
$RestVariable = [Regex]::new(@'
# Matches URL segments and query strings containing variables.
# Variables can be enclosed in brackets or curly braces, or preceeded by a $ or :
(?> # A variable can be in a URL segment or subdomain
    (?<Start>[/\.]) # Match the <Start>ing slash|dot ...
    (?<IsOptional>\?)? # ... an optional ? (to indicate optional) ...
        \{(?<Variable>\w+)\}| # ... A <Variable> name in {} OR
        \[(?<Variable>\w+)\]| # A <Variable> name in [] OR
        \$(?<Variable>\w+) | # A $ followed by a <Variable> OR
        \:(?<Variable>\w+) # A : followed by a <Variable>
    (?<IsOptional> # If it's optional it can also be
        [{\[](?<Start>/) # a bracket or brace, followed by a slash
    (?<Variable>\w+)[}\]] # then a <Variable> name followed by } or ]
| # OR it can be in a query parameter:
    (?<Start>[?&]) # Match The <Start>ing ? or & ...
    (?<Query>[\w\-]+) # ... the <Query> parameter name ...
    = # ... an equals ...
    (?<IsOptional>\?)? # ... an optional ? (to indicate optional) ...
        \{(?<Variable>\w+)\}| # ... A <Variable> name in {} OR
        \[(?<Variable>\w+)\]| # A <Variable> name in [] OR
        \$(?<Variable>\w+) | # A $ followed by a <Variable> OR
        \:(?<Variable>\w+) # A : followed by a <Variable>
, 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace')
foreach ($property in $this.psobject.properties) {
    if (-not $property.Name.EndsWith("_url")) { continue }
    $params = @(foreach ($match in $RestVariable.Matches($property.Value)) {
        '$' + $match.Groups["Variable"].Value
    }) -join ','
    $newMethodName = $property.Name.Substring(0, $property.Name.Length - 4) -replace '_'
    $newMethodName = 'Get' + $newMethodName.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $newMethodName.Substring(1)
    if (-not $this.$newMethodName) {
param($params) Invoke-GitRESTApi -Uri '$($property.Value)' -UrlParameter `$psboundParameters