
function Get-DokuAttachmentList {
        Returns a list of media files in a given namespace
        Returns a list of media files in a given namespace
    .PARAMETER DokuSession
        The DokuSession from which to get the attachments
    .PARAMETER Namespace
        The namespace to search for attachments
        PS C:\> Get-DokuAttachmentList -DokuSession $DokuSession -Namespace 'namespace'
        AndyDLP - 2018-05-26

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1,
                   HelpMessage = 'The DokuSession from which to get the attachments')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 2,
                   ValueFromPipeline = $true,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
                   HelpMessage = 'The namespace to search for attachments')]

    begin {

    } # begin

    process {
        foreach ($curr in $Namespace) {
            $APIResponse = Invoke-DokuApiCall -DokuSession $DokuSession -MethodName 'wiki.getAttachments' -MethodParameters @($curr)
            if ($APIResponse.CompletedSuccessfully -eq $true) {
                $MemberNodes = ($APIResponse.XMLPayloadResponse| Select-Xml -XPath "//struct").Node
                foreach ($node in $MemberNodes) {
                    $ChangeObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        FullName = ((($node.member)[0]).value.innertext)
                        Name = (($node.member)[1]).value.innertext
                        Size = [int](($node.member)[2]).value.innertext
                        VersionTimestamp = [int](($node.member)[3]).value.innertext
                        IsWritable = [boolean](($node.member)[4]).value.innertext
                        IsImage = [boolean](($node.member)[5]).value.innertext
                        Acl = [int](($node.member)[6]).value.innertext
                        LastModified = [datetime](($node.member)[7]).value.innertext
                        ParentNamespace = (((($node.member)[0]).value.innertext) -split ":")[-2]
                        RootNamespace = (((($node.member)[0]).value.innertext) -split ":")[0]
                    [array]$AttachmentList = $AttachmentList + $ChangeObject
            } elseif ($null -eq $APIResponse.ExceptionMessage) {
                Write-Error "Fault code: $($APIResponse.FaultCode) - Fault string: $($APIResponse.FaultString)"
            } else {
                Write-Error "Exception: $($APIResponse.ExceptionMessage)"
        } # foreach namespace
    } # process

    end {

    } # end