
function Write-ADOWarning
        Writes an ADO Warning
        Writes an Azure DevOps Warning
        Write-ADOWarning "Stuff hit the fan"

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "",
        Justification="Directly outputs in certain scenarios")]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Test-ForUnusableFunction", "",
        Justification="Directly outputs in certain scenarios")]
    # The Warning message.

    # An optional source path.

    # An optional line number.

    # An optional column number.
    [Alias('Column', 'Col')]

    # An optional Warning code.

    begin {
        $cmdMd = [Management.Automation.CommandMetaData]$MyInvocation.MyCommand

    process {
        #region Collect Optional Properties
        $properties = # Collect the optional properties
            @(foreach ($kv in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($kv.Key -eq 'Message') { continue } # (anything but Message).
                if (-not $cmdMd.Parameters.ContainsKey($kv.Key)) { continue }
            }) -join ';'
        #endregion Collect Optional Properties
        # Then output the Warning with it's message.
        $out = "##vso[task.logissue type=warning$(if ($properties){";$properties"})]$Message"

        if ($env:Agent_ID -and $DebugPreference -eq 'SilentlyContinue') {
            Write-Host $out
        } else {