetaConfig -and ($ResourceName -eq 'MSFT_DSCMetaConfigurationV2')) { Generate-VersionInfo $PropertyTypes $Properties } # # Function to convert .NET datetime object to MOF datetime string format # We're not using [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime() # because it has known bugs which are not going to be fixed. # function ConvertTo-MofDateTimeString ([datetime] $d) { $utcOffset = ($d -$d.ToUniversalTime()).TotalMinutes $utcOffsetString = if ($utcOffset -ge 0) { '+' } else { '-' } $utcOffsetString += ([System.Math]::Abs(($utcOffset)).ToString().PadLeft(3,'0')) '{0}{1}' -f $d.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss.ffffff'), $utcOffsetString } # # Utility routine to find if username specified is # a domain user. # function IsDomainUser() { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $UserName ) # if username contains '\' example: domain\username or '@' example: # it may not be a local user. if( -not( $UserName.Contains('\') -or $UserName.Contains('@'))) { # it is a local user return $false } elseif( $UserName.Contains('@')) { return $true } else { # In case of '\', domain name can be local machine. $result = $UserName.Split('\') if( $result.Count -ge 2) { $domain = $result[0] $localMachineNames = @("localhost","","::1") $isDomainUser = $true if( $localMachineNames -icontains $domain) { $isDomainUser = $false } return $isDomainUser } } $true } # # Utility routine to render a property # as a string in MOF syntax. # function stringify ($Value, $asArray = $false, $targetType = [string]) { $result = if ($Value -is [array] -or $asArray) { '{' $len = @($Value).Length foreach ($e in $Value) { ' ' + (stringify $e -targetType $targetType) + $(if (--$len -gt 0) { ',' } else { '' } ) } '}' } elseif ($Value -is [PSCredential] ) { # If the input object is a PSCredential, turn it into an MSFT_Credential with an encrypted password. $clearText = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::GetStringFromSecureString($Value.Password) $newValue = @{ UserName = $Value.UserName Password = $clearText } # Recurse to build the object. ConvertTo-MOFInstance MSFT_Credential $newValue } elseif ($Value -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) { # Collect the individual strings $elementsAsStrings = foreach ($p in $Value.GetEnumerator()) { ConvertTo-MOFInstance MSFT_KeyValuePair @{ Key = $p.Key Value = $p.Value } } # Produce a single formatted string. ' ' + ($elementsAsStrings -join ",`n ") + "`n" } elseif ($Value -is [ScriptBlock] ) { # Find all $using: variables used in the script and replace them with normal variables $scriptText = "$Value" # Need to create a new scriptblock so the extent offsets are correct $scriptAst = [scriptblock]::Create($scriptText).Ast # get the $using: variable asts into an array $variables = $scriptAst.FindAll({ param ($ast) $ast.GetType().FullName -match 'VariableExpressionAst' -and $ast.Extent.Text -match '^\$using:' } , $true).ToArray() # do the substitutions in reverse order [Array]::Reverse($variables) $variables | ForEach-Object -Process { $start = $_.Extent.StartOffset $length = $_.Extent.EndOffset - $start $newName = '$' + $_.VariablePath.UserPath $scriptText = $scriptText.Remove($start, $length).Insert($start, $newName) } $completeScript = '' # generate assignement statements to set the variable values on the other side # using serialized values passed from the local environment $varNames = @($variables).VariablePath.UserPath | Sort-Object -Unique foreach ($v in $varNames) { # If the ScriptBlock was defined in a module, then use the module for lookups if ($Value.Module) { $var = $Value.Module.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($v) } else { # Otherwise look up in the callers context $var = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.GetVariableFromCallersModule($v) } if ($var) { $varValue = $var.Value # Skip null values but preserve empty arrays and strings for type propigation if ($null -ne $varValue) { # Pass strings quoted; amn explicit type check is needed because -is recognizes too many things as strings if ($varValue -is [string]) { $completeScript += "`$$v ='" + ($varValue -replace "'", "''") + "'`n" } else { # Serialize everything else $serializedValue = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Serialize($varValue) -replace "'", "''" $completeScript += "`$$v = [System.Management.Automation.PSSerializer]::Deserialize('$serializedValue')`n" } } } } # Merge in the actual scriptblock body $completeScript += $scriptText # Quote the string so it's suitable to embed in the MOF file... '"' + ($completeScript -replace '\\', '\\' -replace "[`r]*`n", '\n' -replace '"', '\"') + '"' } elseif ($targetType -eq [datetime]) { # If the target is a datetime, convert the argument to a datetime and then render that # as a DMTF datetime... '"' + (ConvertTo-MofDateTimeString $Value) + '"' } elseif ($targetType -eq [double]) { # MOF syntax requires reals to always have a decimal point so add # so add one if the string representation does contain one. [string] $dblAsString = [double] $Value if ( -not $dblAsString.Contains('.') ) { $dblAsString += '.0' } $dblAsString } elseif ($targetType -eq [char]) { # A char16 is encode as a single quoted character "'$Value'" } elseif ($targetType -eq [int64]) { [int64] $Value } elseif ($targetType -eq [uint64]) { [uint64] $Value } elseif ($targetType -eq [bool]) { if($Value -is [string]) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.CannotConvertStringToBool ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.ArgumentException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $Value -ErrorId 'CannotConvertStringToBool' -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument } else { [bool]$Value } } elseif ($targetType -ne [string]) { # Cast the value to the target type... $Value -as $targetType } elseif ($Value -is [string] -and -not $InstanceAliases[$Value] ) { '"' + ($Value -replace '\\', '\\' -replace "`r?`n", '\n' -replace '"', '\"') + '"' } elseif ($null -eq $Value) { 'NULL' } elseif (($targetType -eq [string]) -and ($Value -isnot [string])) { # Cast value to string if it is not already a string, this is for covering cases like when a user assign an integer while the # CIM property type is string '"' + ($Value -replace '\\', '\\' -replace "`r?`n", '\n' -replace '"', '\"') + '"' } else { $Value } $result -join "`n" } Write-Debug -Message " BEGIN MOF GENERATION FOR $Type" # Generate the MOF instance alias to use for the current node if ( (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ) { if($null -eq $Script:NodeTypeRefCount[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ]) { $Script:NodeTypeRefCount[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,int]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } $MofAliasString = '$' + $ResourceName + ++$Script:NodeTypeRefCount[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ][$ResourceName] + 'ref' $InstanceAliases = $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ] } else # Generate the MOF instance alias to use for the default (unnamed) node. { $MofAliasString = '$' + $ResourceName + ++$Script:NoNameNodeTypeRefCount[$ResourceName] + 'ref' $InstanceAliases = $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases } # Start generating the MOF source text for this instance $result = "instance of $ResourceName as $MofAliasString`n{`n" #special case psdesiredstateConfiguration module. Insert '0.0' as module if user hasn't explicilty asked for the version if( $Properties.ContainsKey("ModuleName") -and ($Properties["ModuleName"] -ieq 'PsDesiredStateConfiguration')) { if(-not $Script:ExplicitlyImportedModules.ContainsKey('PsDesiredStateConfiguration')) { $script:ShowImportDscResourceWarning = $true } } # generate the property definitions $oldOFS = $OFS $OFS = ' ' $result += try { if ($Properties -and $Properties.Count) { foreach ($p in $Properties.GetEnumerator()) { Write-Debug -Message " Generating property data for '$($p.Name)' = '$($p.Value)'" $targetTypeName = $PropertyTypes[$p.Name].TypeConstraint # see if the target type is an array $asArray = $p.Name -eq 'DependsOn' -or $targetTypeName -match 'Array' # Convert the CIM typename to the appropriate .NET type to use # to convert the input object into an appropriately encoded string # using the PowerShell type conversion semantics. switch -regex ($targetTypeName) { # unsigned integer types '^sint[0-9]{1,2}' { $targetType = [int64] break } # Single 16 bit character (note - this type is deprecated and removed in MOFv3 '^char16' { $targetType = [char] break } # signed integer types '^uint[0-9]{0,2}' { $targetType = [uint64] break } # reals '^real32|^real64' { $targetType = [double] break } # boolean '^boolean' { $targetType = [bool] } # datetime 'datetime' { $targetType = [datetime] } # everything else render directly as a string... default { $targetType = [string] } } # # If the scalar target types is a credential, then we need to encrypt the Password property value # before generating the MOF text # if(($Type -match 'MSFT_Credential') -and $p.Name -match 'Password') { # For MSFT_Credential we'll have a password that may need to be encrypted depending # on the availability of a key. This may need to change to the base class of MSFT_WindowCredential # if we're using the class to refer to non-Windows machines where a Domain may be irrelevant. $p.Name + ' = ' + (stringify -value (Get-EncryptedPassword $p.Value) -asArray $asArray -targetType $targetType ) + ";`n" } else { #embeded instances cannot be null if($null -eq $p.Value -and $PropertyTypes[$p.Name].TypeConstraint -eq 'Instance') { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConvertValueToPropertyFailed -f @('$null', $Type, $p.Name, $ResourceName) $errorMessage += Get-PositionInfo $Properties['SourceInfo'] $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidArgument -ErrorId FailToProcessProperty Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } if($p.Value -is [PSCredential]) { [bool] $PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $false [bool] $PSDscAllowDomainUser = $false [bool] $PSDscDomainUser = IsDomainUser -username $p.Value.UserName if($Node -and $selectedNodesData) { if($selectedNodesData -is [array]) { foreach($target in $selectedNodesData) { if($target['NodeName'] -and $target['NodeName'] -eq $Node) { $currentNode = $target } } } else { $currentNode = $selectedNodesData } } # where user need to specify properties for resources not in a node, # they can do it through localhost nodeName in $allNodes elseif($allnodes -and $allnodes.AllNodes) { foreach($target in $allnodes.AllNodes) { if($target['NodeName'] -and $target['NodeName'] -eq 'localhost') { $currentNode = $target } } } if($currentNode) { # PSDscAllowDomainUser set to true would indicate that we want to allow # domain credential. It takes precedence over PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword behavior if($currentNode['PSDscAllowDomainUser']) { $PSDscAllowDomainUser = $currentNode['PSDscAllowDomainUser'] } if($PSDscDomainUser -and (-not $PSDscAllowDomainUser)) { if($null -eq $Script:NodeUsingDomainCred) { $Script:NodeUsingDomainCred = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,bool]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } $Script:NodeUsingDomainCred[$currentNode['NodeName']] = $true } # PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword set to true would indicate that we want to allow the # automatic conversion of the encrypted password to plaintext if a certificate or # certificate id is not specified. # if a certid or cert file is specified, it taks precedence over PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword if($currentNode['PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword']) { $PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $currentNode['PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword'] } $certificateid = $currentNode['CertificateID'] if ( -not $certificateid) { # CertificateFile is the public key file $certificatefile = $currentNode['CertificateFile'] if (( -not $certificatefile) -and (-not $PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword)) { $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.EncryptedToPlaintextNotAllowed) ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.InvalidOperationException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $p -ErrorId 'InvalidPathSpecified' -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation } } if($currentNode['NodeName'] -and ($certificatefile -or $certificateid)) { $Script:NodesPasswordEncrypted[$currentNode['NodeName']] = $true } $p.Name + ' = ' + (stringify -value $p.Value -asArray $asArray -targetType $targetType ) + ";`n" } else { $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.EncryptedToPlaintextNotAllowed) ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.InvalidOperationException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $p -ErrorId 'InvalidPathSpecified' -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation } } else { if ($targetTypeName -notmatch 'Array' -or $p.Value.Count) { $p.Name + ' = ' + (stringify -value $p.Value -asArray $asArray -targetType $targetType ) + ";`n" } } } } } else { if ($Type -notmatch 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument') { "// This instance definition of $Type had no properties`n" } Write-Debug -Message " ENCOUNTERED INSTANCE OF TYPE '$Type' WITH NO PROPERTIES" } } catch { $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message + (Get-PositionInfo $Properties['SourceInfo']) $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.FailToProcessProperty -f @($_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $p.Name, $Type, $errorMessage) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId FailToProcessProperty Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } finally { $OFS = $oldOFS } # # Add extra information about Author, GenerationHost, GenerationDate and Name if they are not specified # if ($Type -match 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument' -and $Properties) { if (-not $Properties.ContainsKey('Author')) { $result += " Author = `"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n" } if (-not $Properties.ContainsKey('GenerationDate')) { $result += " GenerationDate = `"$(Get-Date)`";`n" } if (-not $Properties.ContainsKey('GenerationHost')) { $result += " GenerationHost = `"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n" } # todo: report error is configuration name does't match if (-not $Properties.ContainsKey('Name')) { $result += " Name = `"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n" } } # # Append the completed mof instance text to the overall document # $instanceText = "`n" + $result + "`n};`n" # # Record and return the alias for that document # Write-Debug -Message " Added alias $MofAliasString to InstanceAliases array for node '$(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)'" if ( Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode ) { if($null -eq $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ]) { $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:NodeResourceIdAliases[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ][$MofAliasString] = $instanceText if($Properties.ContainsKey('ResourceID')) { $Script:NodeResourceIdAliases[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ][$Properties['ResourceID']] = $MofAliasString } } else { $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases[$MofAliasString] = $instanceText if($Properties.ContainsKey('ResourceID')) { $Script:NoNameNodeResourceIdAliases[$Properties['ResourceID']] = $MofAliasString } } # todo: we can check error for duplicated alias in a node and report it here # because this can live acrose configurationelement calls Write-Debug -Message " MOF GENERATION COMPLETED FOR $Type" $MofAliasString } # # # Returns the MOF text for the instance that # corresponds to the aliasId # function Get-MofInstanceText { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $aliasId ) if ( Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode ) { $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[ (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ][$aliasId] } else { $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases[$aliasId] } } # # Get the position message based on the SourceMetadata # function Get-PositionInfo { param( [string] $sourceMetadata ) $positionMessage = '' if ($sourceMetadata) { $positionMessage = "`nAt" $infoItems = $sourceMetadata -split '::' # File name may be empty if ($infoItems[0]) { $positionMessage += " $($infoItems[0]):$($infoItems[1])" } else { $positionMessage += " line:$($infoItems[1])" } $positionMessage += " char:$($infoItems[2])" $positionMessage += "`n+ $($infoItems[3])" } $positionMessage } ################################################################################### # # A function that implements the 'Node' keyword logic. The Node keyword accumulates # the resource instances to define for a specific node or nodes. It's passed into the # configuration statement using the ScriptBlock.InvokeWithContext() method # function Node { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $KeywordData, # Not used in this function.... [string[]] $Name, # the list of nodes to process in this call [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ScriptBlock] $Value, # The scriptblock that generates the configuration in each node. [Parameter(Mandatory)] $sourceMetadata # Not used in this function ) if (-not $Name) { Write-Debug -Message 'The name parameter was empty, no nodes generated' return } Write-Debug -Message "*PROCESSING STARTED FOR NODE SET {$(@($Name) -join ',')} " # Save any global level resources and initialize for the resources defined for this node. $Script:PSOuterConfigurationNodes.Push( (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode) ) $OldNodeResources = $Script:NodeResources $OldNodeKeys = $Script:NodeKeys try { $OuterNode = $Script:PSOuterConfigurationNodes.Peek() if(( $OuterNode -eq [string]::Empty) -or (($OuterNode -ne [string]::Empty) -and ($Name -contains $OuterNode))) { # # Set up a map from node name to data # $nodeDataMap = @{} # # Copy the AllNodes data into the map # if($script:ConfigurationData) { $script:ConfigurationData.AllNodes | ForEach-Object -Process { $nodeDataMap[$_.NodeName] = $_ } } # # Create the SelectedNodes list for this Node statement # $selectedNodesData = foreach ($nn in $Name) { # If there is no data for this node, create a dummy node # with at least the node name if ( -not $nodeDataMap[$nn] ) { $nodeDataMap[$nn] = @{ NodeName = $nn } } $nodeDataMap[$nn] } foreach ($Node in $Name) { if(($OuterNode -ne [string]::Empty) -and ($OuterNode -ne $Node)) { continue } Set-PSCurrentConfigurationNode $Node if( $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration[$Node] ) { $Script:NodeResources = $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration[$Node] } else { $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,[string[]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:NodeResources = $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration[$Node] } #this for tracking referenced configuration managers if( $Script:NodesManagerInThisConfiguration[$Node] ) { $Script:NodeManager = $Script:NodesManagerInThisConfiguration[$Node] } else { $Script:NodesManagerInThisConfiguration[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:NodeManager = $Script:NodesManagerInThisConfiguration[$Node] } #this for tracking exclusive resources if( $Script:NodesExclusiveResourcesInThisConfiguration[$Node] ) { $Script:NodeExclusiveResources = $Script:NodesExclusiveResourcesInThisConfiguration[$Node] } else { $Script:NodesExclusiveResourcesInThisConfiguration[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:NodeExclusiveResources = $Script:NodesExclusiveResourcesInThisConfiguration[$Node] } #this for tracking referenced Resource Module Source if( $Script:NodesResourceSourceInThisConfiguration[$Node] ) { $Script:NodeResourceSource = $Script:NodesResourceSourceInThisConfiguration[$Node] } else { $Script:NodesResourceSourceInThisConfiguration[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:NodeResourceSource = $Script:NodesResourceSourceInThisConfiguration[$Node] } if(-not $Script:NodeTypeRefCount[$Node]) { $Script:NodeTypeRefCount[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,int]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) $Script:NodeResourceIdAliases[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } if(-not $script:NodesKeysInThisConfiguration[$Node]) { $script:NodesKeysInThisConfiguration[$Node] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } $Script:NodeKeys = $script:NodesKeysInThisConfiguration[$Node] # # Set up the context variable list. # $variablesToDefine = @( New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('SelectedNodes', $selectedNodesData) New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('Node', $nodeDataMap[$Node]) New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('NodeName', $Node) ) # Initialize dictionary to detect duplicate resources if ($null -eq $Script:DuplicateResources) { $Script:DuplicateResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } if (-not $Script:DuplicateResources.ContainsKey($Name)) { $Script:DuplicateResources[$Name] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } try { # Evaluate the node's business logic scriptblock Write-Debug -Message "*$Node : NODE PROCESSING STARTED FOR THIS NODE." $Value.InvokeWithContext($functionsToDefine, $variablesToDefine) } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] { # Write the unwrapped exception message $pscmdlet.CommandRuntime.WriteError((Get-InnerMostErrorRecord $_)) Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } # Display warning if domain credential is used in the configuration. if($Script:NodeUsingDomainCred.ContainsKey($Node) -and $Script:NodeUsingDomainCred[$Node]) { $nameMessage = $LocalizedData.DomainCredentialNotAllowed -f @($Node, $Node) $UserWarningPreference = $WarningPreference if($null -ne $ArgsToBody['WarningAction']) { $UserWarningPreference = $ArgsToBody['WarningAction'] } Write-Warning -Message $nameMessage -WarningAction $UserWarningPreference } # Validate make sure all of the required resources are defined # if so, add the DependsOn fields for all resources ValidateNodeResources # # Fixup ModuleVersion # Update-ModuleVersion $Script:NodeResources $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[$Node] $Script:NodeResourceIdAliases[$Node] # Validate make sure all of the referenced download managers are defined ValidateNodeManager # Validate make sure all of the referenced resource source are defined ValidateNodeResourceSource # Validate make sure no conflict between exclusive resources # also validate exclusive resource exist ValidateNodeExclusiveResources # Validate make sure all of the required resources are defined ValidateNoCircleInNodeResources Write-Debug -Message "*$Node : NODE PROCESSING COMPLETED FOR THIS NODE. configuration errors encountered so far: $(Get-ConfigurationErrorCount)" } } else { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.NestedNodeNotAllowed -f @(($Name -join ','), (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode), $Script:PSConfigurationName) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId NestedNodeNotAllowed Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } catch { $errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message + (Get-PositionInfo $sourceMetadata) $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.FailToProcessNode -f @($Node, $errorMessage) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId FailToProcessNode Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } finally { Set-PSCurrentConfigurationNode ($Script:PSOuterConfigurationNodes.Pop()) $Script:NodeResources = $OldNodeResources $Script:NodeKeys = $OldNodeKeys Write-Debug -Message "*NODE STATEMENT PROCESSING COMPLETED. Configuration errors encountered so far: $(Get-ConfigurationErrorCount)" } } # # Utility used to track the number of errors encountered while processing the configuration # function Update-ConfigurationErrorCount { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param() $Script:PSConfigurationErrors++ } function Get-ConfigurationErrorCount { [OutputType([int])] param() $Script:PSConfigurationErrors } function Get-ComplexResourceQualifier { [OutputType([string])] param() # walk the call stack to get at all of the enclosing configuration resource IDs $stackedConfigs = @(Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($null -ne $_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand) -and ($_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.CommandType -eq 'Configuration') }) $complexResourceQualifier = $null # keep all but the top-most if(@($stackedConfigs).Length -ge 3) { $stackedConfigs = $stackedConfigs[1..(@($stackedConfigs).Length - 2)] # and build the complex resource ID suffix. $complexResourceQualifier = ( $stackedConfigs | foreach-Object -Process { '[' + $_.Command + ']' + $_.InvocationInfo.BoundParameters['InstanceName'] } ) -join '::' } return $complexResourceQualifier } # # A function to set the document text for default (unnamed) node # function Set-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $documentText = '' ) $Script:PSDefaultConfigurationDocument = $documentText } # # Get the text associated with the default (unnamed) node. # function Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument { [OutputType([string])] param() return $Script:PSDefaultConfigurationDocument } ################################################## # # Returns the name of the configuration currently being configured # function Get-PSTopConfigurationName { [OutputType([string])] param() return $Script:PSTopConfigurationName } function Set-PSTopConfigurationName { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) $Script:PSTopConfigurationName = $Name } ################################################## # # Returns the name of the node currently being configured # function Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode { [OutputType([string])] param() return $Script:PSCurrentConfigurationNode } function Set-PSCurrentConfigurationNode { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $nodeName ) $Script:PSCurrentConfigurationNode = $nodeName } ################################################# function Set-NodeResources { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $resourceId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [string[]] $requiredResourceList ) if ($null -eq $Script:NodeResources) { $Script:NodeResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,[string[]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } $Script:NodeResources[$resourceId] = $requiredResourceList } function Test-NodeResources { [OutputType([bool])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $resourceId ) if ( -not $Script:NodeResources) { $false } else { $Script:NodeResources.ContainsKey($resourceId) } } # # update a mapping of a partial configuration resource and the managers it referenced # function Set-NodeManager { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $resourceId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [string[]] $referencedManagers ) if ($null -eq $Script:NodeManager) { $Script:NodeManager = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } $Script:NodeManager[$resourceId] = $referencedManagers } # # # function Test-NodeManager { [OutputType([bool])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $resourceId ) if ( -not $Script:NodeManager) { $false } else { $Script:NodeManager.ContainsKey($resourceId) } } # # update a mapping of a partial configuration resource and the managers it referenced # function Set-NodeResourceSource { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $resourceId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [string[]] $referencedResourceSources ) if ($null -eq $Script:NodeResourceSource) { $Script:NodeResourceSource = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } $Script:NodeResourceSource[$resourceId] = $referencedResourceSources } # # # function Test-NodeResourceSource { [OutputType([bool])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $resourceId ) if ( -not $Script:NodeResourceSource) { $false } else { $Script:NodeResourceSource.ContainsKey($resourceId) } } # # update a mapping of a partial configuration resource and the managers it referenced # resource format can be moduleName\* moduleName\resourceName and resourceName # this is validated during mof generation/cananic stage # function Set-NodeExclusiveResources { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([string[]])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $resourceId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] [string[]] $exclusiveResource ) $Script:NodeExclusiveResources[$resourceId] = $exclusiveResource return $exclusiveResource } function Add-NodeKeys { [OutputType([void])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ResourceKey, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $keywordName ) if ($null -eq $Script:NodeKeys) { $Script:NodeKeys = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } if( -not $Script:NodeKeys.ContainsKey($keywordName)) { $Script:NodeKeys[$keywordName] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } if(-not $Script:NodeKeys[$keywordName].Contains($ResourceKey)) { $null = $Script:NodeKeys[$keywordName].Add($ResourceKey) } } ########################################################### # # A function to verify there's no duplicate conflicting resources in the configuration # # Conflict detecting algorithm works by going through all previuosly visited resources of same type and checking whether previously visited # resource contains any properties which currently analyzed resource does not have or whether # they have same properties but with different values. If that's the case, we mark that either key or non-key properties don't match. # After that we check whether currently analyzed resource contains properties which the previously analyzed resource did not have at all. If that's the case we mark that # non-key properties don't match (since all key properties were covered in the first phase). # # Once we processed all previous resources, we return error about duplicate conflicting resources if and only if key properties match and non key properties don't match. # ########################################################### function Test-ConflictingResources { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param ( [string] $keyword, [parameter(Mandatory)] [Hashtable] $properties, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $keywordData ) $resourceID = $properties['ResourceID'] $sourceInfo = $properties['SourceInfo'] $nonConflictingKeywords = @("PartialConfiguration", "WaitForAny", "WaitForSome", "WaitForAll") if ($keyword -in $nonConflictingKeywords) { return } # Get name of the current node $currentNodeName = Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode if (-not $currentNodeName) { $currentNodeName = 'localhost' } # Initialize $Script:DuplicateResources if not already initialized if ($null -eq $Script:DuplicateResources) { $Script:DuplicateResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } if (-not $Script:DuplicateResources.ContainsKey($currentNodeName)) { $Script:DuplicateResources[$currentNodeName] = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) } if ( -not $Script:DuplicateResources[$currentNodeName].ContainsKey($keyword)) { $Script:DuplicateResources[$currentNodeName][$keyword] = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]' } # Find if current resource is duplicate and conflicting. foreach($resource in $Script:DuplicateResources[$currentNodeName][$keyword]) { $keyPropertiesMatch = $true $nonKeyPropertiesMatch = $true $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames = "" $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues = "" $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues = "" # For every property in previously analyzed resource foreach($property in $resource.Keys) { $nonConflictingProperties = @("DependsOn", "ResourceID", "SourceInfo", "ModuleVersion") if ($property -in $nonConflictingProperties) { continue } # If currently analyzed resource does not have the property if ( -not $properties.ContainsKey($property)) { $nonKeyPropertiesMatch = $false $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames += $property.ToString() + ';' # Calling ToString() explicitly so that the value is not converted to Boolean/Integer if ($resource[$property]) { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues += $resource[$property].ToString() + ';' } else { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues.ToString() + 'NULL;' } $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues.ToString() + 'NULL;' } # If currently analyzed resource has property, but with different value elseif ( $resource[$property] -ne $properties[$property] ) { # If it's a key property if ($keywordData.Properties[$property].IsKey) { $keyPropertiesMatch = $false break } # If it's a non-key property else { $nonKeyPropertiesMatch = $false $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames += $property.ToString() + ';' if ($resource[$property]) { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues += $resource[$property].ToString() + ';' } else { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues.ToString() + 'NULL;' } if ($properties[$property]) { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues += $properties[$property].ToString() + ';' } else { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues.ToString() + 'NULL;' } } } } if ($keyPropertiesMatch) { foreach($property in $properties.Keys) { # If previously analyzed resource does not have property if ((-not $resource.containsKey($property)) -and ($property -ne "ModuleVersion")) { $nonKeyPropertiesMatch = $false $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames += $property.ToString() + ';' $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues.ToString() + 'NULL;' if ($properties[$property]) { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues += $properties[$property].ToString() + ';' } else { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues.ToString() + 'NULL;' } } } } # If resource is duplicate and conflicting we should return error if ($keyPropertiesMatch -and (-not $nonKeyPropertiesMatch)) { $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames.Substring(0, $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames.Length-1) $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues.Substring(0, $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues.Length-1) $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues = $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues.Substring(0, $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues.Length-1) $previousResourceIdentifier = $resource["ResourceID"] + " (" + $resource["SourceInfo"] + ")" $currentResourceIdentifier = $resourceID + " (" + $sourceInfo + ")" $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConflictingDuplicateResource -f @($previousResourceIdentifier, $currentResourceIdentifier, $currentNodeName, $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesNames, $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesPreviousValues, $unmatchedNonKeyPropertiesCurrentValues) $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConflictingDuplicateResource Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } $Script:DuplicateResources[$currentNodeName][$keyword].Add($properties) } ################################################# # # A function to get the innermost error record. # function Get-InnerMostErrorRecord { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $ErrorRecord ) $exception = $ErrorRecord.Exception while ($exception.InnerException -and $exception.InnerException.ErrorRecord) { $exception = $exception.InnerException $ErrorRecord = $exception.ErrorRecord } $ErrorRecord } ########################################################### # # A function to set up all of the module-scoped state variables. # function Initialize-ConfigurationRuntimeState { param ( [Parameter()] [string] $ConfigurationName = '' ) # The overall name of the configuration being processed [string] $Script:PSConfigurationName = $ConfigurationName # The ModuleVersion used for PsDesiredStateConfiguration module. [string] $Script:PsDscModuleVersion = "0.0" # The compatibility version for the document.. [string] $Script:PsDscCompatibleVersion = "1.0.0" # The list of modules explicitly imported using import-dscresorce $Script:ExplicitlyImportedModules = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the current configuration, this contains the name of the node currently being processed [string] $Script:PSCurrentConfigurationNode = '' # For the current node, this contains a map of resource instance to resource prerequisites (DependsOn resources). [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]] ` $Script:NodeResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,[string[]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the current node, this contains a map of partial configuration instance to configuration managers. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] ` $Script:NodeManager = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the current node, this contains a map of partial configuration instance to Resource Source. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] ` $Script:NodeResourceSource = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the current node, this contains a map of partial configuration instance to its exclusive resources. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]] ` $Script:NodeExclusiveResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this contains the per-node per-type reference counter used to generate the CIM aliases for each instance [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,int]]] ` $Script:NodeTypeRefCount = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,int]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this maps the node name to the node's table of alias to mof text mappings. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]]] ` $Script:NodeInstanceAliases = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this maps the node name to the node's table of resourceID to mof text mappings. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]]] ` $Script:NodeResourceIdAliases = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this maps the node name to the node's map of resource instance to resource prerequisites [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]] ` $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this maps the node name to the node's map of partial configuration resource instance to reference resource source. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]] ` $Script:NodesResourceSourceInThisConfiguration = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this maps the node name to the node's map of partial configuration resource instance to reference configuraiton manager. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]] ` $Script:NodesManagerInThisConfiguration = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this maps the node name to the node's map of resource instance to exclusive resource [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]] ` $Script:NodesExclusiveResourcesInThisConfiguration = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this contains a map of resource instance to resource prerequisites (required resources). [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]] ` $Script:NoNameNodesResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this contains a map of partial configuration resource instance to reference configuration manager. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String]] ` $Script:NoNameNodeManager = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this contains a map of partial configuration resource instance to reference resource source. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String]] ` $Script:NoNameNodeResourceSource = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this contains a map of partial configuration resource instance to its exclusive resources. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]] ` $Script:NoNameNodeExclusiveResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this contains the per-node per-type reference counter used to generate the CIM aliases for each instance [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,int]] ` $Script:NoNameNodeTypeRefCount = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,int]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this maps the node name to the node's table of alias to mof text mappings. # Alias to mof text mapping for the unnamed node. