
function Send-DownloadLink
    Shares uploaded file.
    Uses New-Password for receiving random password.
    Sends Mail with sharelink to recipient.
    Send SMS with password to file to recipient.
    Base URL + "/api" -> Auto generated
    .PARAMETER Token
    Auth Token generated with Get-Token
    .PARAMETER Mobil
    Recipient mobile number imported from metadata
    Recipient mail imported from metadata.
    NodeID generated after closing UploadChannel
    Send-DownloadLink -APIUrl $APIUrl -Token $Token -Mobil $Person.Mobil -Mail $person.Mail -NodeID $NodeID
    Sends DL-Link with mandatory parameters.

    param (



    # Link und SMS
    $password = New-Password

    $parameter= @{
        showCreatorName = $true
        nodeId = $NodeID
        password = $password
        textMessageRecipients = @(


    # Erstelle Sharelink und Sende SMS
    try {
        $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$APIUrl/v4/shares/downloads" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $Token)} -Body (ConvertTo-Json $parameter) -ErrorAction Stop
        $content = ConvertFrom-Json $Response.content -ErrorAction Stop
        $LinkID = $
    catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Der im System erzeugte Downloadlink hat die ID $LinkID und ist mit dem Passwort $password geschützt."

    # Mailnotification
    try {
        $null = Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$APIUrl/v4/user/subscriptions/download_shares/$LinkID" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $Token)} -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {

    # Mailversand
    $Parameter= @{
        body = "Powered by DRACOON - Entwickelt von Philip Lorenz"
        recipients = @(

    $parameter = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 ($parameter)
    try {
        $null = Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$APIUrl/v4/shares/downloads/$LinkID/email" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers @{Authorization=("Bearer {0}" -f $Token)} -Body $Parameter -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Es wurde eine Mail an $mail versendet."
