
    Creates the following Methods on all PSCustomObjects in this session
     - ToArray

Update-TypeData -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" -WhatIf:$false -MemberType ScriptMethod -Force -MemberName "ToArray" -Value { #$ConvertToArrayOfPropertiesScript
    [Parameter(Position)][string]$AddPropertyNameAs = 'Name'
    ConvertTo-Array -InputObject $this -AddPropertyNameAs $AddPropertyNameAs #-ReadOnly

# world like to use ConvertTo-Array for this but because it works on a pipeline we can't detect 0 members
Update-TypeData -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" -WhatIf:$false -MemberType ScriptMethod -Force -MemberName "HasProperties" -Value { #$ConvertToArrayOfPropertiesScript
    $i = 0
    ($this.PSObject.Properties.GetEnumerator()) | foreach-Object {$i++}
    Write-Output ($i -ne 0)

# It really would be better to not have to put () at the end but it doesn't work as a property
# This actually hangs the whole system. We think due to
# Update-TypeData -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject" -MemberType ScriptProperty -Force -MemberName "ToArray" -Value { #$ConvertToArrayOfPropertiesScript
# & "$PSScriptRoot\ConvertTo-Array.ps1" -InputObject $this -ReadOnly