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] ` $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this maps the node name to the node's table of resourceId to mof text mappings. # Alias to mof text mapping for the unnamed node. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] ` $Script:NoNameNodeResourceIdAliases = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) #dictionary to save whether a node has encrypted password [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,bool]] ` $Script:NodesPasswordEncrypted = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,bool]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For all nodes, contain information about node using domain credential or not [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,bool]] ` $Script:NodeUsingDomainCred = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,bool]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) [System.Collections.Generic.Stack[String]] $Script:PSOuterConfigurationNodes = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Stack[String]' # The number of errors that have occurred while processing this configuration. [int] $Script:PSConfigurationErrors = 0 # Set up a variable to hold a top-level OMI_ConfigurationDocument value # which will be used by all nodes if it's present. [string] $Script:PSDefaultConfigurationDocument = '' # Set up a hastable to hold user specified info for OMI_ConfigurationDocument value for meta config # we will need update it last after processing meta config to figure out what V2 property it uses [hashtable] $script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo = @{} [bool] $Script:PSMetaConfigDocInsProcessedBeforeMeta = $false [bool] $script:PSMetaConfigurationProcessed = $false # For all nodes except the unnamed node, this maps the node name to the node's map of keys of resources. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]] ` $script:NodesKeysInThisConfiguration = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the current node, this contains keys of resource instances. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]] ` $Script:NodeKeys = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the unnamed (default) node, this contains keys of resource instances. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]] ` $Script:NoNameNodeKeys = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # For the current configuration, $Script:DuplicateResources["Type"] contains list with properties of all resources of the specific type [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]]]] ` $Script:DuplicateResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Collections.Hashtable]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) # Show Import-DscResource warning if in-build resources are used in the Configuration without Import-DscResource statement. [bool] $script:ShowImportDscResourceWarning = $false } # # Then call it to enact the default state. This happens # only once during the module load. Thereafter the # configuration function is responsible for resetting state. # Initialize-ConfigurationRuntimeState # make sure configuration data format: # 1. Is a hashtable # 2. Has a collection AllNodes # 3. Allnodes is an collection of Hashtable # 4. Each element of Allnodes has NodeName # 5. We will copy values from NodeName="*" to all node if they don't exist function ValidateUpdate-ConfigurationData { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] param ( [Parameter()] [hashtable] $ConfigurationData ) if( -not $ConfigurationData.ContainsKey('AllNodes')) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConfiguratonDataNeedAllNodes $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConfiguratonDataNeedAllNodes return $false } if($ConfigurationData.AllNodes -isnot [array]) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConfiguratonDataAllNodesNeedHashtable $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConfiguratonDataAllNodesNeedHashtable return $false } $nodeNames = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) foreach($Node in $ConfigurationData.AllNodes) { if($Node -isnot [hashtable] -or -not $Node.NodeName) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.AllNodeNeedToBeHashtable $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConfiguratonDataAllNodesNeedHashtable return $false } if($nodeNames.Contains($Node.NodeName)) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.DuplicatedNodeInConfigurationData -f $Node.NodeName $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId DuplicatedNodeInConfigurationData return $false } if($Node.NodeName -eq '*') { $AllNodeSettings = $Node } [void] $nodeNames.Add($Node.NodeName) } if($AllNodeSettings) { foreach($Node in $ConfigurationData.AllNodes) { if($Node.NodeName -ne '*') { foreach($nodeKey in $AllNodeSettings.Keys) { if(-not $Node.ContainsKey($nodeKey)) { $Node.Add($nodeKey, $AllNodeSettings[$nodeKey]) } } } } $ConfigurationData.AllNodes = @($ConfigurationData.AllNodes | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.NodeName -ne '*' } ) } return $true } ############################################################## # # Checks to see if a module defining composite resources should be reloaded # based the last write time of the schema file. Returns true if the file exists # and the last modified time was either not recorded or has change. # function Test-ModuleReloadRequired { [OutputType([bool])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SchemaFilePath ) if (-not $SchemaFilePath -or $SchemaFilePath -notmatch '\.schema\.psm1$') { # not a composite res return $false } # If the path doesn't exist, then we can't reload it. # Note: this condition is explicitly not an error for this function. if ( -not (Test-Path $SchemaFilePath)) { if ($schemaFileLastUpdate.ContainsKey($SchemaFilePath)) { $schemaFileLastUpdate.Remove($SchemaFilePath) } return $false } # If we have a modified date, then return it. if ($schemaFileLastUpdate.ContainsKey($SchemaFilePath)) { if ( (Get-Item $SchemaFilePath).LastWriteTime -eq $schemaFileLastUpdate[$SchemaFilePath] ) { return $false } else { return $true } } # Otherwise, record the last write time and return true. $script:schemaFileLastUpdate[$SchemaFilePath] = (Get-Item $SchemaFilePath).LastWriteTime $true } # Holds the schema file to lastwritetime mapping. [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,DateTime]] $script:schemaFileLastUpdate = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,datetime]' ########################################################### # Configuration keyword implementation ########################################################### # # Implements the 'configuration' keyword logic that accumulates and writes # out the generated DSC MOF files # function Configuration { # suppress global:ConfigurationData [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] param ( # there are extra [] around Tuple arguments [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Tuple[[string[]], [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]], [Version]]]] $ResourceModuleTuplesToImport, $OutputPath = '.', $Name, [scriptblock] $Body, [hashtable] $ArgsToBody, [hashtable] $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @() }, [string] $InstanceName = '' ) function ConvertModuleDefnitionToModuleInfo { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] param( [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ModuleSpecification[]]$moduleToImport, [Version]$moduleVersion = $null ) if (-not $moduleToImport) { return $null } $moduleToImport | Foreach-Object -Process { $versionToUse = $_.Version if( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($versionToUse)) { $versionToUse = $_.RequiredVersion } $Script:ExplicitlyImportedModules[ $_.Name ] = $versionToUse } $moduleInfos = Get-Module -ListAvailable -FullyQualifiedName $moduleToImport | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending return $moduleInfos } try { Write-Debug -Message "BEGIN CONFIGURATION '$Name' PROCESSING: OutputPath: '$OutputPath'" if ($Name -inotmatch '^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$') { $errorId = 'InvalidConfigurationName' $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.InvalidConfigurationName) -f ${Name} $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId $errorId } $script:IsMetaConfig = $false foreach($attri in $Body.Attributes) { if ($attri.GetType() -eq [System.Management.Automation.DscLocalConfigurationManagerAttribute]) { $script:IsMetaConfig = $true $Script:PSMetaConfigDocInsProcessedBeforeMeta = $false $script:PSMetaConfigurationProcessed = $false break } } # True if this is the top-most level of the configuration statement. # [bool] $topLevel = $false if ($Script:PSConfigurationName -eq '') { Write-Debug -Message " $Name : TOP-LEVEL CONFIGURATION STARTED" $topLevel = $true Set-PSTopConfigurationName $Name # # Define a dictionary to hold the "driver" functions that will be created for each CIM class/keyword. # This dictionary is passed into the body scriptblock, defining these functions in the body scope # which simplifies cleanup. # $script:functionsToDefine = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,ScriptBlock]'([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) if($null -eq $ConfigurationData) { $ConfigurationData = @{ AllNodes = @() } } $dataValidated = ValidateUpdate-ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData if (-not $dataValidated) { Update-ConfigurationErrorCount Write-Debug -Message 'ConfigurationData validation failed' return } else { $script:ConfigurationData = $ConfigurationData } if($OutputPath -eq '.' -or $null -eq $OutputPath -or $OutputPath -eq '') { $OutputPath = ".\$Name" } # Load the default CIM keyword/function definitions set, populating the function collection # with the default functions. [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::LoadDefaultCimKeywords($functionsToDefine) # Set up the rest of the configuration runtime state. Initialize-ConfigurationRuntimeState $Name # Create the output directory only if it does not exist. # If it exists then the document MOF files will overwrite # any existing MOF files with the same name but otherwise # leave contents of existing directory alone. $ConfigurationOutputDirectory = "$OutputPath" if (!(Test-Path $ConfigurationOutputDirectory)) { $mkdirError = $null New-Item -ErrorVariable mkdirError -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $ConfigurationOutputDirectory > $null 2> $null if (! $?) { Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } if ($mkdirError) { $errorId = 'InvalidOutputPath' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CannotCreateOutputPath) -f ${ConfigurationOutputDirectory} $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage $ErrorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null Write-Error $ErrorRecord foreach ($e in $mkdirError) { Write-Error -Exception $e.Exception Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } } # # Add the utility functions used by the resource implementation functions. # $functionsToDefine.Add('Get-MofInstanceText', ${function:Get-MofInstanceText} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('ConvertTo-MOFInstance', ${function:ConvertTo-MOFInstance} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Update-ConfigurationErrorCount', ${function:Update-ConfigurationErrorCount} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Get-ConfigurationErrorCount', ${function:Get-ConfigurationErrorCount} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Set-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument', ${function:Set-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument', ${function:Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode', ${function:Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Set-NodeResources', ${function:Set-NodeResources} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Test-NodeResources', ${function:Test-NodeResources} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Set-NodeManager', ${function:Set-NodeManager} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Test-NodeManager', ${function:Test-NodeManager} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Set-NodeResourceSource', ${function:Set-NodeResourceSource} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Test-NodeResourceSource', ${function:Test-NodeResourceSource} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Set-NodeExclusiveResources', ${function:Set-NodeExclusiveResources} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Add-NodeKeys', ${function:Add-NodeKeys} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Test-ConflictingResources', ${function:Test-ConflictingResources} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Set-PSMetaConfigDocInsProcessedBeforeMeta', ${function:Set-PSMetaConfigDocInsProcessedBeforeMeta} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Get-PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo', ${function:Get-PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Get-PSMetaConfigurationProcessed', ${function:Get-PSMetaConfigurationProcessed} ) $functionsToDefine.Add('Set-PSMetaConfigVersionInfoV2', ${function:Set-PSMetaConfigVersionInfoV2}) # # Add the node keyword implementation function which must be module qualified even though # it's not exported from the module because the parsing logic always adds the module name # to the command call. # $functionsToDefine.Add('PSDesiredStateConfiguration\node', ${function:Node}) Write-Debug -Message " $Name : $($functionsToDefine.Count) type handler functions loaded." Write-Debug -Message " $Name TOP-LEVEL INITIALIZATION COMPLETED" } else { Write-Debug -Message " $Name : NESTED CONFIGURATION STARTED" } # # Load all of the required resource definition modules # foreach ($tuple in $ResourceModuleTuplesToImport) { $res = $tuple.Item1 $modulesInfo = ConvertModuleDefnitionToModuleInfo -moduleToImport $tuple.Item2 -moduleVersion $tuple.Item3 if (-not $modulesInfo) { # Module name is not specified. Try to load resource from all available modules. $modulesInfo = Get-Module -ListAvailable } foreach ($mod in $modulesInfo) { $null = ImportClassResourcesFromModule -Module $mod -Resources $res -functionsToDefine $functionsToDefine $dscResourcesPath = Join-Path -Path $mod.