
.VERSION 1.0.0
.GUID ec461ea9-55b9-468a-8a71-a7545a65dec2
.AUTHOR Francois-Xavier Cat
.COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2018 François-Xavier Cat
.TAGS Disqus Comment XML
Initial Version

    Script to convert a Disqus comments present in a export file generated on Disqus to a PowerShell Object
    Note that the original format of the XML is not kept.
    The script will combine the threads and comments (called "post" in the Export) into one PowerShell object.
    I moved my website to static pages hosted on GitHub Pages.
    The current Comment System used is hosted externally in Disqus.
    I want to move that piece to files and use something like StaticMan
    This module will help me with that :-)
    Disqus Export can be found on the Disqus website under the admin portal: select "Community" and then "Export"
    A download link to a compressed GZ file will be send to your email.
    Specify the path to the Disqus Export
    .\PSDisqusImport.ps1 -Path MyDisqusExport.xml
    Convert a Disqus export to a PowerShell Object
    .\PSDisqusImport.ps1 -Path MyDisqusExport.xml | ConvertTo-Json
    Convert a Disqus export to a Json Object

    $ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
    $ScriptCommand =$MyInvocation.Line
    Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Command '$ScriptCommand'"
    Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Load the file '$(Resolve-Path -Path $Path)' and interprete the XML"
    $Disqus = Get-Content -Path $Path
    $DisqusXML = ([xml]$Disqus).disqus

    Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Retrieve threads"
    $AllThreads = $DisqusXML.thread

    Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Retrieve Comments"
    $AllComments = $

    Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Retrieve Comments properties"
    $Properties = $AllComments | Get-Member -MemberType Property

    Write-Verbose -Message "[$ScriptName] Starting process..."
    $AllComments | Foreach-Object -process {
        # Current Comment
        $Comment = $_
        # Create Hashtable
        $Post = @{}
        foreach ($prop in $
            if($prop -eq 'id')
                $Post.DsqID = $[0]
                $Post.ID = $[1]
            elseif($prop -eq 'author')
                $Post.AuthorName = $
                $Post.AuthorIsAnonymous = $
            elseif($prop -eq 'thread')
                $Post.ThreadId = $
                $ThreadInfo = $AllThreads | where-object -FilterScript {$[0] -eq $($Post.ThreadId)}
                    #$Post.ThreadPostPath = ''#if(($|Measure-Object).count -gt 1){$[1]}
                    $Post.ThreadPostLink = $ThreadInfo.Link
                    $Post.ThreadPostTitle = $ThreadInfo.title
                    $Post.ThreadCreatedAt = $ThreadInfo.CreatedAt
                    $Post.ThreadForum = $ThreadInfo.Forum
            elseif($prop -eq 'message')
                $Post.Message = $Comment.message.'#cdata-section'
                $Post.$prop = $Comment | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $prop |out-string
        # Return a PowerShell object for the current comment
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Post
    throw $_