
function Register-ADOArtifactFeed
        Registers an Azure DevOps artifact feed.
        Registers an Azure DevOps artifact feed as a PowerShell Repository.
        thThis allows Install-Module, Publish-Module, and Save-Module to work against an Azure DevOps artifact feed.
        Register-ADOArtifactFeed -Organization MyOrg -Project MyProject -Name MyFeed -PersonalAccessToken $myPat

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText", "",
        Justification="Abstracting Credential Structure is part of the point")]
    # The name of the organization.

    # The Project

    # The name or ID of the feed.

    # The personal access token used to connect to the feed.

    # The email address used to connect

    # If provided, will create a repository source using a given name.
    # By default, the RepositoryName will be $Organization-$Project-$Name

    # If provided, will create a repository using a given URL.
    # By default, the RepositoryURL is predicted using -Organization, -Project, and -Name

    # If set, will remove the connection to an existing feed and then create a new one.

    begin {
        $psRepos = Get-PSRepository
    process {
        #region Check if Repository Already Exists
        $targetName   = if ($RepositoryName) { $RepositoryName }
                        elseif ($Project) { "${Organization}-${Project}-${Name}" }
                        else { "${Organization}-${Name}" }
        $targetSource = if ($RepositoryUrl)  { $RepositoryUrl }
                        elseif ($Project) { "$Organization/$Project/_packaging/$Name/nuget/v2" }
                        else { "$Organization/_packaging/$Name/nuget/v2" }
        $psRepoExists = $psRepos  |
            Where-Object {
                $_.Name -eq $targetName -or
                $_.SourceLocation -eq $targetSource

        if ($psRepoExists -and $Force) {
            $psRepoExists | Unregister-PSRepository
        } elseif ($psRepoExists) {
            Write-Verbose "Repository already exists: $($psRepoExists.Name)"
            return $psRepoExists
        #endregion Check if Repository Already Exists

        #region Create Credential and Register-PSRepository
        if (-not $PersonalAccessToken -and $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN) {
            $PersonalAccessToken = $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN

        if (-not $EmailAddress -and $PersonalAccessToken) {
            $EmailAddress = $PersonalAccessToken

        if (-not $EmailAddress -and -not $PersonalAccessToken) {
            Write-Error "Must provide a -PersonalAccessToken. Should provide an -EmailAddress"

        $repoCred = [Management.Automation.PSCredential]::new($EmailAddress, (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $PersonalAccessToken))

        Register-PSRepository -Name $targetName -SourceLocation $targetSource -PublishLocation $targetSource -InstallationPolicy Trusted -Credential $repoCred
        if ($?) {
            Get-PSRepository -Name $targetName
        #endregion Create Credential and Register-PSRepository