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'DscResources' if(Test-Path $dscResourcesPath) { foreach($requiredResource in $res) { if ($requiredResource.Contains('*')) { # we historically resolve wildcards by Get-Item File System rules. # We don't support wildcards resolutions for Friendly names. foreach ($resource in Get-ChildItem -Path $dscResourcesPath -Directory -Name -Filter $requiredResource) { $null = ImportCimAndScriptKeywordsFromModule -Module $mod -Resource $resource -functionsToDefine $functionsToDefine } } else { # ImportCimAndScriptKeywordsFromModule takes care about resolving $requiredResources names to ClassNames or FriendlyNames. $null = ImportCimAndScriptKeywordsFromModule -Module $mod -Resource $requiredResource -functionsToDefine $functionsToDefine } } } elseif ($moduleInfos.Count -eq 1) { $modules.Add($moduleInfos) } } } if (-not (Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)) { # A dictionary maps a resourceId to its list of required resources list for any resources # defined outside of a node statement $Script:NodeResources = $Script:NoNameNodesResources $Script:NodeKeys = $Script:NoNameNodeKeys $Script:NodeManager = $Script:NoNameNodeManager $Script:NodeExclusiveResources = $Script:NoNameNodeExclusiveResources $Script:NodeResourceSource = $Script:NoNameNodeResourceSource } else { $Script:NodeResources = $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration[(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)] $Script:NodeManager = $Script:NodesManagerInThisConfiguration[(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)] $Script:NodeResourceSource = $Script:NodesResourceSourceInThisConfiguration[(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)] $Script:NodeExclusiveResources = $Script:NodesExclusiveResourcesInThisConfiguration[(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)] } # # Evaluate the configuration statement body which will generate the resource definitons # for this configuration. # Write-Debug -Message " $Name : Evaluating configuration statement body..." try { $variablesToDefine = @( # # Figure out the "type" of this resource, with is the name of the driver function that was called. # New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('ConfigurationData', $script:ConfigurationData ) New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('MyTypeName', $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.GetVariableFromCallersModule('MyInvocation').Value.MyCommand.Name) New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('IsMetaConfig', $script:IsMetaConfig) New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('V1MetaConfigPropertyList', $script:V1MetaConfigPropertyList) if($script:ConfigurationData) { New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ('AllNodes', $script:ConfigurationData.AllNodes) } ) $variablesToDefine += foreach ($key in $ArgsToBody.Keys) { # # we need to process dependsOn seperately to # 1. combined depends on with possible upper level configuration statement (composite resource case # 2. in case of 1, we also need to fix up the dependson to append the suffix of ::$complexResourceQualifier similar in func:Test-DependsOn in CimDSCParser # if($key -ne 'DependsOn') { New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList ($key, $ArgsToBody[$key]) } } if($DependsOn -or $ArgsToBody['DependsOn']) { $complexResourceQualifier = Get-ComplexResourceQualifier if($complexResourceQualifier) { $updatedDependsOn = foreach($DependsOnVar in @($ArgsToBody['DependsOn'])) { if($DependsOnVar) { "$DependsOnVar::$complexResourceQualifier" } } $DependsOn = @($DependsOn) + @($updatedDependsOn) } else { $DependsOn = @($DependsOn) + @($ArgsToBody['DependsOn']) } $variablesToDefine += New-Object -TypeName PSVariable -ArgumentList('DependsOn', $DependsOn) } $null = $Body.InvokeWithContext($functionsToDefine, $variablesToDefine) } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] { Write-Debug -Message " $Name : Top level exception: $($_ | Out-String)" # Write the unwrapped exception message $pscmdlet.CommandRuntime.WriteError((Get-InnerMostErrorRecord $_)) Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } # # write the generated files to disk and return the resulting files to stdout. # if( $topLevel ) { if($Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases.Count -gt 0) { if ($Script:NodeInstanceAliases.ContainsKey('localhost')) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.LocalHostNodeNotAllowed -f "$Name" $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId LocalHostNodeNotAllowed Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } # # Fixup DependsOn # ValidateNoNameNodeResources Update-DependsOn $Script:NoNameNodesResources $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases $Script:NoNameNodeResourceIdAliases Write-Debug -Message " $Name : Evaluation completed, validating the generated resource set." ValidateNodeResources Write-Debug -Message " $Name Validation completed." # # Fixup ModuleVersion # Update-ModuleVersion $Script:NoNameNodesResources $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases $Script:NoNameNodeResourceIdAliases Write-Debug -Message " $Name : Evaluation completed, validating the generated resource set has no circle." ValidateNoCircleInNodeResources Write-Debug -Message " $Name Validation circle completed." if($script:IsMetaConfig) { # Validate make sure all of the referenced download managers are defined Write-Debug -Message " $Name : Evaluation completed, validating the generated resource set reference download manager." ValidateNodeManager Write-Debug -Message " $Name Validation completed." # Validate make sure all of the referenced resource source are defined Write-Debug -Message " $Name : Evaluation completed, validating the generated resource set reference resource source." ValidateNodeResourceSource Write-Debug -Message " $Name Validation completed." # Validate make sure new conflict between exclusive resources Write-Debug -Message " $Name : Evaluation completed, validating no conflict between exclusive resources." ValidateNodeExclusiveResources Write-Debug -Message " $Name Validation completed." Write-MetaConfigFile $Name 'localhost' $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases } else { Update-ConfigurationDocumentRef $Script:NoNameNodesResources $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases $Script:NoNameNodeResourceIdAliases $Name # # Write the mof instance texts to files # Write-NodeMOFFile $Name 'localhost' $Script:NoNameNodeInstanceAliases } # If no script-level $ConfigurationData variable is set, this code # tries to get it first, from a global PowerShell ConfigurationData variable, # then if that doesn't work it trys the environment # variable $ENV:ConfigurationData when is expected to contain a JSON string # that will be converted to objects. # if (-not $script:ConfigurationData) { $script:ConfigurationData = try { if ($global:ConfigurationData) { $global:ConfigurationData } elseif ($ENV:ConfigurationData) { $ENV:ConfigurationData | ConvertFrom-Json } else { @() } } catch { Write-Error $_ Update-ConfigurationErrorCount @() } } } if($script:ShowImportDscResourceWarning) { $message = $LocalizedData.ImportDscResourceWarningForInbuiltResource -f @(Get-PSTopConfigurationName) $ImportDscResourceWarningPreference = $WarningPreference if($null -ne $ArgsToBody['WarningAction']) { $ImportDscResourceWarningPreference = $ArgsToBody['WarningAction'] } Write-Warning -Message $message -WarningAction $ImportDscResourceWarningPreference } # # write using the top-level hashtable # foreach($mofNode in $Script:NodeInstanceAliases.Keys) { # # Fixup DependsOn # Update-DependsOn $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration[$mofNode] $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[$mofNode] $Script:NodeResourceIdAliases[$mofNode] if($script:IsMetaConfig) { Write-MetaConfigFile $Name $mofNode $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[$mofNode] } else { Update-ConfigurationDocumentRef $Script:NodesInThisConfiguration[$mofNode] $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[$mofNode] $Script:NodeResourceIdAliases[$mofNode] $Name # # Write the mof instance texts to files # Write-NodeMOFFile $Name $mofNode $Script:NodeInstanceAliases[$mofNode] } } if ($Script:PSConfigurationErrors -gt 0) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.FailToProcessConfiguration -f "$Name" ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.InvalidOperationException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject "$Name" -ErrorId 'FailToProcessConfiguration' -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation } } } finally { if($topLevel) { Write-Debug -Message " CONFIGURATION $Name : DOING TOP-LEVEL CLEAN UP" [System.Management.Automation.Language.DynamicKeyword]::Reset() [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ClearCache() Initialize-ConfigurationRuntimeState } Write-Debug -Message "END CONFIGURATION '$Name' PROCESSING. OutputPath: '$OutputPath'" } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Configuration function Update-ModuleVersion { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]] $NodeResources, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $NodeInstanceAliases, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $NodeResourceIdAliases ) $moduleVersionValue = '0.0' # explicit import-dscresource with version for psdesiredstateconfiguration module was not done. if( $Script:ExplicitlyImportedModules.ContainsKey('PsDesiredStateConfiguration') -and (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Script:ExplicitlyImportedModules['PsDesiredStateConfiguration']))) { $moduleVersionValue= $script:PsDscModuleVersion } # generating compatible document. elseif($script:PsDscCompatibleVersion -eq '1.0.0') { $moduleVersionValue='1.0' } foreach($resourceId in $NodeResources.keys) { $alias = $NodeResourceIdAliases[$resourceId] $instanceText = $NodeInstanceAliases[$alias] $curlyPosition = $instanceText.LastIndexOf('}') if(($curlyPosition -gt 0) -and ($instanceText -imatch 'ModuleName[\s]*=[\s]*["]PsDesiredStateConfiguration["]') -and ($instanceText -inotmatch 'ModuleVersion[\s]*=')) { $first = $instanceText.Substring(0, $curlyPosition) $moduleVersionstring = "ModuleVersion = " $moduleVersionstring += "`"$moduleVersionValue`"" + ";" $NodeInstanceAliases[$alias] = $first + $moduleVersionstring + "`r`n};" } } } function Update-DependsOn { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]] $NodeResources, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $NodeInstanceAliases, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $NodeResourceIdAliases ) foreach($resourceId in $NodeResources.keys) { $alias = $NodeResourceIdAliases[$resourceId] $needAdd = $false $instanceText = $NodeInstanceAliases[$alias] if($NodeResources[$resourceId]) { $curlyPosition = $instanceText.LastIndexOf('}') if(($curlyPosition -gt 0) -and ($instanceText -notmatch 'dependsOn[\s]*=')) { $needAdd = $true $first = $instanceText.Substring(0, $curlyPosition) $dependsOn = "DependsOn = {`r`n" $len = @($NodeResources[$resourceId]).Length $dependsOn += foreach ($resourceId in $NodeResources[$resourceId]) { ' ' + "`"$($resourceId -replace '\\', '\\' -replace '"', '\"')`"" + $(if (--$len -gt 0) { ",`r`n" } else { '' } ) } $dependsOn += '};' } } if($needAdd) { $NodeInstanceAliases[$alias] = $first + $dependsOn + "`r`n};" } } } # # add a reference to each resource to point to the OMI_ConfigurationDocument # so it can be differiencated after merging of partical configurations # function Update-ConfigurationDocumentRef { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] [OutputType([void])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String,String[]]] $NodeResources, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $NodeInstanceAliases, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $NodeResourceIdAliases, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ConfigurationName ) foreach($resourceId in $NodeResources.keys) { $alias = $NodeResourceIdAliases[$resourceId] $instanceText = $NodeInstanceAliases[$alias] $needAdd = $false $curlyPosition = $instanceText.LastIndexOf('}') if($curlyPosition -gt 0) { $needAdd = $true $first = $instanceText.Substring(0, $curlyPosition).TrimEnd() $ConfigurationNameRef = "`r`n ConfigurationName = `"$ConfigurationName`";" } if($needAdd) { $NodeInstanceAliases[$alias] = $first + $ConfigurationNameRef + "`r`n};" } } } function ImportClassResourcesFromModule { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSModuleInfo] $Module, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]] $Resources, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, scriptblock]] $functionsToDefine ) $resourcesFound = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportClassResourcesFromModule($Module, $Resources, $functionsToDefine) return ,$resourcesFound } function ImportCimAndScriptKeywordsFromModule { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $Module, [Parameter(Mandatory)] $resource, $functionsToDefine ) trap { continue } $SchemaFilePath = $null $oldCount = $functionsToDefine.Count $keywordErrors = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Exception]' $foundCimSchema = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportCimKeywordsFromModule( $Module, $resource, [ref] $SchemaFilePath, $functionsToDefine, $keywordErrors) foreach($ex in $keywordErrors) { Write-Error -Exception $ex if($ex.InnerException) { Write-Error -Exception $ex.InnerException } } $functionsAdded = $functionsToDefine.Count - $oldCount Write-Debug -Message " $Name : PROCESSING RESOURCE FILE: Added $functionsAdded type handler functions from '$SchemaFilePath'" $SchemaFilePath = $null $oldCount = $functionsToDefine.Count $foundScriptSchema = [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ImportScriptKeywordsFromModule( $Module, $resource, [ref] $SchemaFilePath, $functionsToDefine ) $functionsAdded = $functionsToDefine.Count - $oldCount Write-Debug -Message " $Name : PROCESSING RESOURCE FILE: Added $functionsAdded type handler functions from '$SchemaFilePath'" if ($foundScriptSchema -and $SchemaFilePath) { $resourceDirectory = Split-Path $SchemaFilePath if($null -ne $resourceDirectory) { Import-Module -Force: (Test-ModuleReloadRequired $SchemaFilePath) -Verbose:$false -Name $resourceDirectory -Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } return $foundCimSchema -or $foundScriptSchema } # # A function to write the MOF instance texts of a node to files as meta config # function Write-MetaConfigFile { # nodeConfigurationDocument incorrectly shows up as unused [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Target="", Scope="Function")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] param( [string] $ConfigurationName, [string] $mofNode, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $mofNodeHash ) # Set up prefix for both the configuration and metaconfiguration documents. $nodeDoc = "/*`n@TargetNode='$mofNode'`n" + "@GeneratedBy=$([system.environment]::UserName)`n@GenerationDate=$(Get-Date)`n@GenerationHost=$([system.environment]::MachineName)`n*/`n" $nodeConfigurationDocument = $null [int]$nodeDocCount = 0 $resourceManagers = $null $resourceManagersCount = 0 $reportManagers = $null $reportManagersCount = 0 $downloadManagers = $null $downloadManagersCount = 0 $localConfigManager = $null $partialConfiguratons = $null $partialConfigurationCount = 0 foreach($mofTypeName in $mofNodeHash.Keys) { if($mofTypeName -match 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument') { $nodeConfigurationDocument = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] } if($mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_WebDownloadManager' -or $mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_FileDownloadManager') { $r = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] -match '\$\w*' if($r) { if($downloadManagersCount++ -gt 0) { $downloadManagers += ",`n" } $downloadManagers += ' ' + $Matches[0] } } if($mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_WebResourceManager' -or $mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_FileResourceManager') { $r = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] -match '\$\w*' if($r) { if($resourceManagersCount++ -gt 0) { $resourceManagers += ",`n" } $resourceManagers += ' ' +$Matches[0] } } if($mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_OaaSReportManager' -or $mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_WebReportManager') { $r = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] -match '\$\w*' if($r) { if($reportManagersCount++ -gt 0) { $reportManagers += ",`n" } $reportManagers += ' ' +$Matches[0] } } #MSFT_PartialConfiguration if($mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_PartialConfiguration') { $r = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] -match '\$\w*' if($r) { if($partialConfigurationCount++ -gt 0) { $partialConfiguratons += ",`n" } $partialConfiguratons += ' ' +$Matches[0] } } if($mofTypeName -notmatch 'MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration') { $nodeDoc += $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] } else { if($null -eq $localConfigManager) { # save the localConfigManager which need to be fixed up to add additional manager info as embedded resources $localConfigManager = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] -replace 'MSFT_DSCMetaConfigurationV2', 'MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration' } else { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.MetaConfigurationHasMoreThanOneLocalConfigurationManager -f @($mofNode) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId InvalidMOFDefinition Update-ConfigurationErrorCount return } } $nodeDocCount++ } if($null -eq $localConfigManager) { # Print verbose message that empty settings definition is added. $emptySettingVerboseMessage = $LocalizedData.MetaConfigurationSettingsMissing -f @($mofNode) Write-Verbose -Message $emptySettingVerboseMessage # Assign default settings $localConfigManager = "`ninstance of MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration as `$MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration1ref `n{`n};" } # fixup to add embedded instances $nodeDoc += Update-LocalConfigManager $localConfigManager $resourceManagers $reportManagers $downloadManagers $partialConfiguratons $nodeOutfile = "$ConfigurationOutputDirectory/$($mofNode).meta.mof" # add/update OMI_ConfigurationDocument of meta config if ($nodeDoc -notmatch 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument') { if (Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument) { Write-Debug -Message " ${ConfigurationName}: Adding OMI_ConfigurationDocument from $(Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument)" $nodeDoc += Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument } else { Write-Debug -Message " ${ConfigurationName}: Adding missing OMI_ConfigurationDocument element to the document" if($Script:NodesPasswordEncrypted[$mofNode]) { $nodeDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n{`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"$($script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['MinimumCompatibleVersion'])`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= $(Get-CompatibleVersionAddtionaPropertiesStr);`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n ContentType=`"PasswordEncrypted`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n};" } else { $nodeDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n{`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"$($script:PSMetaConfigDocumentInstVersionInfo['MinimumCompatibleVersion'])`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= $(Get-CompatibleVersionAddtionaPropertiesStr);`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n};" } } } # Fix up newlines to be CRLF $nodeDoc = $nodeDoc -replace "`n", "`r`n" # todo: meta configuration might not be verifiable currently $errMsg = Test-MofInstanceText $nodeDoc if($errMsg) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.InvalidMOFDefinition -f @($mofNode, $errMsg) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId InvalidMOFDefinition Update-ConfigurationErrorCount $nodeOutfile = "$ConfigurationOutputDirectory/$($mofNode).meta.mof.error" } if($nodeDocCount -gt 0) { # Write to a file only if no error was generated or we are writing to .mof.error file if ($Script:PSConfigurationErrors -eq 0 -or $nodeOutfile.EndsWith('mof.error')) { $nodeDoc > $nodeOutfile Get-ChildItem $nodeOutfile } } } # fixup localConfigmanager to have embedded instance function Update-LocalConfigManager { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function")] param( [string] $localConfigManager, [string] $resourceManagers, [string] $reportManagers, [string] $downloadManagers, [string] $partialConfigurations ) $curlyPostion = $localConfigManager.LastIndexOf('}') if($curlyPostion -gt 0) { $first = $localConfigManager.Substring(0, $curlyPostion) if($resourceManagers) { $first += " ResourceModuleManagers = {`n" + $resourceManagers + " `n };`n" } if($reportManagers) { $first += " ReportManagers = {`n" + $reportManagers + " `n };`n" } if($downloadManagers) { $first += " ConfigurationDownloadManagers = {`n" + $downloadManagers + " `n };`n" } #PartialConfigurations if($partialConfigurations) { $first += " PartialConfigurations = {`n" + $partialConfigurations + " `n };`n" } $first += "};`n" $first } } function Get-MofInstanceName { param( [string] $mofInstance ) } # # A function to write the MOF instance texts of a node to files # function Write-NodeMOFFile { param( [string] $ConfigurationName, [string] $mofNode, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string]] $mofNodeHash ) # Set up prefix for both the configuration and metaconfiguration documents. $nodeDoc = "/*`n@TargetNode='$mofNode'`n" + "@GeneratedBy=$([system.environment]::UserName)`n@GenerationDate=$(Get-Date)`n@GenerationHost=$([system.environment]::MachineName)`n*/`n" $nodeMetaDoc = $nodeDoc $nodeConfigurationDocument = $null [int]$metaDocCount = 0 [int]$nodeDocCount = 0 foreach($mofTypeName in $mofNodeHash.Keys) { if($mofTypeName -match 'MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration') { $tempMetaDoc = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] $metaDocCount++ break } } foreach($mofTypeName in $mofNodeHash.Keys) { if(($mofTypeName -notmatch 'MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration')) { if(($metaDocCount -gt 0) -and ($tempMetaDoc -match [regex]::Escape($mofTypeName))) { $nodeMetaDoc += $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] } else { if($mofTypeName -match 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument') { $nodeConfigurationDocument = $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] } $nodeDoc += $mofNodeHash[$mofTypeName] $nodeDocCount++ } } } $nodeMetaDoc += $tempMetaDoc $nodeOutfile = "$ConfigurationOutputDirectory/$($mofNode).mof" if($metaDocCount -gt 0) { $nodeMetaOutfile = "$ConfigurationOutputDirectory/$($mofNode).meta.mof" # this meta config uses v1 schema so will not have v2 properties if ($nodeConfigurationDocument) { Write-Debug -Message " ${ConfigurationName}: Adding OMI_ConfigurationDocument from the current node '$mofNode': $nodeConfigurationDocument" $nodeMetaDoc += $nodeConfigurationDocument } elseif (Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument) { Write-Debug -Message " ${ConfigurationName}: Adding OMI_ConfigurationDocument from $(Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument)" $nodeMetaDoc += Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument } else { Write-Debug -Message " ${ConfigurationName}: Adding missing OMI_ConfigurationDocument element to the document" if($Script:NodesPasswordEncrypted[$mofNode]) { $nodeMetaDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n{`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"1.0.0`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= $(Get-CompatibleVersionAddtionaPropertiesStr);`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n ContentType=`"PasswordEncrypted`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n};" } else { $nodeMetaDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n{`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"1.0.0`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= $(Get-CompatibleVersionAddtionaPropertiesStr);`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n};" } } } if ($nodeDoc -notmatch 'OMI_ConfigurationDocument') { if (Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument) { Write-Debug -Message " ${ConfigurationName}: Adding OMI_ConfigurationDocument from $(Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument)" $nodeDoc += Get-PSDefaultConfigurationDocument } else { Write-Debug -Message " ${ConfigurationName}: Adding missing OMI_ConfigurationDocument element to the document" if($Script:NodesPasswordEncrypted[$mofNode]) { if($nodeDoc.Contains("PsDscRunAsCredential")) { $nodeDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n {`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"2.0.0`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= {`"Omi_BaseResource:ConfigurationName`"};`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n ContentType=`"PasswordEncrypted`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n };" } else { $nodeDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n {`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"1.0.0`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= {`"Omi_BaseResource:ConfigurationName`"};`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n ContentType=`"PasswordEncrypted`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n };" } } else { if($nodeDoc.Contains("PsDscRunAsCredential")) { $nodeDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n {`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"2.0.0`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= {`"Omi_BaseResource:ConfigurationName`"};`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n };" } else { $nodeDoc += "`ninstance of OMI_ConfigurationDocument`n {`n Version=`"2.0.0`";`n MinimumCompatibleVersion = `"1.0.0`";`n CompatibleVersionAdditionalProperties= {`"Omi_BaseResource:ConfigurationName`"};`n Author=`"$([system.environment]::UserName)`";`n