
function New-ADOWorkItemType
        Creates custom work item types
        Creates custom work item types in Azure DevOps.

        Also creates custom rules or states for a work item type.
        Get-ADOProject -Organization StartAutomating -Project PSDevOps |
            Get-ADOWorkProcess |
                New-ADOWorkItemType -Name ServiceRequest -Color 'ddee00' -Icon icon_flame
        Get-ADOProject -Organization StartAutomating -Project PSDevOps | # Get a project
            Get-ADOWorkProcess | # Get it's process
            Get-ADOWorkItemType| # Get work item types
            Where-Object Name -eq 'Cmdlet' | # Filter the cmdlet type
            New-ADOWorkItemType -State Cancelled -Color 'ff2200' -StateCategory Removed # create a new state.

    [OutputType('PSDevOps.WorkItemType','PSDevOps.Rule', 'PSDevOps.State', 'PSDevOps.Behavior')]
    # The Organization

    # The process identifier. This can be piped in from Get-ADOWorkProcess.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,

    # The name of the custom work item type, custom work item type state, custom work item type rule, or custom work item type behavior.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0,
    [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0,

    # The name of the icon used for the custom work item.
    # To list available icons, use Get-ADOWorkItemType -Icon

    # The color of the work item type or state.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,

    # The description for the custom work item type.

    # The work item type the custom work item should inherit, or the backlog behavior that should be inherited.

    # If set, will create the work item type disabled.

    # If set, will associate a given work item type with a behavior (for instance, adding a type of work item to be displayed in a backlog)

    # If set, will make the given work item type the default within a particular behavior (for instance, making the work item type the default type of a backlog).

    # If set, will create a new state for a custom work item instead of a custom work item.

    # The Reference Name of a WorkItemType.
    [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,

    # If set, will create a new state for a custom work item instead of a custom work item.

    # The order of the a custom state for a custom work item.

    # The state category of a custom state for a custom work item.
    [ValidateSet('Proposed','InProgress','Resolved','Completed', 'Removed')]

    # The type of work item rule to create.
    [ValidateSet('when','whenChanged','whenNot', 'whenNotChanged',
        'whenValueIsNotDefined','whenWas', 'whenWorkItemIsCreated')]

    # The field for a given rule condition.

    # The value of a given rule condition.

    # The type of action run when the work item rule is triggered.

    # The target field for a given rule action.

    # The target value for a given rule action.

    # The server. By default
    # To use against TFS, provide the tfs server URL (e.g. http://tfsserver:8080/tfs).
    $Server = "",

    # The api version. By default, 5.1.
    # If targeting TFS, this will need to change to match your server version.
    # See:
    $ApiVersion = "5.1-preview"

    dynamicParam { . $GetInvokeParameters -DynamicParameter }
    begin {
        #region Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters
        $invokeParams = . $getInvokeParameters $PSBoundParameters
        #endregion Copy Invoke-ADORestAPI parameters
    process {
        $psParameterSet = $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        $in = $_
        if (-not $ProcessID -and $in.ProcessID) {
            $ProcessID = $in.ProcessID

        $uri = "$Server".TrimEnd('/') + (. $ReplaceRouteParameter $psParameterSet) + '?'
        if ($ApiVersion) {
            $uri += "api-version=$ApiVersion"

        $typeName = @($psParameterSet -split '/')[-1].TrimEnd('s') -replace
            'processe$', 'WorkProcess' -replace
            '\{ProcessId\}', 'WorkProcess'

        $invokeParams.Method = 'POST'
        $body = @{}
        foreach ($k in 'name','color','description','icon','inheritsFrom','isDisabled', 'order', 'stateCategory') {
            $body[$k] = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.PSVariable.Get($k).Value
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($body[$k])) { $body.Remove($k) }
            if ($body[$k] -is [switch]) {
                $body[$k] = ($body[$k].IsPresent -as [bool])

        if ($psParameterSet -like '*{ProcessId}/behaviors') {
            $body.inherits = $body.inheritsfrom

        if ($typeName -eq 'state' -or $typeName -eq 'behavior') {
        if ($RuleConditionType) {
            $i = 0
            $body.conditions =
                @(foreach ($rc in $RuleConditionType) {
                    $newRuleCondition = @{conditionType="$rc"}
                    if ($field -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Field[$i])) {
                        $newRuleCondition.field = $field[$i]
                    if ($value -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value[$i])) {
                        $newRulecondition.value = $value[$i]

        if ($RuleActionType) {
            $i = 0
            $body.actions =
                @(foreach ($ra in $RuleActionType) {
                    $newRuleAction = @{actionType="$ra"}
                    if ($TargetField -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($targetField[$i])) {
                        $newRuleAction.targetField = $targetField[$i]
                    if ($TargetValue -and -not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($TargetValue[$i])) {
                        $newRuleAction.value = $TargetValue[$i]

        if ($psParameterSet -like '*{ReferenceName}/behaviors') {
            $body = @{}
            $body.behavior = @{id=$BehaviorID}
            $body.isDefault = ($IsDefault -as [bool])

        $invokeParams.Body = $body
        $invokeParams.Uri = $uri
        if ($WhatIfPreference){
            return $invokeParams

        if ($psCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($invokeParams.Method) $($invokeParams.Uri)")) {
            Invoke-ADORestAPI @invokeParams -PSTypeName "$Organization.$typeName", "PSDevOps.$typeName" -Property @{
                Organization = $Organization
                Server = $Server