
function Get-ADOBuild
        Gets Azure DevOps Builds, Definitions, and associated information.
        Gets Azure DevOps Builds or Definitions and associated information.
        Gets builds by default. To get build definitions, use -Definition
        Given a -BuildID, we can can get associated information:
        |Parameter | Effect |
        |-Artfiact | Get a list of all build artifacts |
        |-ChangeSet | Get the build's associated changeset |
        |-Log | Get a list of all build logs |
        |-LogID | Get the content of a specific LogID |
        |-Timeline | Gets the build timeline |
        |-BuildMetaData | Returns system metadata about the build |
        Given a -Definition ID, we can get associated information:
        |Parameter | Effect |
        |-Status | Gets the status of the build definition |
        |-Metric | Gets metrics about the build definition |
        |-Revision | Gets the revisions of a build definition|
        |-DefinitionMetadata| Gets metadata about a build definition |
        Get-ADOBuild -Organization StartAutomating -Project PSDevOps
        Get-ADOBuild -Organization StartAutomating -Project PSDevOps -Definition

    # The Organization

    # The Project

    # The server. By default
    $Server = "",

    # The api version. By default, 5.1-preview.
    $ApiVersion = "5.1-preview",

    # Build ID

    # If set

    # If set, returns system metadata about the -BuildID.

    # If set, will get artifacts from -BuildID.

    # If set, will get a list of logs associated with -BuildID

    # If provided, will retreive the specific log content of -BuildID

    # If set, will return the changeset associated with the build -BuildID.

    # If set, will return the build report associated with -BuildID.

    # If set, will return the timeline for build -BuildID

    # If set, will get build definitions.

    # If set, will get a specific build by definition ID

    # If set, will get the status of a defined build.

    # If set, will get definition properties

    # If set, will get revisions to a build definition.

    # If set, will get authorized resources for a build definition.

    # If set, will get metrics about a build definition.

    # If provided, will get the first N builds or build definitions

    # If provided, will only return builds for a given branch.

    # If provided, will only return builds one of these tags.

    # If provided, will only return builds queued after this point in time.

    # If provided, will only return builds queued before this point in time.

    # If provided, will only return builds with this result.

    # If provided, will only return build definitions that have been built after this date.

    # If provided, will only return build definitions that have not been built since this date.

    # If provided, will return build definition YAML. No other information will be returned.

    # A Personal Access Token

    # Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request. The default is the current user.
    # Type a user name, such as User01 or Domain01\User01, or enter a PSCredential object, such as one generated by the Get-Credential cmdlet.

    # Indicates that the cmdlet uses the credentials of the current user to send the web request.

    # Specifies that the cmdlet uses a proxy server for the request, rather than connecting directly to the Internet resource. Enter the URI of a network proxy server.

    # Specifies a user account that has permission to use the proxy server that is specified by the Proxy parameter. The default is the current user.
    # Type a user name, such as "User01" or "Domain01\User01", or enter a PSCredential object, such as one generated by the Get-Credential cmdlet.
    # This parameter is valid only when the Proxy parameter is also used in the command. You cannot use the ProxyCredential and ProxyUseDefaultCredentials parameters in the same command.

    # Indicates that the cmdlet uses the credentials of the current user to access the proxy server that is specified by the Proxy parameter.
    # This parameter is valid only when the Proxy parameter is also used in the command. You cannot use the ProxyCredential and ProxyUseDefaultCredentials parameters in the same command.

    begin {
        #region Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters
        $invokeParams = . $getInvokeParameters $PSBoundParameters
        #endregion Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters
        $authParams = @{} + $invokeParams

    process {
        $in = $_
        $ParameterSet = $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        if ($ParameterSet -eq $MyInvocation.MyCommand.DefaultParameterSet) {
            if ($in.BuildID) {
                $ParameterSet = 'build/builds/{buildId}'
                $buildID = $in.BuildID
            } elseif ($in.DefinitionID) {
                $ParameterSet = 'build/definitions/{definitionId}'
                $definitionID = $in.DefinitionID

        $invokeParams.Uri = # First construct the URI. It's made up of:
                "$server".TrimEnd('/') # * The Server
                $Organization # * The Organization
                $Project # * The Project
                '_apis' #* '_apis'
                . $ReplaceRouteParameter $ParameterSet #* and the replaced route parameters.
            ) -join '/')?$( # Followed by a query string, containing
                if ($First) {
                if ($BranchName) {
                    if ($BranchName -notlike '*/*') {
                        $BranchName = "refs/heads/$branchName"
                if ($After) {
                if ($before) {
                if ($BuiltAfter) {
                if ($NotBuiltSince) {
                if ($tag) {
                    "tagFilters=$($tag -join ',')"
                if ($BuildResult) {
                if ($ApiVersion) { # an api-version (if one exists)
            ) -join '&'

        $subtypename = @($parameterSet -replace '/{\w+}', '' -split '/')[-1].TrimEnd('s')
        $subtypeName =
            if ($subtypename -eq 'Build') {
            } else {
                '.' + $subtypename.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $subtypename.Substring(1)
        $invokeParams.PSTypeName = @( # Prepare a list of typenames so we can customize formatting:
            "$Organization.$Project.Build$subTypeName" # * $Organization.$Project.Build
            "$Organization.Build$subTypeName" # * $Organization.Build
            "StartAutomating.PSDevOps.Build$subTypeName" # * PSDevOps.Build

        if ($Detail)
            $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Detail')
            Invoke-ADORestAPI @invokeParams -Property @{
                Organization = $Organization
                Project = $Project
            } |
                Add-Member NoteProperty ChangeSet -Value (Get-ADOBuild @PSBoundParameters -ChangeSet) -Force -PassThru |
                Add-Member NoteProperty Timeline -Value (Get-ADOBuild @PSBoundParameters -Timeline) -Force -PassThru |
                Add-Member NoteProperty Artifacts -Value (Get-ADOBuild @PSBoundParameters -Artifact) -Force -PassThru |
                Add-Member NoteProperty Logs -Value (Get-ADOBuild @PSBoundParameters -Log) -Force -PassThru
        elseif ($DefinitionYAML)
            $definitionObject = Invoke-ADORestAPI @invokeParams
            if ($definitionObject.process.yamlFileName) {
                $repoParams = @{
                    Organization = $Organization
                    Project = $Project
                    ProviderName = $definitionObject.repository.type
                    RepositoryName = $
                    Path = $definitionObject.process.yamlfilename
                if ($ {
                    $repoParams.EndpointId = $
                Get-ADORepository @repoParams @authParams
            Invoke-ADORestAPI @invokeParams -Property @{
                Organization = $Organization
                Project = $Project