
Removes properties from PSObject for specific conditions
.PARAMETER InputObject
Parameter description
Parameter description
instead of
$splat = @{}
if ($Param1) {
    $splat.Add('Param1', $Param1)
if ($Param2) {
    $splat.Add('Param2', $Param2)
Some-Function @splat
How about this. Increasingly more elegant when you have many of these.
$splat = @{
    Param1 = $Param1
    Param2 = $Param2
Remove-Property $splat -NullValues
Some-Function @splat
As an alternative to adding individual items to a hashtable if not blank
function Remove-Property {
        Justification = 'Changing temporary variable, so no need for should process'
        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline)]

    process {
        foreach ($property in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) {
            if ($NullValues -and $null -eq $property.Value) {