
function Write-ADOProgress {
        Writes AzureDevOps Progress
        Writes a progress record to the Azure DevOps pipeline.
        Write-ADOProgress -Activity "Doing Stuff" -Status "And Things" -PercentComplete 50

    # This text describes the activity whose progress is being reported.
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

    # This text describes current state of the activity.

    # Specifies an ID that distinguishes each progress bar from the others. Use this parameter when you are creating more than one progress bar in a single command.
    # If the progress bars do not have different IDs, they are superimposed instead of being displayed in a series.
    [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)]

    # Specifies the percentage of the activity that is completed.
    # Use the value -1 if the percentage complete is unknown or not applicable.
    [ValidateRange(-1, 100)]

    # Specifies the projected number of seconds remaining until the activity is completed.

    # This text describes the operation that is currently taking place.

    # Specifies the parent activity of the current activity.
    [ValidateRange(-1, 2147483647)]

    # Indicates the progress timeline operation is completed.

    begin {
        if (-not $script:ADOProgressIds) {
            $script:ADOProgressIds = @{}

    process {
        $isFirst = $false
        if (-not $script:ADOProgressIds[$id]) {
            $script:ADOProgressIds[$id] = [GUID]::NewGuid()
            $isFirst = $true
        if ($ParentId -and -not $script:ADOProgressIds[$ParentId]) {
            $script:ADOProgressIds[$ParentId] = [GUID]::NewGuid()
            $isFirst = $true

        $properties = @(
            if ($ParentId) {
            if ($isFirst) {
                if ($CurrentOperation) {
                } else {

            if ($PercentComplete -ge 0) {

            if ($Completed) {
            } else {

        $msg = @(
            if ($CurrentOperation) {
            if ($SecondsRemaining) {
                "(${SecondsRemaining}s remaining)"
        ) -join ' '

        $out = "##vso[task.logdetail $($properties -join ';')]$msg"

        if ($env:Agent_ID -and $DebugPreference -eq 'continue') {
            Write-Host $out
        } else {