GenerationDate=`"$(Get-Date)`";`n GenerationHost=`"$([system.environment]::MachineName)`";`n Name=`"$(Get-PSTopConfigurationName)`";`n };" } } } } # Fix up newlines to be CRLF $nodeDoc = $nodeDoc -replace "`n", "`r`n" $errMsg = Test-MofInstanceText $nodeDoc if($errMsg) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.InvalidMOFDefinition -f @($mofNode, $errMsg) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId InvalidMOFDefinition Update-ConfigurationErrorCount $nodeOutfile = "$ConfigurationOutputDirectory/$($mofNode).mof.error" } if($nodeDocCount -gt 0) { # Write to a file only if no error was generated or we are writing to .mof.error file if ($Script:PSConfigurationErrors -eq 0 -or $nodeOutfile.EndsWith('mof.error')) { $nodeDoc > $nodeOutfile Get-ChildItem $nodeOutfile } } if($nodeMetaDoc -match 'MSFT_DSCMetaConfiguration' -and $Script:PSConfigurationErrors -eq 0) { $nodeMetaDoc = $nodeMetaDoc -replace "`n", "`r`n" $nodeMetaDoc > $nodeMetaOutfile Get-ChildItem $nodeMetaOutfile } } # # A function to make sure that only valid resources are referenced within a node. It # operates off of the $Script:NodeResources dictionary. An empty dictionary is not # considered an error since this function is called at both the node level and the configuration # level. # This function also expand the dependsOn to composite resources # function ValidateNodeResources { Write-Debug -Message " Validating resource set for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" $newNodeResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,[string[]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) if ($Script:NodeResources) { foreach ($resourceId in $Script:NodeResources.Keys) { Write-Debug -Message " Checking node $resourceId" $newDependsOn = foreach ($requiredResource in $Script:NodeResources[$resourceId]) { # Skip resources that have no DependsOn. if ($requiredResource) { Write-Debug -Message " > Checking for required node $requiredResource" if (-not $Script:NodeResources.ContainsKey($requiredResource)) { Write-Debug -Message " > trying expand for required node $requiredResource" $expandedDependsOn = foreach($rId in $Script:NodeResources.keys) { if($rId.EndsWith($requiredResource, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { $rId } } if(-not $expandedDependsOn) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.RequiredResourceNotFound -f @($requiredResource, $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId RequiredResourceNotFound Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } else { $expandedDependsOn } } else { $requiredResource } } } if($newDependsOn) { $newNodeResources[$resourceId] = $newDependsOn } } if($newNodeResources) { foreach($id in $newNodeResources.keys) { $Script:NodeResources[$id] = $newNodeResources[$id] } } } Write-Debug -Message " Validation complete for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" } # # A function to make sure that only valid resources are referenced within the resource without node. # This function also expand the dependsOn to composite resources # function ValidateNoNameNodeResources { Write-Debug -Message ' Validating resource set for resources in the default configuration' $newNodeResources = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,[string[]]]' -ArgumentList ([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase) if ($Script:NoNameNodesResources) { foreach ($resourceId in $Script:NoNameNodesResources.Keys) { Write-Debug -Message " Checking node $resourceId" $newDependsOn = foreach ($requiredResource in $Script:NoNameNodesResources[$resourceId]) { # Skip resources that have no DependsOn. if ($requiredResource) { Write-Debug -Message " > Checking for required node $requiredResource" if (-not $Script:NoNameNodesResources.ContainsKey($requiredResource)) { Write-Debug -Message " > trying expand for required node $requiredResource" $expandedDependsOn = foreach($rId in $Script:NoNameNodesResources.keys) { if($rId.EndsWith($requiredResource, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { $rId } } if(-not $expandedDependsOn) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.RequiredResourceNotFound -f @($requiredResource, $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId RequiredResourceNotFound Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } else { $expandedDependsOn } } else { $requiredResource } } } if($newDependsOn) { $newNodeResources[$resourceId] = $newDependsOn } } if($newNodeResources) { foreach($id in $newNodeResources.keys) { $Script:NoNameNodesResources[$id] = $newNodeResources[$id] } } } Write-Debug -Message ' Validation complete for default resources.' } # # A function to make sure that only valid Manager are referenced within a node. It # operates off of the $Script:NodeManager dictionary. # An empty dictionary is not # considered an error since this function is called at both the node level and the configuration # level. # function ValidateNodeManager { Write-Debug -Message " Validating manager set for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" if ($Script:NodeManager) { foreach ($resourceId in $Script:NodeManager.Keys) { Write-Debug -Message " Checking node $resourceId" $refManagers = $Script:NodeManager[$resourceId] # Skip partial configuration that have no Manager. if ($refManagers) { Write-Debug -Message " > Checking for required manager $refManagers" foreach ($refManager in $refManagers) { if (-not $Script:NodeResources.ContainsKey($refManager)) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ReferencedManagerNotFound -f @($refManager, $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ReferencedManagerNotFound Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } } } } Write-Debug -Message " Validation complete for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" } # # A function to make sure that only valid resource source are referenced within a node. It # operates off of the $Script:NodeResourceSource dictionary. # An empty dictionary is not # considered an error since this function is called at both the node level and the configuration # level. # function ValidateNodeResourceSource { Write-Debug -Message " Validating resource source set for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" if ($Script:NodeResourceSource) { foreach ($resourceId in $Script:NodeResourceSource.Keys) { Write-Debug -Message " Checking node $resourceId" $refResourceSources = $Script:NodeResourceSource[$resourceId] # Skip partial configuration that have no Manager. if ($refResourceSources) { Write-Debug -Message " > Checking for required manager $refManagers" foreach ($refResourceSource in $refResourceSources) { if (-not $Script:NodeResources.ContainsKey($refResourceSource)) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ReferencedResourceSourceNotFound -f @($refResourceSource, $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ReferencedResourceSourceNotFound Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } } } } Write-Debug -Message " Validation complete for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" } # # A function to make sure that exclusive resources among partial configurations do not conflict with each other # it is already of format modulename\resourcName or modulename\* or resourceName # It also validate they exist function ValidateNodeExclusiveResources { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "", Target="", Scope="Function")] param() Write-Debug -Message " Validating exclusive resources for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" if ($Script:NodeExclusiveResources) { # map will be of format {moduleName, {Id=ResourceId; ContainsAll = $true/$false; Resources=@('r1','r2'...)}} $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap = @{} # map for resource that doesn't have module $NoModuleExclusiveResourceMap = @{} foreach ($resourceId in $Script:NodeExclusiveResources.Keys) { Write-Debug -Message " Checking node $resourceId" # Remove duplicate entries from exclusive Resource array $exclusiveResourceList = $Script:NodeExclusiveResources[$resourceId] | Select-Object -Unique foreach($refResource in $exclusiveResourceList) { $resourceSegs = $refResource -split '\\' if($resourceSegs.Length -eq 2) { if($null -eq $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]) { $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]] = @{ Id = $resourceId } if($resourceSegs[1] -eq '*') { $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['ContainsAll'] = $true } else { $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['ContainsAll'] = $false $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['Resources'] = @($resourceSegs[1]) } } else { # 'Module\Resource' in PartialConfiguration1 conflicts with 'Module\*' in PartialConfiguration2 # or 'Module\*' in PartialConfiguration1 conflicts with 'Module\Resource' in PartialConfiguration2 if(($resourceSegs[1] -eq '*') -or $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['ContainsAll']) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConflictInExclusiveResources -f @($ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['Id'], $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConflictInExclusiveResources Update-ConfigurationErrorCount break } # 'Module\Resource' in PartialConfiguration1 conflicts with 'Module\Resource' in PartialConfiguration2 # or 'Module\Resource' in PartialConfiguration1 conflicts with 'Resource' in PartialConfiguration2 elseif($ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['Resources'] -icontains $resourceSegs[1] ` -or $null -ne $NoModuleExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[1]]) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConflictInExclusiveResources -f @($ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['Id'], $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConflictInExclusiveResources Update-ConfigurationErrorCount break } else { $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap[$resourceSegs[0]]['Resources'] += @($resourceSegs[1]) } } } else # no module name, normally means binary resource { if($null -eq $NoModuleExclusiveResourceMap[$refResource]) { $resourceFound = $false $ModuleBasedExclusiveResourceMap.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if($_.Value.Resources -icontains $refResource) { $resourceFound = $true $ConflictingPartialConfigurationId = $_.Value.Id } } # 'Resource' in PartialConfiguration1 conflicts with 'Module\Resource' in PartialConfiguration2 if($resourceFound){ $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConflictInExclusiveResources -f @($ConflictingPartialConfigurationId, $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConflictInExclusiveResources Update-ConfigurationErrorCount break } $NoModuleExclusiveResourceMap[$refResource] = @{ Id = $resourceId } } # 'Resource' in PartialConfiguration1 conflicts with 'Resource' in PartialConfiguration2 else { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.ConflictInExclusiveResources -f @($NoModuleExclusiveResourceMap[$refResource]['Id'], $resourceId) $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId ConflictInExclusiveResources Update-ConfigurationErrorCount break } } } } } Write-Debug -Message " Validation complete for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" } # # A function to make sure that only valid resources are referenced within a node. It # operates off of the $Script:NodeResources dictionary. An empty dictionary is not # considered an error since this function is called at both the node level and the configuration # level. # it uses Tarjan strongly connected component algorithms # function ValidateNoCircleInNodeResources { Write-Debug -Message " Validating resource set for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" [int] $script:CircleIndex = 0 [System.Collections.Generic.Stack[string]] $script:resourceIdStack = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Stack[string]' [hashtable] $script:resourceIndex = @{} [hashtable] $script:resourceLowIndex = @{} [int] $script:ComponentDepth = 0 [int] $script:MaxComponentDepth = 1024 if ($Script:NodeResources) { foreach ($resourceId in $Script:NodeResources.Keys) { if($null -ne ($Script:NodeResources[$resourceId]) -and $Script:NodeResources[$resourceId].Contains($resourceId)) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.DependsOnLoopDetected -f "$resourceId->$resourceId" $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId DependsOnLoopDetected Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } if($null -eq $resourceIndex[$resourceId]) { $script:ComponentDepth = 0 StrongConnect($resourceId) } } } Write-Debug -Message " Validation circular reference completed for node: $(Get-PSCurrentConfigurationNode)" } function StrongConnect { param ([string]$resourceId) $script:resourceIndex[$resourceId] = $script:CircleIndex $script:resourceLowIndex[$resourceId] = $script:CircleIndex $script:CircleIndex++ $script:ComponentDepth++ if($script:ComponentDepth -gt $script:MaxComponentDepth) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.DependsOnLinkTooDeep -f $script:MaxComponentDepth $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId DependsOnLinkTooDeep Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } $script:resourceIdStack.Push($resourceId) foreach ($requiredResource in $Script:NodeResources[$resourceId]) { Write-Debug -Message " > Checking for required node $requiredResource" #$requiredResource is not visited yet if($null -ne ($requiredResource) -and ($null -eq $script:resourceIndex[$requiredResource])) { StrongConnect($requiredResource) $script:resourceLowIndex[$resourceId] = [math]::Min($script:resourceLowIndex[$resourceId], $script:resourceLowIndex[$requiredResource]) } elseif($script:resourceIdStack -Contains $requiredResource) { $script:resourceLowIndex[$resourceId] = [math]::Min($script:resourceLowIndex[$resourceId], $script:resourceIndex[$requiredResource]) } } if($script:resourceIndex[$resourceId] -eq $script:resourceLowIndex[$resourceId]) { $resourceCount = 0 $circularLinks = '' do { $a = $script:resourceIdStack.Pop() $circularLinks += "->$a" $resourceCount++ } while($a -ne $resourceId) if($resourceCount -gt 1) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.DependsOnLoopDetected -f $circularLinks $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId DependsOnLoopDetected Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } } # # Returns any validation error messages # function Test-MofInstanceText { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] $instanceText ) # Ignore empty instances... if ( $instanceText) { try { [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::ValidateInstanceText($instanceText) } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] { # Return the exception message from the inner most ErrorRecord $ErrorRecord = Get-InnerMostErrorRecord $_ $ErrorRecord.Exception.Message } } } # # Encrypt a password using CMS # function Get-EncryptedPassword { param ( [Parameter()] $Value = $null ) if($Node -and $selectedNodesData) { if($selectedNodesData -is [array]) { foreach($target in $selectedNodesData) { # Node name should be exactly the same as one defined in AllNodes # -eq does case in sensitive comparison if($target['NodeName'] -and $target['NodeName'] -eq $Node) { $currentNode = $target } } } else { $currentNode = $selectedNodesData } } # where user need to specify properties for resources not in a node, # they can do it through localhost nodeName in $allNodes elseif($allnodes -and $allnodes.AllNodes) { foreach($target in $allnodes.AllNodes) { if($target['NodeName'] -and $target['NodeName'] -eq 'localhost') { $currentNode = $target } } } if($currentNode) { # if Certificate is provided, it override PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword : bug 565167 # CertificateID is currently assumed to be the 'thumbprint' from the certificate # Protect-CmsMessage [-To] takes actual cert, path to cert file, path to a directory contains cert, thumbprint or subject name of cert # we only support cert file and thumbprint as before now $certificateid = $currentNode['CertificateID'] # If there is no certificateid defined, just return the original value... if ( -not $certificateid) { # CertificateFile is the public key file $certificatefile = $currentNode['CertificateFile'] if ( -not $certificatefile) { return $Value } else { $CmsMessageRecipient = $certificatefile } } else { $CmsMessageRecipient = $certificateid } } if($CmsMessageRecipient -and $Value -is [string]) { # Encrypt using the public key $encMsg = Protect-CmsMessage -To $CmsMessageRecipient -Content $Value # Reverse bytes for unmanaged decryption #[Array]::Reverse($encbytes) #$encMsg = $encMsg -replace '-----BEGIN CMS-----','' #$encMsg = $encMsg -replace "`n",'' #$encMsg = $encMsg -replace '-----END CMS-----','' return $encMsg } else { # passwords should be some type of string so this is probably an error but pass # back the incoming value. Also if there is no key, then we just pass through the # password as is. $Value } } # # Retrieve a public key that can be used for encryption. Matching on thumbprint # function Get-PublicKeyFromStore { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $certificateid ) $cert = $null foreach($certIndex in Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\LocalMachine\My) { if($certIndex.Thumbprint -match $certificateid) { $cert = $certIndex break } } if(-not $cert) { $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CertificateStoreReadError) -f $certificateid ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.InvalidOperationException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $certificateid -ErrorId 'InvalidPathSpecified' -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation } else { $cert } } # # Retrieve a public key that can be used for encryption. Certificate loaded from # a certificate file # function Get-PublicKeyFromFile { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $certificatefile ) try { $cert = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 if($cert) { $cert.Import($certificatefile) $cert } } catch { $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.CertificateFileReadError) -f $certificatefile ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.InvalidOperationException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $certificatefile -ErrorId 'InvalidPathSpecified' -ErrorCategory InvalidOperation } } ########################################################### # # Checksum generation functions. # ########################################################### #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # New-DscChecksum cmdlet is used to create corresponding checksum files for a specified file or folder #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function New-DscChecksum { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, HelpUri = '')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('ConfigurationPath')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $Path, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $OutPath = $null, [switch] $Force ) # Check validity of all configuration paths specified, throw if any of them is invalid for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $Path.Length ; $i++) { if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path[$i])) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.InvalidConfigPath -f $Path[$i] ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.ArgumentException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $Path[$i] -ErrorId 'InvalidConfigurationPath' -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument } } # If an OutPath is specified, handle its creation and error conditions if ($OutPath) { # If and invalid path syntax is specified in $Outpath, throw if(([System.IO.Path]::InvalidPathChars | ForEach-Object -Process { $OutPath.Contains($_) } ).IndexOf($true)[0] -ne -1) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.InvalidOutpath -f $OutPath ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.ArgumentException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $OutPath -ErrorId 'InvalidOutPath' -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument } # If the specified $Outpath conflicts with an existing file, throw if(Test-Path -Path $OutPath -PathType Leaf) { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.OutpathConflict -f $OutPath ThrowError -ExceptionName 'System.ArgumentException' -ExceptionMessage $errorMessage -ExceptionObject $OutPath -ErrorId 'InvalidOutPath' -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument } # IF THE CONTROL REACHED HERE, $OutPath IS A VALID DIRECTORY PATH WHICH HAS NO CONFLICT WITH AN EXISTING FILE # If $OutPath doesn't exist, create it if(!(Test-Path -Path $OutPath)) { $null = New-Item -Path $OutPath -ItemType Directory } $OutPath = (Resolve-Path $OutPath).ProviderPath } # Retrieve all valid configuration files at the specified $Path $allConfigFiles = $Path | ForEach-Object -Process { (Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Recurse | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Extension -eq '.mof' -or $_.Extension -eq '.zip' } ) } # If no valid config file was found, log this and return if ($allConfigFiles.Length -eq 0) { Write-Log -Message $LocalizedData.NoValidConfigFileFound return } # IF THE CONTROL REACHED HERE, VALID CONFIGURATION FILES HAVE BEEN FOUND AND WE NEED TO CALCULATE THEIR HASHES foreach ($file in $allConfigFiles) { $fileOutpath = "$($file.FullName).checksum" if ($OutPath) { $fileOutpath = "$OutPath\$($file.Name).checksum" } # If the Force parameter was not specified and the hash file already exists for the current file, log this, and skip this file if (!$Force -and (Get-Item -Path $fileOutpath -ErrorAction Ignore)) { Write-Log -Message ($LocalizedData.CheckSumFileExists -f $fileOutpath) continue } # Devise appropriate message $message = $LocalizedData.CreateChecksumFile -f $fileOutpath if (Test-Path -Path $fileOutpath) { $message = $LocalizedData.OverwriteChecksumFile -f $fileOutpath } # Finally, if the hash file doesn't exist already or -Force has been specified, then output the corresponding hash file if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($message, $null, $null)) { [String]$checksum = (Get-FileHash -Path $file.FullName -Algorithm SHA256).Hash WriteFile -Path $fileOutpath -Value $checksum } } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-DscChecksum #------------------------------------ # Utility to throw an error/exception #------------------------------------ function ThrowError { param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ExceptionName, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $ExceptionMessage, [System.Object] $ExceptionObject, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $errorId, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory] $errorCategory ) $exception = New-Object $ExceptionName $ExceptionMessage $ErrorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $ExceptionObject throw $ErrorRecord } #---------------------------------------- # Utility to write WhatIf or Verbose logs #---------------------------------------- function Write-Log { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $message ) if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($message, $null, $null)) { Write-Verbose -Message $message } } # WriteFile is a helper function used to write the content to the file function WriteFile { param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Value, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path) try { []$stream = New-Object -TypeName -ArgumentList ($Path, $false) try { [void] $stream.Write($Value) } finally { if ($stream) { $stream.Close() } } } catch { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.FileReadError -f $Path $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId InvalidPathSpecified Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } # # ReadEnvironmentFile imports the contents of a # file as ConfigurationData # function ReadEnvironmentFile { param( [parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $FilePath) try { $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path $FilePath } catch { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.FilePathError -f $FilePath $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId InvalidPathSpecified Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } try { $content = Get-Content $resolvedPath -Raw $sb = [scriptblock]::Create($content) $sb.CheckRestrictedLanguage($null, $null, $true) $sb.Invoke() } catch { $errorMessage = $LocalizedData.EnvironmentContentError -f $FilePath $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException -ArgumentList $errorMessage Write-Error -Exception $exception -Message $errorMessage -Category InvalidOperation -ErrorId InvalidEnvironmentContentSpecified Update-ConfigurationErrorCount } } function Get-DSCResourceModules { $listPSModuleFolders = $env:PSModulePath.Split([IO.Path]::PathSeparator) $dscModuleFolderList = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[System.String]]::new() foreach ($folder in $listPSModuleFolders) { if (!(Test-Path $folder)) { continue } foreach($moduleFolder in Get-ChildItem $folder -Directory) { $addModule = $false $dscFolders = Get-childitem "$($moduleFolder.FullName)\DscResources","$($moduleFolder.FullName)\*\DscResources" -ErrorAction Ignore if($null -ne $dscFolders) { $addModule = $true } if(-not $addModule) { foreach($psd1 in Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "$($moduleFolder.Name).psd1" -Path $moduleFolder.fullname -Depth 2) { $containsDSCResource = select-string -LiteralPath $psd1 -pattern '^[^#]*\bDscResourcesToExport\b.*' if($null -ne $containsDSCResource) { $addModule = $true } } } if($addModule) { $dscModuleFolderList.Add($moduleFolder.Name) } } } $dscModuleFolderList } ########################################################### # Get-DSCResource ########################################################### # # Gets DSC resources on the machine. Allows to filter on a particular resource. # It parses all the resources defined in the schema.mof file and also the composite # resources defined or imported from PowerShell modules # function Get-DscResource { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPositionalParameters", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")] [CmdletBinding(HelpUri = '')] [OutputType('Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.DscResourceInfo[]')] [OutputType('string[]')] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $Name, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Object] $Module, [Parameter()] [switch] $Syntax ) Begin { $initialized = $false $ModuleString = $null Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity $LocalizedData.LoadingDefaultCimKeywords $keywordErrors = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Exception]' # Load the default Inbox providers (keyword) in cache, also allow caching the resources from multiple versions of modules. [Microsoft.PowerShell.DesiredStateConfiguration.Internal.DscClassCache]::LoadDefaultCimKeywords($keywordErrors, $true) foreach($ex in $keywordErrors) { Write-Error -Exception $ex if($ex.InnerException) { Write-Error -Exception $ex. |