
Executes any function in a module (including private ones)
When debugging modules it is very useful to be able to execute private (non exported) functions
in-place rather than changing their accessibility
The Module name e.g. PSEasy.Utility
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The function to execute in the context of the module. e.g. Get-LogPath @blah
# execute private function in a module (debugging/testing)
Invoke-ModuleFunction 'PSEasy.Utility' {Get-LogPath @blah}
General notes
function Invoke-ModuleFunction {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)][string]$ModuleName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 2)][scriptBlock]$ScriptBlock

    $mod = Get-Module -Name $ModuleName | Import-Module -PassThru
    & $mod $ScriptBlock